WPW Sunday Night on ESPN2 - June 11 / 2000



[The show opened with clips of last week where Triple H challenged anyone to come after his World Heavyweight Title at Breakdown, the challenge was accepted by GOLDBERG!  We saw clips of the verbal exchange between Goldberg and Triple H then Triple H making the Main Event for later in the evening Goldberg against Kidman, Road Dogg, and X-Pac.  Fast forward to that match, Goldberg took it to all three men but finally the numbers were too much, STING helped out Goldberg then out came Chris Jericho and we had a Six Man Tag.  Goldberg won it by pinning Road Dogg then Triple H tried to hit Goldberg with his crutch but Y2J stopped him then Goldberg speared 'The Game' to end the show.]


("Spit It Out" by Slipknot played in the background as the WPW Sunday Night on ESPN2 graphic comes up on the screen then fades away but not completely as a fast paced montage of WPW action including; Jeff Jarrett KO'ing Rikishi with a guitar, The Acolytes Double Team Power Bombing X-Pac, Sting hitting a Scorpion Death Drop on Ric Flair, Diamond Dallas Page putting Sting through a table with a Diamond Cutter, Chris Jericho with Eddy Guerrero in the Walls Of Jericho, a Swanton Bomb by Jeff Hardy on Shane Helms, Ric Flair with Sting in the Figure Four Leglock, Triple H hitting the Pedigree on Ken Shamrock, Billy Kidman plastering Ric Flair in the head with a chair and much, much more.  The WPW Sunday Night on ESPN2 logo fades back into full then explodes...)


'Invasion' hit as he the fans rose to their feet and out of the entrance emerged Goldberg.  Goldberg headed out to the ring and took a microphone...


Goldberg: "Last week, I shocked the wrestling world and Triple H by walking into World Professional Wrestling.  Triple H, would you have expected anything less?  By your reaction, it seemed like you did expect something less then Goldberg.  So you made a failed attempt to book me against three men.  I didn't ask for any help but two men, Sting and Chris Jericho stepped up to the plate and delievered.  Now in just under three weeks, at Breakdown, Triple H, HUNTER Hearst Helmsley, you become the hunted and I promise you this, Triple H, your entire world as you know it will be broken down around you and a spear and a Jackhammer later, your coveted World Heavyweight Championship will be mine!"




Triple H limped out to the top of the stage with a walking brace on his ankle and the World Heavyweight Title over his shoulder.  Triple H had a live microphone...


Triple H:  "How's it feel to be interrupted, Goldberg?  I've listened to you ramble on for a few minutes now and I couldn't resist the urge to come out here and set you straight.  I agree with you and I commend Chris Jericho and Sting for being brave enough to get their asses kicked by D-Generation X so I am going to reward their efforts.  That's right, at WPW Breakdown, Chris Jericho and Sting will go one-on-one with eachother with the winner to get a World Heavyweight Title shot in August.  Now moving to tonight, Goldberg, you think you can just walk in here and get a title shot?  I don't think so.  Goldberg, if you want a shot at The Game and the World Heavyweight Title at Breakdown then tonight you have to beat the man that put Ric Flair on the mat for the one, two, there at Aggression, KIDMAN!  The match will be a NO HOLDS BARRED match as well.  And one last thing, to make sure that a clear cut winner is declared there will be a special guest referee and you're looking at him."


Goldberg:  "You can stack the deck all you want, Triple H, but the fact of the matter is, Kidman, YOUR NEXT!"


'Invasion' plays as Goldberg works up the fans while Triple H is pissed off leaving the stage.  We head over to the announcers table where Scott Hudson and Terry Taylor are seated.  They go over tonights show as we've got Semi-Final action in the WPW Television Tournament with Steve Blackman against Dean Malenko and Jeff Jarrett versus Hardcore Holly.  Papi Chulo takes on Shannon Moore.  Chris Benoit teams with Ken Shamrock to face Road Dogg and X-Pac of DX.  Booker T defends the WPW I-C Title against Diamond Dallas Page.  The Hardy Boyz defend the World Tag Team Titles against the team of Kurt Angle and Eddy Guerrero.  Then in the Main Event it's Goldberg versus Kidman, plus more..


