WPW Sunday Night on ESPN2 - June 25 / 2000



[The show opened with clips of last week as Jeff Jarrett became the first ever WPW Television Champion defeating Dean Malenko in the Tournament Finals with an assist from his guitar and Stacey Carter.  The show would also feature the big main event of Triple H & Kidman versus Sting & Chris Jericho versus Goldberg & Ric Flair.  Sting would refuse to cover a downed Goldberg, knocked out by a Triple H chair shot.  Chris Jericho objected to his partner's sportsmanship and let him know about it.  This gave Goldberg an opening to spear and Jackhammer Sting for the win.]


("Spit It Out" by Slipknot played in the background as the WPW Sunday Night on ESPN2 graphic comes up on the screen then fades away but not completely as a fast paced montage of WPW action including; Jeff Jarrett KO'ing Rikishi with a guitar, The Acolytes Double Team Power Bombing X-Pac, Sting hitting a Scorpion Death Drop on Ric Flair, Diamond Dallas Page putting Sting through a table with a Diamond Cutter, Chris Jericho with Eddy Guerrero in the Walls Of Jericho, a Swanton Bomb by Jeff Hardy on Shane Helms, Ric Flair with Sting in the Figure Four Leglock, Triple H hitting the Pedigree on Ken Shamrock, Billy Kidman plastering Ric Flair in the head with a chair and much, much more.  The WPW Sunday Night on ESPN2 logo fades back into full then explodes...)


'ONE! TWO! ZIS ON?!' ...


The WPW World Heavyweight Champion, Triple H and Kidman emerged from the entrance and headed out to the ring where Kidman would take a microphone...


Kidman:  "Last week, the world witnessed an injustice and a misprint in the record books.  The books will read that the team of The Game and Kidman lost that Triangle Tag Team Main Event when in fact neither myself, the hottest up and coming young superstar in professional wrestling and 'The Man', Kidman or the WPW World Heavyweight Champion, Triple H were pinned or made submit."


Triple H:  "Sting ... Chris Jericho.  What a difference a week makes.  Haha.  I thought it was the best man wins?  What's with the good sportsmanship, Sting?  Get in new millenium and out of the 80's, this business is all about doing whatever it takes and obviously Chris Jericho realizes that.  That bald headed bafooon, Goldberg and 'The Denture Boy' Ric Flair never beat us so tonight, how about the two of you team up one more time and face the two of us tonight and you'll find out that D-Generation X is no one to fff...mess with.  The gloves are off, the rules are out the window and Goldberg, have your fun while it lasts because your time is running out and at Breakdown, you'll be broken down and exposed for what you are ... NOTHING!"


'INVASION' hit as Goldberg walked out of the entrance with a microphone...


Goldberg:  "Triple H, I don't know if the Nature Boy is up for out but I'm in and tonight I've got two spears and Jackhammers with your names on them because YOUR NEXT!"


'Sprach Zarathrustra' played and out walked Ric Flair in an Armani suit...


Ric Flair:  "I'm custom made from head to toe but I've got my gear with me and anytime I can whip on Kidman, I'll take that chance so big man, you've got Ric Flair in your corner tonight.  WHOOOOOO!"


We then went to the announcers table as Scott Hudson and Terry Taylor ran down the lineup for the nights show then sent us to a commercial break and then we'll be back with our first match...


Opening Match: Jeff Jarrett (c) v. Crash Holly - WPW Television Title.  "Dirty Deeds" by AC/DC brought out the challenger, Crash Holly to the ring first.  Then, "Cowboy" by Kid Rock was heard as the WPW Television Champion, 'Double J' Jeff Jarrett along with Stacey Carter made his way out to the ring.  This would be an entertaining match as we saw the technical wrestling side of Crash Holly against the ring general in Jeff Jarrett.  The closing moments of the match would see Crash Holly nail a DDT on Jarrett then Stacey got up on the apron.  She flirted with Crash and Crash was all flustered and went to give her a kiss but Jarrett nailed Crash with a clothesline from behind.  Jarrett then drove Crash into the mat with the Stroke for the one .. two .. THREE!  Jeff Jarrett retains the WPW Television Title over Crash Holly heading into his defense against Dean Malenko at Breakdown.


WINNER: Jeff Jarrett in 4:21.

Rating: **

(Jeff Jarrett retained the WPW Television Title.)


  We cut backstage where a white limosine pulled up and the door was opened and out stepped Jushin "Thunder" Liger along with a translator.  Michael Cole rushed up to Liger and asked him why he's come to face Chris Benoit here tonight and after conversing with his translator this is what the translator said...


