
NGW Ring Wars - December 2 / 2002


Target Center in Minneapolis, MN



  The show opened with a shot of a dark playground, the camera searched until it found Raven slouched against a chain link fence...


RAVEN:  "Five years ... Tommy Dreamer ... five long years have passed but it seems like only yesterday.  For two and a half years, Tommy Dreamer, we fought an epic battle of mythic proportions.  We had a friendship based on love and a hatred based on friendship.  You scarred my face, you battered me unmercifully, and you took my girl.  But the one thing that you could never do was beat me, Tommy.  You could never beat me and I always beat you.  Two and a half years, Tommy, after I came to exercise your demons, it was time for you to graduate so I gave you your victory.  For over five years I've stayed away from you Tommy and your life lost its meaning.  Your career lost its purpose.  While I moved on and moved up and wrestled infront of ten, twenty, thirty, fourty thousand fans, you still killed yourself infront of five hundred, maybe a thousand on a good night, Tommy.  You lost your focus, you lost your meaning and you lost the girl.  So Tommy Dreamer, you've come here to NGW, you've finally made it, Tommy but it wasn't because of you ... it was because of me!  Shawn Michaels can't stop me and neither can you Tommy.  You see five years ago, I made one fatal mistake.  I gave you that one victory, well Tommy, I learn from my mistakes and you will never beat me in NGW.  You think you've found your focus, Tommy?  Your career has a meaning again but there will be no happy ending.  There will be no victory.  Quote the Raven, NEVERMORE!"


  "Praise" by Sevendust played in the background of the NGW Ring Wars opening sequence which featured a montage of various New Generation Wrestling superstars such as; Vampiro, Tommy Dreamer, Randy Orton, The Dudley Boyz, John Cena, Taz, Jeff Jarrett, Raven, Kane, Eddy Guerrero, Chris Jericho, Brock Lesnar, Booker T, Scott Steiner, Rob Van Dam and more.  This is New Generation Wrestling and this is RING WARS...


  Inside the Target Center, Joey Styles and Diamond Dallas Page, welcomed everyone to the show and hyped up our huge Main Event just six days before Winter Wars as the NGW WORLD CHAMPION, ROB VAN DAM teams with BOOKER T against SCOTT STEINER and EDDY GUERRERO from the Dangerous Alliance...


(1) Red v. Rey Misterio Jr. (c) - NGW World Cruiserweight Title


  "It's Going Down" by The X-Ecutioners blared over the speakers as 'The Amazing' Red headed out to the ring.  Then, "Psycho" by Madd One blared over the speakers as the NGW World Curiserweight Champion, Rey Misterio Jr. made his way out.  Misterio offered this shot to Red after he and Red won a three way dance last week.  Red and Misterio shook hands before the match as a sign of respect.  This match was loaded with crazy high spots from both men.  The ending would see Red hit Misterio with some palm strikes then send him into the corner.  Red ran in with a spinning front kick but Misterio ducked out.  Misterio went out to the apron and came in for the Springboard Hurricanrana but Red caught him with a dropkick!  Misterio got up and Red hit the Code Red for the one ... two ... THRENO! NO! Misterio got the shoulder up!  Red went for the Red Star Press but Misterio got the knees up!  Rey tried to send Red into the ropes, Red reversed it but Rey hit the 619!  Rey then connected with the Springboard Hurricanrana for the one ... two ... THREE!  Rey Misterio Jr. holds onto the World Cruiserweight Title heading into Winter Wars.  Rey raised Red's hand in the air after the match.


WINNER: Rey Misterio Jr. in 8:04.

Rating: ***

(Rey Misterio Jr retainted the NGW World Cruiserweight Title.)


  We headed backstage where Jonathen Coachmen questioned Vampiro on just why he joined The Flock last week.  Vampiro had a different look to his face paint, with the eyes much darker and contours of his face shaded with grey making him look a lot meaner and evil.


VAMPIRO:  "I thought my career was over ... I was stuck in mediocrity and it was time for Vampiro to be reborn.  And the rebirth was made possible by one man ... Raven.  He's shown me the way and he's shown me the truth.  All of these fans, they cheered me but they don't know me.  They don't know my lifestyle.  They don't understand the pain I've gone through just to be who I am.  I am a sick and twisted individual and with The Flock, I'm free to be as sick and twisted as I can be.  Tommy Dreamer, you've threatened Raven, you've threatened The Flock and tonight, you will suffer for your sins."


