
NGW Ring Wars - October 14 / 2002


First Union Arena in Wilkes-Barre, PA



  We kicked things off with a montage of stills recapping the major events of last night's New York Knockout.  Eddy Guerrero aided the Wolfpac leading to them defeating Booker T and John Cena.  Chris Jericho and Brock Lesnar won the World Tag Team Titles from Raven and Kane.  It looked like Taz was going to choke Rob Van Dam out but three seconds later, it was over and Rob Van Dam had retained the World Championship!


  "Praise" by Sevendust played in the background of the NGW Ring Wars opening sequence which featured a montage of various New Generation Wrestling superstars such as; Kane, Chris Kanyon, Randy Orton, The Dudley Boyz, John Cena, Taz, Brock Lesnar, Eddy Guerrero, Vampiro, Raven, Jeff Jarrett, Chris Jericho, Rob Van Dam, Booker T, Scott Steiner and more.  This is New Generation Wrestling and this is RING WARS...


  We entered the First Union Arena with Joey Styles and Paul Heyman hyping up the show.  Styles informed us that BOOKER T is not in Wilkes-Barre tonight as he's still in New York getting an CatScan on a possible concussion he suffered last night as a result of Jeff Jarrett's Piledriver on the concrete.  Styles said that Booker T should be back next week, whether he's hurt or not.  We then went to the ring for action...


(1) Simon Diamond & Swinger v. Chris Jericho & Brock Lesnar (c) - NGW World Tag Team Titles.


  "Simon Says" by Drain STH blared over the speakers as Dawn Marie led Simon Diamond and Swinger out to the ring.  Simon & Swinger earned this title shot on RAGE with a win over Evolution & Jung Dragons.  Then, "Break The Walls Down" by Sevendust blasted over the speakers as the new NGW World Tag Team Champions, Chris Jericho and Brock Lesnar headed down to the ring.  Jericho started it out with Swinger and was doing quite well until Dawn Marie tripped him up.  Simon & Swinger isolated Jericho in their corner and took turns double teaming him.  Simon would go for the Simonizer but Jericho countered it with a back suplex then made the tag to Lesnar.  Lesnar just cleaned house, clotheslines for both, a spinebuster for Swinger and a spiral bomb for Simon Diamond.  Lesnar tagged Jericho back in, Jericho locked Simon in the Walls Of Jericho for the submission.  Chris Jericho and Brock Lesnar keep their momenteum from last night and look to be an unbeatable team! 


WINNERS: Chris Jericho & Brock Lesnar in 3:22.

Rating: *

(Chris Jericho & Brock Lesnar retained the NGW World Tag Team Titles.)


["Don't Turn Your Back"]


  The Wolfpac, 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner, 'The Chosen One' Jeff Jarrett and 'K-Dawg' Konnan all headed out of the entrance.  Steiner stoppped and pointed back to the entrance and out walked TRISH STRATUS!  Trish kissed Steiner's biceps then joined Steiner as he walked down to the ring.  Steiner took a microphone...


STEINER:  "You see where Big Poppa Pump goes, the finest freaks follow.  When I said I had a new favorite freak, I didn't lie.  When I said she was top of the line, you can see I didn't lie!  The only time Big Poppa Pump is lieing is when he's got a freak on top!  Now all of you Wilkes-Barre wussies, all you Wilkes Barre white trash that are waiting for Booker T to show up, he's not comin' cause the Wolfpac put his ass in a hospital.  We gave Booker T and John Cena fair warning that they weren't good enough to take on the great athletes like the Wolfpac.  But they let their egos get in the way and they went down at the hands at the Wolfpac, isn't that right, Trish?"


TRISH:  "Oh that is right, Big Poppa Pump.  You might be wondering what I'm doing here, why I'm a freak.  I got tired of being with a loser so I came to a place with the greatest man alive.  The man that all you other women wish you could be with.  The big bad booty daddy!  Now as my first official act as the favorite freak, I'd like to introduce the newest member of the Wolfpac ... EDDY GUERRERO!"


["Siempre Peligroso" by Cypress Hill]


  Eddy Guerrero headed out of the entrance in a Wolfpac T-Shirt.  Guerrero scowled at the fans but then began to smile as he approached the ring.  Guerrero got into the ring and hugged Steiner, Jarrett and Konnan.  Guerrero took the microphone...


