WPW Sunday Night on ESPN2 - September 3 / 2000



  "Shut 'Em Down [Remix]" by Onyx f. Big Pun & Noreaga played in the background of a montage of still footage recapping the events of last nights 'WPW King Of Kings'.  The show opened with the Quarterfinal Round of the tournament.  Chris Benoit advanced over Kidman in an awesome opener with a dragon suplex.  Triple H advanced over Sting with an assist from Kidman.  Mike Awesome advanced over Masato Tanaka with a Super Awesome Bomb.  Ken Shamrock advanced over Eddy Guerrero with the Ankle Lock.  Up next, The Hardy Boyz regained the WPW World Tag Team Titles defeating The Acolytes in a Double Tables Match.  We then had the Semi-Finals where Chris Benoit went over Triple H after a snap suplex through the announce table then a Swandive Headbutt.  Ken Shamrock defeated Mike Awesome by countering a Super Awesome Bomb with a backdrop through a table.  The Intercontinental Title was on the line as Kurt Angle defended against former champ, Booker T.  Angle tried to take the cheap way out and get DQ'ed but Booker turned the tables and used the IC Title belt on Angle but got DQ'ed in the process.  Angle attacked Booker after the match but was run off by The Acolytes.  In the King Of Kings Final, Shamrock and Benoit fought it out with Benoit reversing a superplex into a Super Tombstone for the win.  Benoit wins the King Of Kings.  In the Main Event it was Chris Jericho defending the WPW World Heavyweight Title against Goldberg.  Goldberg speared Jericho and went for the Jackhammer when MICK FOLEY entered the ring blasting Goldberg in the head with 2 chair shots.  Jericho hit the Lionsault and Foley made the referee count the fall allowing Jericho to retain the title.  The show closed with Foley and Jericho celebrating while Goldberg just walked away from the ring in disbelief...


  "Spit It Out" by Slipknot played in the background as the WPW Sunday Night on ESPN2 graphic comes up on the screen then fades away but not completely as a fast paced montage of WPW action including; Jeff Jarrett KO'ing Rikishi with a guitar, The Acolytes Double Team Power Bombing X-Pac, Sting hitting a Scorpion Death Drop on Ric Flair, Kurt Angle hitting the Angleplex on DDP, Chris Jericho with Eddy Guerrero in the Walls Of Jericho, a Swanton Bomb by Jeff Hardy on Shane Helms, Ric Flair with Sting in the Figure Four Leglock, Triple H hitting the Pedigree on Ken Shamrock, Billy Kidman plastering Ric Flair in the head with a chair, Goldberg spearing Triple H and much, much more.  The WPW Sunday Night on ESPN2 logo fades back into full then explodes...


  "Welcome To The Fold" by Filter blared over the PA as soon as we entered the arena and the fans stood up then out of the entrance walked MICK FOLEY and the fans booed.  A few steps behind came the WPW World Heavyweight Champion, "Y2J" Chris Jericho and even more jeers were heard from the crowd.  Once in the ring, Foley would take a microphone...


