WPW Sunday Night on ESPN2 - July 16 / 2000



The show opened with highlights from last week as Mike Awesome arrived in WPW filling the role as Chris Jericho's 'Insurance Policy'.  Jericho would announce Al Snow as his tag team partner for the Main Event while Goldberg made it clear he wasn't asking anyone for help.  The Acolytes became #1 Contenders.  Papi Chulo upset Jeff Jarrett then got beat up by Double J and Eddy Guerrero only to be saved by the debuting, Juventud Guerrera.  Kidman issued the challenge to Ric Flair for a Career versus Hair Match.  Shamrock & Malenko battled Road Dogg & X-Pac to a debut.  Kidman got the win over Chris Benoit after some help from Triple H.  Sting returned with a new look to team up with Goldberg against Y2J and Al Snow in the Main Event.  Sting took the win over Al Snow in this match.  After the match, Mike Awesome would Awesome Bomb Goldberg on the rampway while Al Snow snapped on Sting in the ring as Jericho proclaimed ... "JERICHO 2 - GREENBERG 0!"


"Spit It Out" by Slipknot played in the background as the WPW Sunday Night on ESPN2 graphic comes up on the screen then fades away but not completely as a fast paced montage of WPW action including; Jeff Jarrett KO'ing Rikishi with a guitar, The Acolytes Double Team Power Bombing X-Pac, Sting hitting a Scorpion Death Drop on Ric Flair, Kurt Angle hitting the Angleplex on DDP, Chris Jericho with Eddy Guerrero in the Walls Of Jericho, a Swanton Bomb by Jeff Hardy on Shane Helms, Ric Flair with Sting in the Figure Four Leglock, Triple H hitting the Pedigree on Ken Shamrock, Billy Kidman plastering Ric Flair in the head with a chair, Goldberg spearing Triple H and much, much more.  The WPW Sunday Night on ESPN2 logo fades back into full then explodes...


   "Sprach Zarathustra" blared over the loudspeakers as The Four Horsemen emerged from the entrance in full force as 'The Nature Boy' Ric Flair, 'The Crippler' Chris Benoit, 'The Worlds Most Dangerous Man' Ken Shamrock and the WPW Television Champion, 'The Shooter' Dean Malenko.


Dean Malenko:  "For the past two weeks, myself and Ken Shamrock have been battling X-Pac and Road Dogg to non decisive finishes and while that might sit well with DX, it doesn't sit well with us.  So at International Incident, we're going to surround the ring with a steel cage and there will be no escape, there will be no disqualifications, there will be no countouts, and the only way to win is by pinfall or submission."


Ken Shamrock:  "As for tonight, Hardy Boyz, you've been great champions and we respect your ability but it'll be us walking out with the World Tag Team Titles..."


Chris Benoit:  "Triple H, you proved yet again what kind of a man you are last week when you jumped me from behind and gave me the Pedigree allowing Kidman to score the win.  I've been talking to Commissioner Dibiase and at International Incident, you're going to have to step into my country, into my ring, into my domain and we're going to find out if you really are that damn good."


Ric Flair:  "First off I'd like to apoligize to the fans and to the Horsemen for my absence last week as I attended my son Reid's amateur wrestling tournament but that was last week and now I'm back and there's business to be dealt with.  Triple H, tonight it's going to be me and you in the Main Event and unlike the last time we met, you're going to be down on the mat counting the lights but don't worry I'll leave a piece of you left over for the Crippler. Now that brings me to Kidman.  Kidman, I watched your challenge to a Career versus Hair Match.  Do you actually think that those are even stakes?  Your greasy hair for the career of a 17 time World Heavyweight Champion?  What did you think that after I pinned you one-two-three that I'd come out here and put my career on the line?  A career that has seen me style and profile, wrestle the Funks, the Dusty Rhodes, the Briscos, the Von Erichs, the Harts, Anotonio Inoki, the list goes on and on.  Anyone who is or has been anyone in this business has had to walk that aisle and step in the ring against Ric Flair.  Kidman, do you think that after all these years that I'd put my career on the line just to kick your ass again?  If you think that then you're right ... ... At International Incident in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, I will walk that aisle and I will style and profile and I will put my career on the line against your hair and after the match is said and done you will be bald ... WHOOOO!  Now everyone in the building, everyone around the world must be scratching their heads, asking why Ric?  Why would you risk it all against a punk like Kidman?  Well I'll tell you why.  In all my career, I've been called everything and I admit to being the dirtiest player in the game but one thing that no one could ever call the Nature Boy was a coward.  I battled and fought my wars, I've bled, I've sweat and I've shed tears more then anyone in this sport and Kidman, if you really are the next one.  If you are really ready to step it up, we'll find out at the pay-per-view because if I don't have it in me to beat you a second time then it's time for 'The Nature Boy' to step aside one last time but mark my words, Kidman, if you're going to take the career of the Nature Boy, you're gonna have to earn it, pal.  WHOOOOOOOO!"