GUERRERO:  "Eddy Guerrero in the Wolfpac?  It don't get any better then this.  A few weeks ago, I had a problem.  Yeah, homeys, I had a real big problem with this new guy, this John Cena getting all the attention.  He was taking *MY* spotlight ... *MY* television time!  And Eddy Guerrero, el luchador más grande del mundo, couldn't deal with that, ese!  This punk got everything handed to him.  A big entrance.  TV time.  Interviews.  He got it all while Eddy Guerrero got pushed aside.  USTED NO PUEDE EMPUJARME A UN LADO!  YOU CAN'T PUSH ME ASIDE!   So I found myself a familia, who represents the same things that Eddy Guerrero does.  The same things that Eddy Guerrero is all about, holmes.  I'm not gonna complain about being screwed around by management anymore, I'm gonna take TV time when I want it, I'm gonna take the spotlight and anybody that I see doesn't deserve it will get exactly what John Cena got last night and that was his ass kicked!  That brings me to ROB VAN DAM!  R-V-D!  The so called World Champion.  I got a problem with R-V-D.  He's dodgin' me, man cause he knows that Eddy Guerrero could take that World Championship from him in a snap of my fingers.  Orale, Van Dam, I want you in this ring TONIGHT for the World Championship!  Or else the Wolfpac is gonna hunt you down and rip you apart!"


["Walk" by Pantera]


  The NGW World Champion, 'The Whole F'n Show' Rob Van Dam headed out of the entrance and onto the stage with a microphone...


VAN DAM:  "Eddy Guerrero, you can whine, you can complain, you can bitch and moan, you can join any group you want, you can throw out threats and challenges but no matter how hard you try, no matter what you do, you're never gonna be ROB VAN DAM!  And that means you're never gonna the World Champion cause I've got no plans on giving this up any time soon.  But if you want a shot, if that will shut you up, then you've a shot TONIGHT!"


  NGW Commissioner, Shawn Michaels came on the big screen...


MICHAELS:  "Wait a minute here.  You two can have your matcht onight for the World Championship but there's gonna be a special stipulation.  You see, Eddy, Rob Van Dam doesn't have to defend against you tonight, but he is so what I'm gonna do is this.  I'm banning the Wolfpac from ringside, if any of you interfere in the match, not only will you be fined and suspended but I will be watching and I will overturn any decision and disqualify Eddy Guerrero.  Eddy Guerrero, you've got your shot tonight but you've gotta do it all on your own.  Seeya!"


  Rob Van Dam defends the World Championship against Eddy Guerrero tonight! What a main event!


(2) Jamie Knoble v. Low Ki


  "A Country Boy Can Survive" by Hank Williams Jr blared over the speakers as 'The Redneck Messiah' Jamie Knoble headed out to the ring.  Then, "Boom" by Soulfly blasted over the speakers as the challenger Low Ki made his way out to the ring.  Low Ki is coming off a tough loss to the World Cruiserweight Champion Devon Storm last night while Jamie Knoble is fresh off a big win over Taka Michinoku.  This would be a very rough match with lots of mat work and striking.  The ending would see Knoble hit a gutbuster for the one ... two ... NO!  Knoble headed up top but Low Ki came in with a handspring enziguri!  Knoble fell to the canvas, Low Ki went up and hit a Phoenix Splash for the one ... two ... THR ... NO!  Knoble gets the shoulder up!  Low Ki measured Knoble and kicked him in the chest, again and then went for a big kick to the head but Knoble ducked, tripped up Low Ki and locked him in the Trailer Hitch!  Low Ki had nowhere to go, he tried to hold on but couldn't and tapped out!  Jamie Knoble wins two big matches in two nights!


WINNER: Jamie Knoble in 8:10.

Rating: ***


  We headed out to the entrance of the building to see TAZ walking into the arena with his head down and sunglasses on.  The Coach approached Taz, Taz kept walking but Coach hounded him until Taz stopped.


COACH:  "Taz, it was a tough loss last night against Rob Van Dam and I'm sure you don't wanna talk about it but what I wanted was your thoughts on your non-title match tonight against Randy Orton?"


TAZ:  "Randy Orton, huh?  Randy Orton.  I'm gonna teach this punk kid a lesson.  I'm gonna beat his ass so bad that the fourth, fifth and sixth generations of Orton's are gonna be in pain.  I had Rob Van Dam choked out last night and Van Dam, you didn't beat me, brotha, you can't.  I beat myself and tonight I'm gonna beat Randy Orton.  I'm gonna take this kid and I'm gonna take every bit of rage, every bit of anger that's inside of me and unleash it on me.  You're in the wrong place at the wrong time, kid and you will go down tonight as JUST ANOTHA VICTIM!"