Mick Foley:  "Now I know you people want an explanation as to what went down last night and from the reaction that I just got, you don't deserve one but I'm going to give you one because it's in the best interest of the company and I'm going to tell you why.  You want to know why it's in the best interest of the company?  Because this is *MY* company.  You wondered who the mysterious owner of World Professional Wrestling was and now, it's been revealed that it's none other then Mick Foley.  You see, I busted my ass for fifteen years from every little ****hole in this country to every little ****hole all over the world and for the most part no one gave a damn about Cactus Jack.  Sure there'd be a small pop or I'd get a write-up in a sheet for some of the crazy bumps that I took but no one ever considered Mick Foley to be anything more then a sideshow.  I put my body on the line every single night for you people and it got me nowhere.  Finally after almost ten years in the business I finally got my shot in the World Wrestling Federation, they stuck a mask on me and still no one cared when I made The Undertaker look good or when I tore down the Spectrum with Shawn Michaels in '97.  They said, Mick Foley, he can be carried to a good match but he's simply not over.  I wasn't over because you people are sick.  Finally at the Hell In A Cell, I catipulted my body off a steel cage, I fell through a steel cage and damn near broke my back, my neck, and almost ended my career all for you so that you would realize how good I was and I could get ahead because I've got a family to feed.  You people disgust me, you're sick and you should be ashamed of yourselves because that wasn't enough for you.  You wanted more crazy dives, more violence, more of me putting my body on the line.  You think I don't feel pain?  You're stupid.  You see when you started to cheer me and chant my name, I let it go to my head but ever since I started up WPW.  I've had a chance to sit back and realize that you didn't give a damn about Mick Foley or my family, all you gave a damn about was seeing me get hurt and for that each and everyone of you can go to hell.  As for last night, I wasn't planning on interjecting myself in WPW affairs but Chris Jericho being champion is what is best for the company.  Chris Jericho earned everything he has in this business while Goldberg is undeserving and ungrateful.  I was just doing what was best for the company and keeping the title around the waist of Y2J is what is best for WPW..."


  'ONE...TWO...ZIS ON?!' came on out of nowhere as 'The Game' Triple H emerged from the entrance looking none too happy.  Triple H walked into the ring and took a microphone...


Triple H:  "Mick Foley, just who in the hell do you think you are to decide that Chris Jericho is the best World Heavyweight Champion for this company?  Where were you when I was fighting Goldberg?  Why wasn't I let in on this master plan?"


Mick Foley:  "Hold on a second, Triple H and look at it from a business point of view.  If we do things my way, if you and Y2J work together to make sure that what I want happens then we all win.  You add another zero at the end of your paycheck and we all go home happy."


Triple H:  "Now you're talking Foley.  That belt means more then almost anything in the world to me except money.  Now as much as I want that belt, and as much as I don't care for you, Jericho.  I'm willing to work together to make this work but remember this, either of you two screw me over, you will pay because no one messes with The Game..."


  Chris Jericho and Triple H shake hands then Triple H shakes hands with Mick Foley...


"The Kings" by Run DMC then blared over the loudspeakers as Kidman, Road Dogg, and X-Pac stormed out and into the ring...


Road Dogg:  "Hunter, what're you doing?  You can't side with Mick Foley after the stuff he pulled last night.  He can't be trusted.  Just stick with D-Generation X and we'll run this show like we always have because we ain't going along with Foley so it's either us or Foley."


Triple H:  "I've made my decision but you guys are my friends and let's make this a mutual parting of the ways, no hard feelings because this is simply business, right?"


Road Dogg:  "Ri..."


  Kidman nailed Road Dogg in the back then Triple H nailed X-Pac.  Triple H and Kidman pounded on the two and laid them out...


Triple H:  "Road Dogg ...  X-Pac ... Take your DX and shove it up your ass!"


Chris Jericho:  "Kidman ... welcome into 'The Elite.'  Together, we will make sure that jackasses like Goldberg don't get titles or win matches.  We will make sure that we are the cornerstones of this company like we have earned our positions and now its time for us to collect."


Mick Foley:  "Oh and one last thing, Have A Nice Day, hahaha."


  We then went to a break then back to the announcers table where Scott Hudson and Jerry Lawler discussed what just went down then said we've got a great show lined up tonight and sent us to the ring...


Opening Match: Grandmaster Sexay v. Kaz Hayashi.  "Rump Shaker" by W-N-E brought out Too Cool's Grandmaster Sexay to the ring.  Then, "Somebody Someone" by KoRn blared over the loudspeakers as Kaz Hayashi made his way out to the ring in black pants with "Jung" down one leg and "Dragons" down the other.  This is Kaz's WPW debut.  This would be a high flying match between the two men until Sexay hit a russian legsweep on Kaz.  Then signalled for the Flying Legdrop but Yung Yang hit the ring and distracted the referee then Jamie-San came in and shoved Sexay off the top rope.  Kaz went out to the apron and came in catching Sexay with the Slingshot DDT for the one-two-three!  Kaz is victorious in his debut thanks to his fellow Jung Dragons...