With that we headed to the announcers table where Scott Hudson and Terry Taylor welcomed us to the show and said that tonight we'll see the WPW in-ring debut of Juventud Guerrera as he teams with Papi Chulo.  Jeff Jarrett and Eddy Guerrero will square off against Too Cool.  WPW Intercontinental Champion, Booker T will face WPW newcomer, 'Lord' Steven Regal in a non-title bout.  Sting will return to one-on-one competition against X-Pac.  The Hardy Boyz defend their World Tag Team Titles against Ken Shamrock and Dean Malenko.  In the Main Event, Ric Flair will face Chris Jericho.  In addition to that Chris Jericho claims to have a monster challenge plus more...


Opening Match: Juventud Guerrera & Papi Chulo v. Ultraman Jr. & Tommy Rogers.  We returned with Ultraman Jr. & Tommy Rogers already in the ring when "Big Pimpin'" by Jay-Z blared over the loudspeakers as the team of Juventud Guerrera and Papi Chulo headed out to the ring.  This would be a really good match as Rogers and Ultraman put up a really good fight with lots of high flying moves of their own but the team of Juvy and Papi was just too much to handle with their amazing double team moves and daredevil style.  The closing moments of the match would see Tommy Rogers go for the Tomikaze on Juvy but Chulo came in and nailed Rogers with a spinning heel kick.  Ultraman came in and whipped Chulo into the corner but Chulo walked the ropes and would hit a Moonsault on Ultraman Jr.  Juventud would then drive Rogers into the canvas with the Juvy Driver.  Juvy pulled Rogers over to one corner while Chulo pulled Ultraman over to the other.  Both men climbed to the top of their corners and both nailed 450 Splashes in an amazing site!  Juvy pinned Rogers for the one-two-three!  What a debut for this new team in WPW!  Jeff Jarrett and Eddy Guerrero are going to have one helluva fight on their hands at International Incident.


WINNERS: Juventud Guerrera and Papi Chulo in 4:24.

Rating: *** 1/2




The challenger for the World Heavyweight Title, "Y2J" Chris Jericho emerged from the entrance flanked by his personal 'Insurance Policy' Mike Awesome.  Jericho headed down to the ring and grabbed a microphone as the fans booed him...


Chris Jericho:  "Welcome to Sunday Night Jericho!  I am your party host, your role model and your paragon of virtue, and I am your next World Heavyweight Champion, I am 'Y2J' CHRIS JERICHO.  Everyone knows that at International Incident, Y2J is going to beat the living hell out of Greenberg but for the few of you that chant 'GOLDBERG' and actually think he has a shot against Y2J then this is for you.  When Y2J says he's got a major challenge, I'm not messing around.  Greenberg, I can't wait until next Saturday, get your overgrown, overrated, bald headed ass out here right now and let's not wait until International Incident, jack."


'Invasion' hit and out from the entrance through the pyro came GILLBERG!  Jericho readied himself in the ring as Gillberg headed towards the ring mocking Goldberg.  Gillberg got in the ring and ran at Jericho for a spear but Mike Awesome stepped in front and stopped Gillberg.  Awesome then set up Gillberg and drilled him with an AWESOME BOMB!  Jericho locked on the Walls of Jericho while Awesome held the microphone for him...


Chris Jericho:  "GREENBERG .. In just under two weeks, it'll be you in the Walls Of Jericho, it'll be YOU tapping out to the Walls Of Jericho and it'll be JERICHO - WORLD CHAMPION ... GREENBERG - FORMER CHAMPION!!!"


Jericho released the hold and Awesome kicked Gillberg out of the ring as the fans were chanting for 'GOLDBERG!' while Scott Hudson informed us that Goldberg hasn't even ARRIVED at the building yet due to flight troubles but is on his way...