(2) Konnan v. Randy Orton


  "Reason" blared over the speakers as the Dangerous Alliance's 'K-Dawg' Konnan headed out to the ring.  Then, "Here To Stay" by KoRn blasted over the speakers as Randy Orton made his way out.  Konnan and Jeff Jarrett will face off against Orton and John Cena this Sunday at Winter Wars.  Konnan busted out some complex submissions on Orton to try and confuse the rookie but Orton came to fight and defend his friend Goldust.  The ending would see Konnan go for a rolling clothesline but Orton ducked and hit a DDT! Orton headed to the top and connected with the Frog Press for the one ... two ... Jarrett breaks the pin!  Jarrett drilled Orton in the skull with a steel chair!  John Cena bolted into the ring and nailed Jarrett, making him drop the chair.  Cena took over on Jarrett but Konnan picked up the chair and blasted Cena laying him out!  The Dangerous Alliance regains control heading into Winter Wars.


WINNER: Randy Orton via DQ in 5:02.

Rating: *


  We returned from break...


["Break The Walls Down" by Sevendust]


  Chris Jericho headed out of the entrance and down to the ring.  Jericho will face off against Brock Lesnar in six days at Winter Wars...


JERICHO:  "Welcome ... welcome ... welcome ... I said ... WELCOME TO MONDAY NIGHT JERICHO!  Welcome to the most greatest moment of YOUR life because you're a part of the greatest show on earth.  My show.  Ever since I stepped foot in NGW, no one's star has shined brighter then Chris Jericho, no one's stock is rising as fast as Chris Jericho because NO ONE has the talent of Chris Jericho.  It's damn near tragic that the World Championship isn't around my fine waist right now but it would be if it wasn't for Brock Lesnar.  That big stupid cave beast is the ONLY reason that I'm not the World Champion and once I dispose of the myth that is Brock Lesnar in six days, the World Championship will be mine.  Brock Lesnar, you may have thought I was running from you last week ... No way, junior, I was just reconsidering my actions.  All these maroons don't deserve to see Chris Jericho take down the monster for free.  No, you've gotta pay to see me expose Brock Lesnar for the talentless, overhyped, load of crap that he really is.  For only $29.95, YOU can see the greatness of a living legend at his best..." 




  'Mr. Perfect' Curt Hennig stepped out of the entrance in a suit.  Hennig swatted his gum as Jericho muttered obscenities at the sight of Hennig.  The crowd turned as BROCK LESNAR jumped over the guardrail and into the ring.  Jericho saw him and tried to run but Lesnar grabbed him by the hair.  Jericho kicked Lesnar in the gut and headed out of the ring but Hennig grabbed Jericho and threw him back into the ring.  Lesnar picked up Jericho and hit a back breaker, Lesnar held on and hit two more back breakers!  Lesnar yelled out to the crowd then he lifted up Jericho and TERMINATOR!  Jericho was out cold.  Brock Lesnar picked up the microphone...


LESNAR:  "29.95, huh?  That ass kicking was free of charge courtesy of BROCK LESNAR!"


  Lesnar threw down the microphone and left the ring as Jericho was still out of it on the mat...


(3) Jamie Knoble v. Devon Storm


  "A Country Boy Can Survive" by Hank Williams Jr sounded over the speakers as 'The Redneck Messiah' Jamie Knoble made his way out to the ring.  Then, "Terrible Lie" by Nine Inch Nails blasted over the speakers as 'Dangerous' Devon Storm headed out along with Daffney.  Jamie Knoble and Devon Storm will both challenge Rey Misterio Jr. for the World Cruiserweight Title this Sunday at Winter Wars in a Three Way Dance but there's bad blood between these two and they couldn't wait until the PPV.  A complete contrast from the Rey-Red match as Knoble and Storm brawled it out in a real physical match.  The ending would see Storm go for a brain buster but Knoble blocked it.  Knoble then put Storm up top.  Knoble went up, Storm tried to fight him off but Knoble got the better of the slugfest.  Knoble stood on the very top rope and hit a huge superplex!  Knoble crawled over and made the cover for the one ... two ... THR ... NO! NO!  Knoble headed to the top but Storm hit the ropes, crotching him.  Storm went up and hit a top-rope frankensteiner!  Storm didn't cover, instead went back up top.  Storm came off with a flying splash but Knoble moved.  Storm clutched his knee in pain!  Knoble kicked the knee then went to apply the Trailer Hitch but Storm picked Knoble off sternum first into the turnbuckle then caught Knoble with the Mind Bender for the one ... two ... THREE!  Devon Storm squeaks out the win over Jamie Knoble.


WINNER: Devon Storm in 10:03.