Opening Match: Dean Malenko v. Steve Blackman - WPW Television Title Tournament - Semi-Finals.  'Surfacing' by Slipknot brought out The Four Horsemen's 'Shooter' Dean Malenko.  Then, 'The Leathal Weapon' Steve Blackman headed out with a pronounced limp but Blackman is gutting it out for a shot to get into the finals.  Malenko went right after the knee of Blackman working over it but Blackman came back on Malenko using his upper body strength and brawling.  However, Malenko was just too good at working over Blackman's knee and was able to lock Blackman in the Texas Cloverleaf for the submission win.  Dean Malenko heads to the finals while Blackman really needs to take some time off the heal up his knee.


WINNER: Dean Malenko in 4:04.

Rating: *


After the match, an official came out to help Blackman to the back because Blackman couldn't put weight on the ankle.  The official then nailed Blackman with a clothesline, ripped off his hat and jacket to reveal Al Snow.  Snow slapped the Cross Knee Scissors on Blackman like a madman before real WPW officials bolted out to tear Snow off.  Al Snow has lost his mind...


Match #2: Papi Chulo v. Shannon Moore.  This next match promised to be a high flying affair as the newcomer, Papi Chulo along with the lovely Lita took on Shannon Moore of 3Count.  This match lived up to its hype as both men busted out lots of innovative daredevil moves putting their young bodies and careers on the line trying to get ahead.  The closing moments of the match would see Papi Chulo nail a ropeflip armdrag on Shannon then Evan Karagias and Shane Helms came out but were cut off by THE ACOLYTES.  This distracted Shannon Moore long enough for Chulo to hit a side suplex then head up top and nail the 450 Splash on Shannon Moore for the one ... two ... THREE!  Papi Chulo has pulled off a big win over Shannon Moore while The Acolytes look for revenge against 3Count.


WINNER: Papi Chulo in 5:07.

Rating: ***


  We headed backstage where Michael Cole got comments from Kidman...


Kidman:  "Ric Flair, you said that I had to beat the man to be the man well at Aggression, not only did I beat the man but I kicked his ass so I guess that makes me THE MAN!  Flair, I hear you asking, begging, pleading for another match against Kidman.  Well, I'll give you a chance, old man.  At WPW Breakdown, Six Man Tag Team Match, Road Dogg, X-Pac and myself against you, Flair and two of your Horsewomen.  If your team wins, you get another match against me but if my team wins then you will never EVER get a match against me again!  As for tonight, Goldberg, I'm next?  Your right, I'm next in line to kick your ass and just like I put down the Nature Boy, I'll put you down, too."


Match #3: Jeff Jarrett v. Hardcore Holly - WPW Television Title Tournament - Semi-Finals.  "Cowboy" by Kid Rock sounded over the loudspeakers as 'Double J' Jeff Jarrett headed out to the ring yelling at fans at ringside and getting a rise out of people.  Then, Hardcore Holly headed out promising to kick Jarrett's ass.  Holly would brawl with Jarrett but would also show some of his wrestling skill while Jarrett showed to be a capable brawler.  The closing moments of the match would see Jarrett go for a dropkick but Holly moved.  Holly then nailed a swinging neckbreaker on Jarrett and signalled for the end.  Holly lifted up Jarrett for the Hollycaust but Jarrett floated over behind Holly and nailed the Stroke and cradled up Holly for the one ... two ... THREE!  Jeff Jarrett moves to the finals...


WINNER: Jeff Jarrett in 5:51.

Rating: *


  We went backstage where Michael Cole got some comments from Sting concerning the announcement by Triple H that he'll take on 'Y2J' Chris Jericho at Breakdown in a Top Contenders Match...


Sting:  "You know for the past month or so I've fought several battles alongside Chris Jericho.  We've even grown to be fairly good friends and I know, Triple H, that you only made this match to try and drive a wedge between us but from my end, this is all business.  When it comes to the World Heavyweight Title, there are no friends.  This may sound cliched but Chris Jericho, I wish the best of luck for Breakdown and may the best man win."


Match #4: Chris Benoit & Ken Shamrock v. Road Dogg & X-Pac.  "Stress" by Godsmack blasted through the loudspeakers as The Horsemen's 'The Crippler' Chris Benoit and 'The Worlds Most Dangerous Man' Ken Shamrock headed out to the ring to a good pop from the crowd.  Then, Road Dogg and X-Pac of D-Generation X headed out to the ring to the sounds of "The Kings" by Run DMC.  This would be a very good match here on WPW Sunday Night as Benoit and X-Pac went at it for a lengthly period of time before either man tagged out.  The closing moments of the match would see Chris Benoit hit his rolling german suplexes on X-Pac but Road Dogg broke up the pin.  Shamrock came across and nailed Road Dogg then the referee tried to seperate them but as he did, KIDMAN came out of the crowd with a chair then off the top rope and drove the chair into Benoit's head.  Kidman quickly escaped as X-Pac nailed the X-Factor on Benoit and made the cover for the one...two...THREE!  DX has stolen a win over Benoit and Shamrock.