WINNER: Kaz Hayashi in 3:50.

Rating: ** 1/4


After the match, the Jung Dragons continued to triple team on Grandmaster Sexay until Scottie Too Hottie hit the ring and cleared it of the Jung Dragons...


  "The Kings" by Run DMC blared over the loudspeakers as Road Dogg and X-Pac stormed into the ring and X-Pac took a microphone...


X-Pac:  "Triple H! KIDMAN!  You two sons of a bitches are back there somewhere having a good laugh at us but the laughing will end tonight.  Bring both of you out here later on cause we want a tag team match.  We're going to show you that Mick Foley is not the way to go..."


Road Dogg:  "You told us to shove DX up our ass?  Well, Triple H, DX made you and we bleed in DX green and tonight we're gonna break you."


On the big screen came, Triple H and Kidman standing up with Jericho and Foley seated in the background...


Triple H:  "Road Dogg, X-Pac, the two of you are nothing more the coattail riders.  You came along for the ride and tonight your spotlight got cut off and shut off.  We accept your challenge for tonight and we will show why we are 'The Elite' because we are just that damn good..."


It's set later tonight in the Main Event, DX explodes...


Match #2: The Holly Cousins vs. Mikey Whipwreck & Tajiri.  Crash and Hardcore Holly made their way out to the ring for our next match.  Then, "Bombtrack" by Rage Against The Machine hit as two men making their WPW debut and an unlikely team, an 'Unholy Alliance' of sorts, Mikey Whipwreck and Tajiri headed out to the ring.  Both these two men have very sadistic characteristics but the fans seemed to take to them in this match.  Whipwreck and Tajiri worked very well together with lots of crisp double team maneuvers.  They're crazy and wacky but are great wrestlers and a great tag team.  In the end, Whipwreck would hit the Whippersnapper on Hardcore Holly then tagged in Tajiri who came in and drilled Holly with the Brain Buster for the victory.  An impressive debut for 'The Unholy Alliance' of Mikey Whipwreck and Tajiri...


WINNERS: The Unholy Alliance in 3:26.

Rating: * 1/4


After the match, a man in a red and black suit and cane walked out of the entrance with a microphone...


  "Some people have referred to me as the 'Sinister Minister' and perhaps I fit that title.  Perhaps I am evil but aren't we all evil?  Aren't we all just a little crazy?  Mikey Whipwreck and Tajiri represent our crazy sides and that's why you love them.  They're not your typical tag team but they're a great tag team.  WPW beware because we're here and we aren't leaving..."


Backstage, Sting had some comments...


Sting:  "Kidman, you cost me an opportunity to be the King of Kings and when an unjustice is done to me then I get revenge.  Kidman, tonight I make an example out of Rikishi and send you a message..."


Match #3: Sting v. Rikishi.  "Seek And Destroy" blared over the loudspeakers as Sting made his way out to the ring.  Then, "LA LA [Inst.]" by CNN brought Rikishi to the ring.  Sting opened up on Rikishi but Rikishi turned the tide and destroyed Sting for a minute until Sting came back and just ran through Rikishi and dominated Rikishi like no one has.  Sting would finish off Rikishi with a Scorpion Death Drop in no time.  Sting is a man on a mission to avenge his loss at King Of Kings and take it out on Kidman.


WINNER: Sting in 2:13.

Rating: 1/4*


  We returned with Michael Cole in the ring...


Cole:  "Ladies and gentlemen, last night this man outlasted three matches to become the first annual King Of Kings and at WPW Battle Ground 2000 he will receive a WPW Intercontinental Title shot ... The Canadian Crippler ... CHRIS BENOIT!"