Rating: *** 3/4


  After the match, Daffney tried to help Storm up as his knee was hurt.  Knoble chopblocked the knee then setup Storm for a power bomb but Misterio came out and hit a springboard thesz press on Knoble!  Knoble rolled out of the ring, frustrated as Rey Rey taunted him.  All of a sudden, Storm grabbed Misterio and hit the Mind Bender on Rey!  Storm held the World Cruiserweight Title in his hands then draped it over Misterio. 


  We headed backstage where The Coach got some comments from the NGW United States Heavyweight Champion, 'The Human Suplex Machine' Taz...


TAZ:  "Ken Shamrock ... The so called World's Most Dangerous Man.  Nah, brotha you're looking at the World's Most Dangerous Man.  You're looking at a man that can fight, that can wrestle, and can just plain out beat your ass.  Ken Shamrock, you can snap all you want, you can get real mad, get real angry but you won't take this U.S. Heavyweight Title away from me, brother.  Shamrock, we aren't much different, our hands are our weapons but when you run into the one man crime spree known as Taz this Sunday, your weapons, just don't match up with what I can do with these hands.  These hands will be what chokes you out and these hands will still hold the U.S. Heavyweight Title.  Ken Shamrock, you will be JUST ANOTHA VICTIM!"


(4) Taz & Psicosis & Super Crazzy v. Ken Shamrock & The Dudley Boyz


  "WAR MACHINE" blasted over the speakers as the NGW United States Heavyweight Champion, 'The Human Suplex Machine' Taz headed out.  "Loco" by Coal Chamber brought 'Nicho El Millionaro' Psicosis and 'The Insane Luchadore' Super Crazzy made their way out.  Then, "I Will Be Heard" by Hatebreed blasted over the speakers as 'The World's Most Dangerous Man' Ken Shamrock made his way out.  "Turn The Tables" by Saliva blared over the speakers as the NGW World Tag Team Champions, The Dudley Boyz headed out.  Taz defends the U.S. Heavyweight Title against Shamrock this Sunday while Psicosis & Super Crazzy challenge The Dudley Boyz for the World Tag Team Titles.  The ending would see Psicosis go for a falcon arrow on D-Von Dudley but D-Von blocked it then hit a Reverse Neckbreaker!  D-Von covered but Super Crazzy broke the cover and all hell broke loose!  The Dudleyz went for the 3D on Psicosis but Taz cut it off with a Tazmission on D-Von!  Taz choked out D-Von until Shamrock pulled Taz's leg.  Shamrock pulled Taz out of the ring and they brawled.  Crazzy and Psicosis hit a double dropkick on Buh Buh then Crazzy dove out with a springboard asai moonsault!  Psicosis then hit the Guillotine Legdrop on D-Von for the one ... two ... THREE!  Psicosis & Super Crazzy look to have The Dudley Boyz number heading into Winter Wars.


WINNERS: Taz & Psicosis & Super Crazzy in 6:03.

Rating: **


  We headed backstage to see a pair of taped fists clenched, the camera pulled back to show Tommy Dreamer.  The Coach got some comments from Dreamer before his match with Vampiro...


DREAMER:  "Raven, you say that I'm only here because of you and you're right.  I'm not in it for the money, for the fame, or for the glory.  I love this business and whether it's in some smoke filled arena infront of five hundred fans or here in NGW, I'll do my part to make sure the future of this business is bright.  Raven, you're like a cancer and you've infected NGW.  I am going to cut that cancer straight out NGW because it will a better place without you.  You may have gotten the upperhand last week, you may have lured Vampiro onto your side but Raven, you're not the only one with a trick up your sleeve."


(5) Vampiro v. Tommy Dreamer


  "Take It" by ICP blared over the speakers as Vampiro made his way out to the ring for the first time as a member of The Flock.  Then, "Man In The Box" by Alice In Chains blared over the speakers as 'The Innovator Of Violence' Tommy Dreamer headed out to the ring.  Dreamer hit the ring and went right at Vampiro, brawling away.  This would be a real stiff brawl between Dreamer and Vampiro.  The ending would see Vampiro go for the Vampiro Spike but Dreamer floated over and hit a russian legsweep!  Scott Vick hit the ring and came in with a springboard clothesline but Dreamer ducked and clotheslined Vick out of the ring.  Saturn came in but Dreamer lifted him up and hit the Spicolli Driver!  Vampiro then scooped up Dreamer and Vampiro Spike!  Vampiro covers Dreamer for the one ... two ... THREE!  Vampiro steals the win.


WINNER: Vampiro in 5:49.