Match #2: Too Cool v. Jeff Jarrett & Eddy Guerrero.  "Rump Shaker" by Wreck-N-Effectz blared over the PA as Scottie Too Hottie & Grandmaster Sexay, Too Cool made their way out to the ring for this next matchup.  Then, "Cowboy" by Kid Rock sounded as 'Double J' Jeff Jarrett and Eddy Guerrero walked down to the ring.  Too Cool were doing a little dancing in their corner working up the crowd when JJ & Eddy struck to start this match.  We would soon get down to one-on-one as these two teams battled back and forth for several minutes of solid mat action.  The closing moments of this match would see Jeff Jarrett go for the Stroke on Grandmaster Sexay but Scottie Too Hottie came in and hit a faceslam on Jarrett!  Scottie then readied himself for the Worm.  Scottie hopped then started the Worm only for Eddy Guerrero to connect with a springboard dropkick!  Guerrero would then throw Scottie out of the ring.  Jarrett got to his feet and would lock Grandmaster Sexay in the Figure Four Leglock near the corner.  Jarrett reached out and tagged Guerrero.  Guerrero went up top and with Sexay still in the Figure Four, Guerrero connected with the Frog Splash!  Jarrett released the hold and went to work on Scottie on the outside while Guerrero got the three count!


WINNERS: Jeff Jarrett and Eddy Guerrero in 5:17.

Rating: * 3/4



After the match, Guerrero rolled to the outside and started double teaming Scottie with Jarrett until the crowd roared as RIKISHI charged out and took care of Jarrett and Guerrero!  Double J and Eddy would head towards the back as Rikishi helped Scottie up and into the ring.  Grandmaster grabbed some glasses and put them on Scottie and himself then gave a pair to Rikishi.  The lights dimmed as the crowd roared for the return of the big man.  They started dancing until RIKISHI nails Scottie with a clothesline!  Rikishi hits Grandmaster with a savate kick!  Rikishi throws down his glasses and stomps on them!  Rikishi pulls both men into the corner and DOUBLE STINK FACE!  Rikishi has turned on Too Cool!  Rikishi then left the ring as the fans booed him


  We went backstage where Michael Cole got comments from the WPW World Tag Team Champions, The Hardy Boyz...


Jeff Hardy:  "Tonight we have a title defense against Ken Shamrock and Dean Malenko proving that we duck no challengers and put our titles on the line against anyone and everyone.  Here we stand still in one piece and still World Tag Team Champions."


Matt Hardy:  "Tonight will be no different, Malenko, Shamrock, we're not going to give you an opportunity for the Cloverleaf or Ankle Lock and we will still be World Tag Team Champions at the end of the night.  As for The Acolytes, we've beaten you before and we'll do it again."


Match #3: WPW Intercontinental Champion, Booker T v. Steven Regal - Non-Title.  "Lord" Steven Regal made his way out to the ring first for his WPW debut.  Regal had his nose up in the air looking down on everyone else as he just oozed with arrogance.  Then, "Party Up" by DMX blared over the loudspeakers as pyro shot up then the WPW I-C Champion, Booker T made his way out to the ring for this non-title bout.  Regal would take Booker T to the mat to try and avoid Booker's high impact offense.  The closing moments of the match would see Kurt Angle swagger out of the entrance.  This caught the attention of Booker T allowing Regal to come from behind and lock up Booker for a dragon suplex but Booker countered it with some quick back elbowsmashes then drove Regal into the mat with an uranage!  WPW officials then came from the back and prevented Angle from approaching the ring.  Booker T headed to the top rope and would nail the HARLEM HANGOVER on Regal!  Booker T made the cover for the one...two...THREE!  Booker T has brought back the Harlem Hangover!  Regal put up a really good fight in his debut and has a bright future in WPW..


WINNER: Booker T in 6:41.

Rating: ***


  We went backstage where Michael Cole informed us that Goldberg hasn't arrived yet but his limousine is on route to the arena and as soon as he arrives, he'll be shown the Jericho incident from earlier in the night...