  "Surfacing" by Slipknot blasted over the loudspeakers as Chris Benoit made his way out and into the ring where he took the microphone...


Chris Benoit:  "Thank you, Michael.  Last night, I went through Kidman, I went through Triple H and I went through Ken Shamrock to earn the right to be the King Of Kings.  I'm a modest man but that was one hell of a tournament last night.  Eight of the best in this sport and I came out on top and I did it through hard work not shortcuts.  I have to hand it to the other seven men because even making it to the Pay-Per-View was an accomplishment.  Enough talking about last night, let's talk about Kurt Angle and the WPW Intercontinental Title.  Now I may not be American but I think I can speak for these fans when I say, Kurt Angle, you're not a Hero and when I think of a champion, I don't think of you.  At Battle Ground, you're going to have to prove to The Crippler that you are a worthy I-C Champion.  Now not to sound gready but I want more...  Next week, Chris Jericho, I want you in this ring, one on one for the World Heavyweight Title.  I think I proved myself last night to be a worthy contender.  Take Foley, take your 'Elite' and leave them in the back and face me next week..."


  "Stress" by Godsmack would interrupt Benoit as the man that he defeated in the Finals last night, Ken Shamrock walked out to the ring with a microphone and got close to Benoit...


Shamrock:  "For the past 24 hours something has been eating away at me and I've got to get it off my chest.  I've gone over and over in my head how close it was last night.  How that match could have gone either way and how I could be standing where you are, how I could be the one with the I-C Title shot, how I could be challenging the World Heavyweight Champion but I'm not.  You are and that means I've got to do something that I don't want to do but I know I've got to do it.  Chris Benoit ... I want to shake your hand."


  Ken Shamrock extended a hand and the two shook hands then hugged...


Shamrock:  "Good luck and remember, The Four Horsemen may be dead in theory but they live on through us and I've still got your back."


Chris Benoit:  "Ken, you're right last night could have gone either way and it could just as easily be you standing here the King Of Kings and if I ever need help, I know who to ask.  As for Chris Jericho, I hope you accept because I'll finish what Goldberg started."


Match #4: The Acolytes v. Latino World Order.  "Ironman" by Black Sabbath blasted over the loudspeakers as the former WPW World Tag Team Champions, The Acolytes made their way out to the ring and weren't in a good mood at all.  Then, "La Raza" hit as Juventud Guerrera and Papi Chulo of the LWO made their way out.  This was a matchup of power against speed.  Juvy and Papi had to keep it quick and not get caught in the grasp of Faarooq and Bradshaw.  The match went back and forth until Papi went for a moonsault bodyblock on Faarooq but Faarooq caught him and drove him down with the Dominator.  Faarooq made the cover and Juvy came in but Bradshaw cut him off with a kick to the head while the referee counted Papi down for the 3!  The Acolytes get back on the winning track.


WINNERS: The Acolytes in 7:23.

Rating: * 1/2


After the match, Eddy Guerrero hit the ring with a chain and started working over The Acolytes until Booker T hit the ring and ran off the LWO returning the favor from last night...


Match #5: Dean Malenko (c) vs. Kid Kash - WPW Television Title.  "Money, Power, Respect" brought the young, brass, and arrogant, Kid Kash out to the ring.  Then, "Change" by Deftones sounded as the WPW Television Champion, 'The Shooter' Dean Malenko came out.  Malenko was impressed with Kash in Kash's loss to Malenko on WPWSN and offered him a handshake but Kash arrogantly brushed him off.  Malenko has decided to give Kash another crack at the gold.  This would be another very good and very close matchup between the two men as Kid Kash continued to be very impressive.  The closing moments of the match would see Kash nail a flying dropkick on Malenko.  Kash then went for the MONEY MAKER! NO! MALENKO ROLLS DOWN THE BACK WITH A SUNSET FLIP! ONE! TWO! THREE!  Malenko retains the WPW TV Title out of nowhere again!