Rating: **


  After the match, Raven joined The Flock in the beat down of Tommy Dreamer.  Stevie Richards ran in to help out but soon was getting his ass handed to him as well by The Flock.  The lights went down and pyro exploded as "Slow Chemical" by Finger Eleven hit!  KANE marched down to the ring and started cleaning house on The Flock!  Raven scurried out while Kane caught Saturn and planted him with a Choke Slam!  Raven, Vampiro and Vick pulled Saturn out and backed up the ramp as Kane lowered his hand and raised the pyro from the ringposts.  Dreamer struggled to his feet and took a microphone...


DREAMER:  "RAVEN!  You bring Saturn and Vampiro this Sunday and I'll bring Stevie and KANE!  And how about we have ourselves a six man tag?  You can beat me and hurt me all you want but I will not stop until I see the end of you.  Quote the Dreamer, FOREVERMORE!"


  Raven shouted back agreeing to the match for this Sunday.


  We cut backstage to see Scott Steiner and Eddy Guerrero leaving the Dangerous Alliance locker room along with Heyman and Trish.  The MAIN EVENT is next...


(Main Event) Scott Steiner & Eddy Guerrero v. Booker T & Rob Van Dam


  'DANGER! DANGER!' sounded over the speakers as Paul Heyman accompanied the Dangerous Alliance's 'Latino Heat' Eddy Guerrero and 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner, along with Trish, headed out to the ring.  Then, "Can You Dig It? SUCKA!" blared over the speakers as Booker T made his way out to the ring.  "Walk" by Pantera blasted over the speakers as the NGW World Champion, 'The Whole F'n Show' Rob Van Dam headed out.  It was just a few weeks ago that Van Dam and Booker were fighting each other but tonight they team up against common enemis in Steiner and Guerrero.  Booker T heads into Winter Wars to take on Eddy Guerrero in singles action.  Rob Van Dam will defend the NGW World Championship against the man he beat for it back in August, Scott Steiner.  This would be a real back and forth main event between these two teams.  The closing moments of the match would see Guerrero go for brain buster on Booker but Booker kneed him and hit an Axe Kick for the one ... two ... THR ... Steiner breaks up the pin!  Booker T ran Steiner out of the ring.  Van Dam lept to the top and hit a Five Star Frog Splash on Guerrero!  Steiner came back in and fought with RVD.  Booker nailed Steiner and helped send Big Poppa Pump to the floor!  Van Dam then lept out onto Steiner with a running somersault plancha!  Guerrero staggered to his feet and Booker T caught him with the Neckwrecker for the one ... two ... THREE!  Booker T takes the pin on Eddy Guerrero to win this tag team main event for his team.


WINNERS: Booker T & Rob Van Dam in 11:22.

Rating: ** 3/4


  After the match, Scott Steiner sent Van Dam into the ring steps then came back into the ring.  Steiner nailed Booker from behind then threw him with a t-bone suplex!  Van Dam to the top and flying kick!  Steiner moves!  Steiner pulled Van Dam in and planted him with a release tiger driver!  Steiner would then roll RVD over onto his stomach and trap him in the Steiner Recliner as the show went off the air!



NGW News & Notes-:



-NGW RAGE taping results for Saturday, December 7th, 2002:


The Natural Ones defeated Trent Acid and Taka Michinoku when D. Morgan pinned Acid with the Suicide Drop in 5:40.

Rating: ** 1/2


La Parka pinned Low Ki' with the Twisting Bodyblock in 8:38.

Rating: **


The Jung Dragons defeated Simon Diamond and Swinger when Kaz Hayashi pinned

Diamond with the Flying Senton in 6:43.

Rating: ** 1/2


Nova pinned Jason Jett with the Kryptonite Krunch in 07:37.

Rating: ** 1/2


-NGW has Winter Wars on December 8th, 2002 from the Key Arena in Seattle, WA.  The tentative line-up includes;


NGW World Championship Match-:

Rob Van Dam (c) v. Scott Steiner


NGW United States Heavyweight Title Match-:

Taz (c) v. Ken Shamrock


NGW World Tag Team Titles Match-:

The Dudley Boyz (c) v. Psicosis & Super Crazzy


NGW World Cruiserweight Title Match-:

Rey Misterio Jr. (c) v. Jamie Knoble v. Devon Storm


Chris Jericho v. Brock Lesnar


Booker T v. Eddy Guerrero


Raven & Saturn & Vampiro v. Tommy Dreamer & Stevie Richards & Kane


Dangerous Alliance (Jarrett/Konnan) v. John Cena & Randy Orton