Match #4: Sting v. X-Pac.  "Seek And Destroy" by Metallica brought the new look Sting out to the ring for our next matchup.  Then, "X-PAAAAAAAC" was heard as X-Pac headed out to the ring to face Sting.  X-Pac went right to work on the injured arm of Sting that Al Snow worked over last week.  This would be X-Pac's target in this match as he controlled the match and used kicks on the arm and some submissions.  The closing moments of the match would see X-Pac go for a roundhouse kick to the arm but Sting stepped away then would hit X-Pac with a clothesline with the other arm.  Sting went to pick up X-Pac and X-Pac nailed him in the midsection with some shots doubling over Sting.  X-Pac then the X-Factor but Sting pulled X-Pac's legs from under him and locked him in the SCORPION DEATHLOCK!  X-Pac can't get to the ropes and taps out!  Sting has won it.


WINNER: Sting in 4:14.

Rating: **


Match #5: The Hardy Boyz (c) v. Ken Shamrock & Dean Malenko - WPW World Tag Team Titles.  "Break Stuff" by Limp Bizkit brought out the WPW World Tag Team Champions, The Hardy Boyz to the ring first.  The Hardy Boyz are scheduled to defend the titles at International Incident against The Acolytes but first they must get through their opponents tonight.  "Stress" by Godsmack blared over the PA as The Horsemen's Ken Shamrock and the WPW Television Champion, Dean Malenko headed out to the ring.  The Hardy Boyz would show a lot of good mat wrestling that they don't always use in this match as Shamrock and Malenko forced them out of the air.  This was a hard fought match from both sides with several near falls and close calls.  The closing moments of the match would see Matt Hardy and Dean Malenko going at it back and forth.  Matt went for a northern lights suplex but Malenko countered it with a jumping suplex.  Road Dogg and X-Pac hit the ring.  X-Pac distracted the referee while Road Dogg messed with Shamrock.  Malenko got distracted and Matt Hardy hit the Twist Of Fate on the TV Champion.  DX left ringside as the referee counted down Malenko!  The Hardy Boyz retain the World Tag Team Titles!  Afterwards, Malenko pulled himself to his feet and along with Shamrock ran after DX but DX escaped.


WINNERS: The Hardy Boyz in 4:15.

Rating: **

(The Hardy Boyz retained the WPW World Tag Team Titles.)


  We headed out to arena entrance where a limo pulled up and out stepped Goldberg.  Goldberg walked into the arena and Michael Cole told him to watch something on the monitor.  Goldberg viewed the Jericho incident from earlier in the night and got enraged smashing the monitor down and pulling his World Heavyweight Title out of his bag then headed towards the ring.  We followed Goldberg through the back as he made his way through the tunnel and out from the entrance into the arena as the fans erupted.  Goldberg's music would hit as he stormed to the ring in street clothes with the World Title in hand.  Goldberg demanded a microphone and got one...


Goldberg:  "Cut it!  Cut that music!  I came to the arena tonight for a fight and Chris Jericho, you long haired punkass bitch, you want to get me mad?  You want to piss me off?  Well, mission accomplished because I'm putting out an open challenge to anyone in the back for a World Titel Match, right here and RIGHT NOW!  Chris Jericho, bring it..."


Chris Jericho would then appear on the big screen...


Chris Jericho:  "Bill, you see Y2J is a patient man and as much as I'd love to come out there, kick your ass and take your World Title, I can wait until International Incident but I'm sure there's someone out there willing to take your challenge, big guy."


The shot of Jericho cuts out from the big screen as Goldberg is more pissed off in the ring...


Goldberg:  "Somehow I knew you didn't have the balls to come out here, Jericho.  However, these fans came here to see somebody get speared and Jackhammered and that's what's going to happen because the challenge stands.  Whoever wants to step up and try to take this World Heavyweight Title, bring your ass out here right now because your NEXT!"


"What Is Fight Club?" by Dust Brothers blared over the loudspeakers as smoke filled the entrance and Al Snow stepped through and walked towards the ring.  Al Snow will challenge Goldberg for the World Heavyweight Title!