WINNERS: Road Dogg and X-Pac in 6:27.

Rating: ***


  We headed backstage again where Michael Cole caught up with Chris Jericho concerning his upcoming match against Sting at Breakdown.


Chris Jericho:  "Todd Pettengil the second, what kind of stupid question is that?  How do you think I feel?  On one hand I'm thrown into a match meant to drive a wedge between myself and Sting and on the other hand, it's a chance to get a shot at the World Heavyweight Title.  Sting, I heard your comments before and I'm just going to leave you with this, Chris Jericho will do whatever it takes to get my hands on the World Heavyweight Championship, whatever it takes.  As for Triple H, if by some miracle you get past Goldberg at Breakdown, you will NEVER eh..eh..EVER get past Y2J."


Match #5: Booker T (c) v. Diamond Dallas Page - WPW Intercontinental Title.  We were back to the ring as "Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana came over the PA and out came Diamond Dallas Page along with Kimberly.  Then, "Up In Here" by DMX sounded and out came the WPW IC Champion, Booker T to defend his gold.  Booker T continued to be a fighting champion putting his gold on the line against DDP.  Booker T and DDP went back and forth in an intense war that took a toll on both men.  The closing moments of the match would see Booker T attempt a Harlem Sidekick but DDP ducked then would kick Booker and nail a DIAMOND CUTTER!  Booker T was near the side of the ring and rolled out to the floor.  DDP recovered to his feet, went out, rolled Booker T in, came back in and made a cover.  ONE ... TWO ... THR! NO!  Booker T got a foot on the ropes!  DDP was furious and started bad mouthing the referee.  DDP picked Booker T up and went for another Diamond Cutter but Booker T shoved DDP off into the ropes then caught him in a flapjack.  Booker T headed up top and as DDP got to his feet, Booker T nailed the Missile Dropkick.  Booker made the cover for the ONE! TWO! THREE!  Booker T has retained the WPW IC Title over DDP!


WINNER: Booker T in 6:09.

Rating: ** 3/4

(Booker T retained the WPW Intercontinental Title.)


Match #6: The Hardy Boyz (c) v. Eddy Guerrero & Kurt Angle - WPW World Tag Team Titles.  "Prime Time" by The Alkaholics brought out the former WPW IC Champion Eddy Guerrero to the ring first where Guerrero promptly took the microphone...


Eddy Guerrero:  "I do not SUCK! You people suck!  Now onto business and my Intercontinental Title.  Booker T, you got lucky at Aggression and won MY belt but I want it back, damnit!  Booker T, we need to find out who is the best and I want my mandatory return match at Breakdown, 2 out of 3 Falls just like in Lucha Libre.  We're going to settle this and I will walk out with my IC Title back around this sexy waist."


"My Hero" by Foo Fighters then came over the loudspeakers as 'The American Hero' Kurt Angle emerged from the entrance pretending to embrace the crowd who booed him a lot.  Angle also had a microphone as he walked towards the ring...


Kurt Angle:  "Ladies and gentlemen, before myself and Eddy Guerrero win the World Tag Team Titles, I'd like to talk about Diamond Dallas Page for a moment.  Last week, your Olympic Hero was on his way to capturing Intercontinental gold when once again the jealous, egotistical, commoner, Diamond Dallas Page felt it neccessary to cost me another match and I'm going to try and control my temper and not get mad in front of my public because Kurt Angle is family friendly and a hero.  Diamond Dallas Page, I've had enough of you and when we step into the ring at Breakdown, I'm going to make that trashy wife of yours Kimberly, a widow, it's true, it's true!"