  "I have come to the United States of America, to World Professional Wrestling to face my toughest opponent, Chris Benoit.  I intend on defeating Mr. Benoit here tonight and proving that I am the better wrestler.  While you American fans may be accustomed to 'Sports Entertainment' tonight you will witness a match fitting for the world's stage, a match that will leave no doubt in your minds that I am the greatest wrestler in the world when I defeat the #2 man, Chris Benoit."


Match #2: Scottie Too Hottie v. Al Snow.  "Rump Shaker" by Wreckx-N-Effect blared over the loudspeakers as Scottie Too Hottie danced out to the ring.  Then, "What Is Fight Club?" by Dust Brothers came over the PA as the psychotic Al Snow stalked his way slowly to the ring.  Scottie threw down his glasses and hat then got right in Snow's face as Snow just grinned at him.  Scottie was looking for payback after Snow cost him a match against Matt Hardy last week.  This would be a good back and forth match that would end when Scottie went for a DDT but Snow tried to counter with a northern lights suplex but Scottie would sit up on the turnbuckle.  Scottie pushed Snow off then kicked him in the face.  Scottie then lept off catching Snow in his Flying DDT.  Scottie made the cover for the one-two-three!  Scottie Too Hottie picks up the win.


WINNER: Scottie Too Hottie in 4:14.

Rating: * 1/2


After the match, Snow would come from behind Scottie and lock him in a Cobra Clutch shaking it back and forth then letting one hand go and slamming Scottie right on his head.  Snow went to walk away then came back and locked Scottie in a Dragon Sleeper until Grandmaster Sexay bolted out to break up the hold.  Al Snow is a very dangerous man.


  We headed backstage where 3Count were in their dressing room looking pretty worried...


Evan:  "Don't worry guys we're going to find a way to get out of that match with The Acolytes at Breakdown..."


Shane:  "You're not even in the match, Evan..."


Evan:  "Yeah, but they might kick my ass, too..."


Shannon:  "I've got it!"


Evan:  "A rocket in your pocket?"


Shane:  "Evan..."


Shannon:  "Shut up, I've got a way to get out of our match with The Acolytes, we buy them ... BEER!"


Shane:  "Let's go..."


  3Count walks over to a baby blue PT Cruiser and piles in...


Match #3: Jeff Hardy v. Grandmaster Sexay.  "Break Stuff" by Limp Bizkit blared over the loudspeakers as 1/2 of the WPW World Tag Team Champions, Jeff Hardy headed out to the ring.  Then, "Rump Shaker" by Wreckx-N-Effect sounded as Grandmaster Sexay emreged from the entrance but was quickly nailed from behind with a chair by AL SNOW.  Snow would drive the chair into Grandmaster's back then lock him in a Bow-And-Arrow Submission stretching him out.  WPW officials came out to pull Snow off and help up Grandmaster.  Sexay would push away the officials and struggle into the ring and demand to still have his match against Jeff Hardy.  Jeff wasn't too thrilled about this but went to work on Grandmaster Sexay.  For all his guts, it wasn't enough as soon Jeff Hardy would put Sexay away with the Swanton Bomb.


WINNER: Jeff Hardy in 2:05.

Rating: ** 3/4


  We cut outside a local Liquor Store where 3Count were standing...


Shannon:  "Evan, go buy the beer..."


Evan:  "Gimme some money..."


Shane:  "Money?  We make money?  I thought we wrestled for free..."


Evan:  "Yeah, you guys ... I mean, we all do.  Wait, wait, I've got my mom's credit card!!"


Shannon:  "Yeh, yeh, yeh..."


  Evan walks into the liquor store and after a little bit of browsing he selects his beer of choice then takes it to the counter where the clerk looks at him then asks for ID!  The clerk says it has to be fake but he's going to let Evan buy the beer but he can never come back.  Evan takes the beer in a bag and heads out of the liquor store and all 3Count high five until Shane touches Shannon's hair and Shannon tells him to watch it.  Evan breaks them up from a bitch fight and they head to their baby blue PT Cruiser...