WINNER: Dean Malenko in 6:08.

Rating: **

(Dean Malenko retained the WPW Television Title.)


Afterwards, Malenko was again very impressed with Kid Kash and offered him another handshake and Kash looked like he was going to accept but pulled back and walked away cursing at himself and ringside fans.  Malenko looked on as to say, "He's just young..."


  "My Hero" by Foo Fighters sounded as the WPW Intercontinental Champion, 'The American Hero' Kurt Angle emerged from the entrance with a microphone...


Kurt Angle:  "Your Olympic Hero has arrived!  Last night, just like the Olympic Gold Medalist that I am and greatest Intercontinental Champion in WPW history, I overcame all the odds from that rulebreaking villain Booker T and walked out still your Intercontinental Champion!  Thank you, thank you.  Now I come here tonight to find out that Chris Benoit will challenge for my gold at Battle Ground.  Well, do I have something to say about that, yes, I do.  Chris Benoit, it was a great feet winning the King Of Kings but that was just because I was not placed in the tournament or else, just like in the Olympics, I would be King.  Chris Benoit, maybe it's because your stupid or maybe it's because your Canadian or maybe those two go hand in hand but come Battle Ground, you have no chance of taking my gold and that my friends is true!"


Main Event: Triple H & Kidman v. Road Dogg & X-Pac.  "ONE! TWO! ZIS ON?!" was heard as 'The Game' Triple H and 'The Man' Kidman emerged from the entrance and headed out to the ring for this tag team matchup while Mick Foley followed behind and joined the announce team.  Foley said that he had no comment on whether Jericho will face Benoit next week.  Then, "The Kings" by Run DMC blared over the PA as the lone DX'ers Road Dogg and X-Pac charged the ring and started things off with a brawl.  The match would continue as a brawl for several minutes until it settled down then went back and forth for the most part with Road Dogg and X-Pac feeding off the energy of the crowd.  The closing moments of the match would see Road Dogg go for the Pumphandle Slam on Kidman but Triple H came in and caught Road Dogg with a clothesline.  X-Pac came in and tried a spin kick but Triple H ducked, kicked X-Pac and drilled him with the Pedigree.  Meanwhile, Kidman hit a spinebuster bomb on Road Dogg then went up top and hit the Shooting Star Press for the one...two...THREE!  Triple H and Kidman are victorious over DX!


WINNERS: Triple H and Kidman in 7:01.

Rating: * 1/2


After the match, Triple H and Kidman kicked Road Dogg and X-Pac out of the ring while they celebrated with Owner Mick Foley in the ring to end the show.  A new era has just begun in WPW and we ask ourselves many questions concerning the future of WPW including, where's Goldberg?



WPW News & Notes-:



-WPW has signed The Full Blooded Italians' Guido Maritato and Tony Mamaluke to 35 card contracts.


-WPW has signed 'The Unholy Alliance' Tajiri & Mikey Whipwreck to 40 card contracts.


-WPW has signed the Jung Dragons to 30 card contracts.


-WPW has parted ways with Road Dogg and X-Pac.


-Jeff Jarrett has walked out of the WPW to head to a rival promotion due to the lack of push he has received in WPW.


-I guess some people in this business just have an inflated ego and believe in their own characters, 'tis the case with Kid Kash.  He couldn't last in ECW and has given his notice in WPW as well.  We hope young Mr. Kash gets his ego in check if he wants to be somebody in this business...


-Too Cool have 1 card remaining.

-Al Snow has 2 cards remaining.

-The Acolytes have 3 cards remaining.

-Booker T has 5 cards remaining.

-Kidman has 7 cards remaining.

-Eddy Guerrero has 7 cards remaining.

-The Holly Cousins have 8 cards remaining.