"Break Stuff" by Limp Bizkit blasted over the loudspeakers and out came the young and popular WPW World Tag Team Champions, The Hardy Boyz to the ring.  It would be hard for the champions to prepare for a team like Angle and Guerrero but this is the first time that Angle and Guerrero have teamed up.  They worked well as a team but not as crisp as the champs.  The closing moments of the match would see Matt Hardy and Kurt Angle going at it.  Hardy went for the Twist Of Fate but Angle countered it with a northern lights suplex but Jeff Hardy broke up the pin.  Eddy came in and clotheslined Jeff out of the ring.  Angle would then pick up Matt Hardy and hit the ANGLEPLEX!  Angle was going to go for the cover but Eddy demanded to be tagged in.  Eddy went up top for the Frog Splash but something caught his attention and that was Booker T at the top of the entrance.  Eddy then went for the Frog Splash but Matt rolled out of the way.  Eddy got up holding his midsection and Matt nailed the Twist Of Fate!  Matt with the cover! ONE! TWO! THREE! The Hardy Boyz have retained the World Tag Team Titles!


WINNERS: The Hardy Boyz in 8:02.

Rating: *** 1/4

(The Hardy Boyz retained the WPW World Tag Team Titles.)


After the match, Diamond Dallas Page ran out to the ring and started pounding away on Kurt Angle.  The Hardy Boyz backed up the ramp but were nailed from behind by Too Cool and they brawled as we headed to a break.


Main Event: Goldberg v. Kidman.  It was then time for our Main Event of the evening and we heard 'ONE! TWO! ZIS ON?!' as the World Champion, Triple H walked down to the ring in referee attire to ref this Main Event matchup.  "The Kings" by Run DMC brought Kidman out to the ring first with a confident look on his face as he saw Triple H in the ring.  Then 'INVASION' hit as Goldberg stalked his way out to the ring to a big pop from the crowd.  Kidman attacked Goldberg and the bell rang in this No Holds Barred match.  Kidman got the early advantage until Goldberg caught him with a press slam into a powerslam.  Goldberg then took control on Kidman working over him.  Kidman went to the eyes and would regain control.  The two went back and forth until Kidman went for an inverted suplex on Goldberg but Goldberg blocked it, turned around Kidman then lifted him up and JACKHAMMER!  Goldberg makes the cover but TRIPLE H turns away and is consulting with the time keeper!  That bastard!  Goldberg got up and when Triple H turned around Goldberg speared him out of his boots.  Kidman was up and went for a swinging bulldog but Goldberg threw him off the killed Kidman with a SPEAR!  Goldberg lifted up Kidman and hit another Jackhammer!  A second referee bolted in and counted ONE! TWO! THREE!  Goldberg is your winner!  Triple H got up and was shaking his head NO! NO! Triple H then shoved the other referee and deamanded a reversal and a DQ on Goldberg but the other referee said that it was NO DQ! Just like HHH made it!  Goldberg will face Triple H at Breakdown!


WINNER: Goldberg in 6:11.

Rating: **


After the match, Road Dogg and X-Pac hit the ring and along with Triple H and soon Kidman would assault Goldberg but here come The Horsemen and they fight and run off DX!  The Horsemen and Goldberg stand tall in the ring as the show comes to a close.



WPW News & Notes-:



-Before the show went on the air in this weeks Dark Match, The Fabulous Moolah defeated Super Nova in 1:32 with the Moolah Splash.  Back to ECW for Nova and back to the Retirement home for Moolah...


-Next week on WPW Sunday Night the first ever WPW Television Champion will be determined as 'Double J' Jeff Jarrett faces 'The Shooter' Dean Malenko.  Also, Ted Dibiase has let word leak that the Main Event for the show will be a Triangle Tag Team Match with Triple H & Kidman versus Sting & Chris Jericho versus Goldberg & Ric Flair.  This should be an interesting match considering Sting and Jericho will be facing eachother at Breakdown but are teaming, Goldberg teams with Flair for the first time.  The most solid team looks to be the WPW World Champion, Triple H and Kidman...


-WPW has Breakdown on July 8th.  The tentative lineup includes;


WPW World Heavyweight Title Match-:

Triple H (c) vs. Goldberg


WPW World Tag Team Titles Match-:

The Hardy Boyz (c) vs. Too Cool


WPW Intercontinental Title 2/3 Falls Match-:

Booker T (c) vs. Eddy Guerrero


Number One Contenders Match-:

Chris Jericho vs. Sting


Ric Flair & Ken Shamrock & Chris Benoit vs. Kidman & Road Dogg & X-Pac

*If Horsemen win, Flair gets Kidman at next PPV

*If DX wins, they never have to wrestle The Horsemen again


Kurt Angle vs. Diamond Dallas Page


The Acolytes vs. 3Count