Match #4: Kurt Angle v. Hardcore Holly.  "My Hero" by Foo Fighters came over the loudspeakers as 'The Olympic Hero' Kurt Angle emerged from the back.  Angle would get on the microphone and rip on the hometown crowd comparing them to Diamond Dallas Page.  Then, "Dirty Deeds" by AC/DC brought out Angle's opponent, Hardcore Holly.  This would be a back and forth brawl between Angle and Holly.  The closing moments of the match would see Angle go for the Angleplex but Holly blocked it with knees, Holly then went for the Hollycaust but Angle dropped down the back and went for a german suplex but Holly countered that with a back kick.  Holly then went for a clotheslien but Angle blocked it and would hit the Angleplex for the one-two-THREE!  Kurt Angle picks up the hard fought win over Hardcore Holly.


WINNER: Kurt Angle in 4:30.

Rating: 3/4*


  We went backstage where Michael Cole got some comments from "The Canadian Crippler" Chris Benoit...


Benoit:  "Jushin Liger has a lot of guts coming over here into my federation and thinking that he's going to walk right in here and beat The Crippler.  Yes, Liger, you may be one of the best in the world and yes, Japanese wrestling may be different from North American wrestling but after tonight you'll be lucky to go back to Japan in one piece."


Match #5: Ken Shamrock vs. X-Pac vs. Diamond Dallas Page.  "Stress" by Godsmack blared over the loudspeakers as "The Worlds Most Dangerous Man" Ken Shamrock made his way out to the ring.  Then, "The Kings" by Run DMC brought out X-Pac of DX.  Finally, "Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana played as Diamond Dallas Page made his way out through the crowd.  Shamrock will team with Ric Flair and Chris Benoit to face X-Pac, Kidman and Road Dogg at Breakdown while DDP will go up against Kurt Angle.  This Triangle Match would NOT be elimination style but rather the first one to score the pinfall wins.  There was a lot of good action in this one as all three men looked to take a win heading into Breakdown.  The closing moments of the match would see DDP nail a lariat on X-Pac then Shamrock clipped the leg of DDP and locked him in the ANKLE LOCK!  DDP was in tons of pain and almost going to tap when X-Pac would X-FACTOR Shamrock to break the hold.  X-Pac then hit an X-Factor on DDP and covered him for the one ... two ... THREE!  X-PAC pulls out the win!


WINNER: X-Pac in 5:57.

Rating: * 1/4


After the match, X-Pac continued to pound on Shamrock while Road Dogg joined in.  Kurt Angle rushed out and put the boots to DDP as we headed to a break.


  We cut outside of the aPa office where 3Count were ready to go in and give the beer.  Shannon knocked on the door and Bradshaw yelled at him to come in.  3Count scurried in and after studdering a bit, Shane made the offer, free beer to get out of the Breakdown match.  Faarooq wanted to see the beer and Evan carefully put it on the table.  Faarooq took out the beer and looked at Bradshaw.  Bradshaw said, "Girls, thanks for the beer and at Breakdown, here's the deal, you're still gonna get your punkasses kicked cause this is LIGHT beer."  Shane asked to see one of the beers, took a sip then spat it in Faarooq's face.  Shannon then kicked of the table and 3Count bolted away as The Acolytes were now REALLY pissed off.


Match #6: Chris Benoit vs. Jushin Liger.  It was time for a change of pace here on WPW Sunday Night, a match based solely on two men's abilities.  "Surfacing" by Slipknot brought out 'The Crippler' Chris Benoit to the ring first.  Then, Jushin "Thunder" Liger made his way out to the ring.  The American fans are familiar with Liger due to his matches in WCW over the years.  Benoit and Liger circled eachother then Liger called out to the crowd cupping his ear.  The two locked up with Liger shoving Benoit off then going for a clothesline but Benoit countered it with a belly-to-belly suplex.  Benoit quickly dropped and elbow on Liger and made a cover for two.  Benoit nailed Liger with chops then sent him into the ropes but Liger came off and nailed Benoit with a koppo kick.  Liger then went for a Liger Bomb but Benoit countered it with a backdrop.  Liger got to one knee and shook his head at Benoit.  They locked up again and Liger sent Benoit into the ropes and caught him in a powerslam for two.  Liger kicked Benoit then hit him with some slaps and chops.  Liger then tried a double arm suplex but Benoit wouldn't go over and Liger hit some knees then took Benoit over.  Liger then locked Benoit in a Romero Special.  Benoit managed to escape but the hold had taken it's toll on Benoit.  Liger went for a running palm blow but Benoit ducked.  Benoit then nailed Liger with a running lariat.  Liger staggered back and Benoit hit a dropkick and Liger bailed to the outside.  Benoit kept up the fevorous pace jumping onto Liger with a tope.  This incredible matchup went back and forth for quite some time as it approached the 15 Minute TV Time Limit.  The closing moments of the match would see Liger hit a running palm blow on Benoit for a near fall.  Liger then set up Benoit up top for a Super Fisherman's Buster but Benoit shoved Liger off then went for the DIVING HEADBUTT!  NO! LIGER ROLLS OUT OF THE WAY!  Liger sets up Benoit for a Running Liger Bomb!  Benoit drops out in mid move, kicks Liger and DRIVES HIM INTO THE CRIPPLER CROSSFACE! LIGER .... LIGER .... TAPS! LIGER TAPPED OUT!  Benoit takes the win in an incredible match.