Match #6: Goldberg (c) v. Al Snow - WPW World Heavyweight Title.  Goldberg went to lock up with Snow but Snow ducked and dropkicked the knee of Goldberg.  Snow then ripped at Goldberg's knee with a dragon screw.  Snow stomped away on the knee and head of Goldberg desperately trying not to let Goldberg get to his feet.  The referee pulled Snow away and Goldberg got to his feet.  Goldberg would throw Snow into the corner and pound on him then would lift up Snow and slam him down into the mat.  Goldberg continued to work over Goldberg for another minute or so then would catch Snow with the spear!  Chris Jericho would then hit the ring to attack Goldberg but Goldberg SPEARS JERICHO!  Jericho rolls out of the ring to the floor!  Snow is up and SNOW PLOW on Goldberg!  Snow makes the cover ...






                  ...THR...NO!  Goldberg kicked out!  Snow would then lock Goldberg in a Cross Knee Scissors!  Goldberg was in a lot of pain with no escape!  Goldberg wrenched back and kicked Snow in the face!  Snow started bleeding from the mouth but got a psychotic look in his eyes as he tasted his own blood and ripped more at Goldberg's knee.  Chris Jericho came back into the ring and told Snow to release the hold and reluctantly Snow did.  Jericho yelled at Goldberg to get up and Goldberg struggled but got to his feet.  Jericho then called out 'JACKHAMMER, BABY!'  Jericho set up Goldberg!  Jericho's going to JACKHAMMER Goldberg!  NO! Goldberg blocks it and JERICHO GETS JACKHAMMERED!  Snow tries to kick out the leg of Goldberg but Goldberg pulls himself out of the way with the ropes and punches and kicks Snow a few times and screwdriver neckbreaker by Goldberg!  Goldberg has Snow up and JACKHAMMER!  Goldberg makes the cover for the one...two...THREE!  Goldberg has retained the World Heavyweight Title!  Goldberg got his belt and limped to the back after getting the best of Snow and Jericho.


WINNER: Goldberg in 3:23.

Rating: * 1/4

(Goldberg retained the WPW World Heavyweight Title.)


We cut to a camera backstage where we heard banging on a locker room door and finally the door was kicked open and out stormed Mike Awesome yelling, "Who the **** locked me in the dressing room?!"  Was it Goldberg?  The Main Event is next...


Main Event: Triple H v. Ric Flair.  If the last match wasn't enough it time for our scheduled Main Event of the evening.  'ONE! TWO! ZIS ON?!' sounded as the former World Champion, Triple H headed out to the ring alone.  Then, "Sprach Zarathustra" sounded for the second time tonight as 'The Nature Boy' Ric Flair walked out to the ring.  Flair and HHH locked up with Triple H sending Flair into the ropes and knocking him down with a clothesline.  Triple H made a quick cover for just one.  Flair got up and nailed Triple H with chops.  HHH turned it around on Flair and it some knees and punches.  Flair came back with a right hand and some more chops followed by a kneebreaker on HHH.  Flair and Triple H battled it out dishing out punishment on eachother in a good match.  The closing moments of the match would see Triple H go for the Pedigree but Flair countered it with a slingshot and both men were down.  KIDMAN raced out to the ring but the referee held him off as he tried to interfere.  CHRIS BENOIT would come through the crowd and climb to the top rope and nail the SWANDIVE HEADBUTT on Triple H!  Benoit then locked The Game in the CRIPPLER CROSSFACE torquing back really hard for a few seconds before releasing it and leaving the ring.  Benoit pulled Kidman off the apron and pounded on him.  Ric Flair then got to his feet and would slap the Figure Four Leglock on Triple H!  The referee looked down at the out Triple H and counted his shoulders down...






                  ...THREE!  Ric Flair has defeated Triple H as Chris Benoit got his revenge on Triple H after last week.


WINNER: Ric Flair in 7:54.

Rating: ** 3/4


After the match, Chris Benoit laid out Kidman with a clothesline then entered the ring and blew a snot rocket on Triple H and rose the hand of Ric Flair to end the show.



WPW News & Notes-:



-Steven Regal has been signed to a 30 card deal.


-WPW has International Incident on August 5th. The tentative lineup includes;


WPW World Heavyweight Title Match-:

Goldberg (c) vs. Chris Jericho


Career vs. Hair Match!

Ric Flair vs. Kidman


Triple H vs. Chris Benoit


WPW Intercontinental Title Match-:

Booker T (c) vs. Kurt Angle


Al Snow vs. Sting


WPW World Tag Team Titles Match-:

The Hardy Boyz (c) vs. The Acolytes


Jeff Jarrett & Eddy Guerrero vs. Juventud Guerrera & Papi Chulo