WINNER: Chris Benoit in 14:17.

Rating: ****


After the match, Liger got to his knees then to his feet and offered a hand of respect to Benoit who shook it.




"Y2J" Chris Jericho emerged from the entrance and walked down into the ring in street clothes with a microphone in hand...


Chris Jericho:  "Sting, enough with the family values, enough with the sportsmanship, enough with the crap.  Last week, you had the opportunity to pin Goldberg and win the match but what did you do?  You messed up, you screwed up because of this high moral soapbox that you stand on.  If you want fairplay go play Shuffleboard with the rest of the 80's stars because this is the year of Y2J and I'll be damned if your going to stand in my way of climbing the ladder.  You see, Sting, you can't put a glass ceiling on Y2J anymore and come Breakdown, you will get a Y2J beating that you will never forget and then Chris Jericho will go on and become the World Heavyweight Champion because it's meant to be..."


The lights then flickered and went out then when they returned Sting was standing in the ring behind Chris Jericho.  Jericho turned around and saw Sting then tried to run but Sting grabbed him and dropped him with a Scorpion Death Drop.  Sting then picked up the microphone...


Sting:  "Y2J at Breakdown, you're gonna get dropped on your head and you will never EVER mess with me again because that's the way it's meant to be, punk."


Main Event: Triple H & Kidman v. Goldberg & Ric Flair.  'ONE! TWO! ZIS ON?!' was heard as the WPW World Heavyweight Champion, Triple H and Kidman emerged from the entrance and headed out to the ring for our Main Event.  "Sprach Zarathustra" then brought out 'The Nature Boy' Ric Flair to the ring.  'INVASION' was then heard as Goldberg made his way through the pyro and out to the ring for our Main Event and the match was on.  Goldberg will challenge Triple H for the title at Breakdown while Flair will team with Shamrock and Benoit to face Kidman, Road Dogg and X-Pac for another shot at Kidman.  This would be another intense tag team Main Event on WPW Sunday Night as we head full steam into Breakdown.  The closing moments of this match would see Goldberg go for a press slam on Triple H but Kidman came in and dropkicked Goldberg and Triple H dropped down.  Ric Flair came in and would knock Kidman out of the ring with a right hand.  Flair went through the ropes and out after Kidman.  The referee went out to try and contain the two.  Meanwhile, ROAD DOGG bolted into the ring with a mid-size baseball bat and cracked it right over Goldberg's head!  The bat broke in half and Goldberg was busted open.  Road Dogg quickly left the ring as Triple H set up Goldberg and drilled him with the Pedigree.  Kidman nailed Flair with a low blow on the outside.  The referee rolled in and counted one .. two ... THREE!  Triple H has pinned Goldberg going into Breakdown!


WINNERS: Triple H & Kidman in 7:59.

Rating: * 1/4


After the match, Triple H had his arm raised over the fallen Goldberg.  We'll see you at Breakdwon!



WPW News & Notes-:



-Before the show in the Dark Match, Filoso defeated New Jack with a northern lights suplex in about six minutes.


-WPW has Breakdown on July 1st.  The tentative lineup includes;


WPW World Heavyweight Title Match-:

Triple H (c) vs. Goldberg


WPW World Tag Team Titles Match-:

The Hardy Boyz (c) vs. Too Cool


WPW Intercontinental Title 2/3 Falls Match-:

Booker T (c) vs. Eddy Guerrero


Number One Contenders Match-:

Chris Jericho vs. Sting


Ric Flair & Ken Shamrock & Chris Benoit vs. Kidman & Road Dogg & X-Pac

*If Horsemen win, Flair gets Kidman at next PPV

*If DX wins, they never have to wrestle The Horsemen again


Kurt Angle vs. Diamond Dallas Page


The Acolytes vs. 3Count


WPW Television Title Match-:

Jeff Jarrett (c) vs. Dean Malenko