(3) Saturn v. Vampiro


  "Beautiful People" by Marilyn Manson blasted over the speakers as The Flock's Saturn headed out of the ring.  Then, "Kong At The Gates" by The Misfits blared over the speakers as 'The Dark Angel' Vampiro made his way out to the ring.  Both these men were victorious last night as Vampiro scored the win over Konnan in a street fight while Saturn got the win for The Flock in a six man tag.  The ending of this match would see Vampiro go for a superkick but Saturn countered it with a legsweep.  Saturn hit a waistlock suplex then headed up top.  Vampiro caught up to him and hit a belly-to-back superplex for the one ... two ... THR ... NO!  Vampiro called for the Vampiro Spike.  Vampiro scooped up Saturn and Vampiro Spike!  Vampiro covered but Konnan slid into the ring and drilled Vampiro in the back of the head with the crowbar for a DQ!


WINNER: Vampiro via DQ in 4:56.

Rating: **


  After the match, Konnan threw down the crowbar on a bloody Vampiro and walked out of the ring.  Saturn pulled himself to his feet when a masked man slid into the ring out of nowhere and planted Saturn with a DDT!  This 'X' masked man escaped through the crowd again...


  We headed backstage where Terri was with the NGW Commissioner, Shawn Michaels who had an announcement to make..


MICHAELS:  "Now you know Terri since day one, I've said time and time again that I will do anything ande everything in my power to make New Generation Wrestling the greatest wrestling organization in the world today.  I brought in Vampiro, I brought in Eddy Guerrero, I brought in Chris Jericho, I brought in Booker T, and many more.  I've been real busy the last few weeks and that's why I haven't been on TV much.  I've been working on something big and that big thing is trying to sign 'The World's Most Dangerous Man'.  That's right, I'm talking about Ken Shamrock.  I just got off the phone with Shamrock and he has agreed to come here next week and hear me out in person to decide whether he wants to be a part of NGW.  And if anyone can get that deal done, it's Shawn Michaels."


(4) Super Crazzy & Psicosis & James Maritado v. Devon Storm & Rey Misterio Jr. & Trent Acid


  "Roadhouse Blues Remix" blared over the speakers as 'The Insane Luchadore' Super Crazzy, 'Nicho El Millionaro' Psicosis and James Maritado headed out to the ring for this six man tag.  Then, "Terrible Lie" by Nine Inch Nails blasted over the speakrs as the NGW World Cruiserweight Champion, 'Dangerous' Devon Storm, Rey Misterio Jr. and Trent Acid all made their way out to the ring.  This would be another incredible cruiserweight match coming off three very different yet great Cruiserweight contests last night at New York Knockout.  The ending would see Crazzy go for the Trifecta Moonsaults on Storm but Storm rolled out of the way on the last one.  Storm then hit the Mind Bender on Crazzy for the one ... two ... THR ... Maritado makes the pin! Trent Acid came in and took Maritado to the outside.  Acid came out with a running somersault senton onto Maritado!  Psicosis then jumped out with a ropeflip moonsault onto Acid!  Rey Misterio Jr ran out but did the  fakeout in the ropes.  Psicosis breathed a sigh of relief but Rey came through with a dropkick then an asai moonsault to Psicosis!  Devon Storm was gonna go out with a plancha but Crazzy spun him around and hit the Crazzy Bomb for the one ... two ... THREE!  Super Crazzy has pinned the World Cruiserweight Champion to win this six man for his team!


WINNERS: Super Crazzy & Psicosis & Jamie Maritado in 11:25.

Rating: *** 3/4


["Come Out And Play" by Offspring]


  Raven walked out of the entrance, trailed by The Flock; Kane, Saturn, Chris Kanyon and Scott Vick.  Raven headed into the ring where he took a microphone...


RAVEN:  "Last night in Madison Square Garden, The Flock let me down.  Sure, Saturn, Kanyon and Vick, you won your match but where were you when this ... this ... this masked man jumped me?  You were nowhere to be found.  And you, Kane.  Your insubordination put our World Tag Team Titles in jeopardy and ultimatly cost us the gold.  I've been thinking that maybe you're not to blame.  The suits up in the skyboxes must hate the way Brock Lesnar makes everyone else look inferior.  Its no secret that you're considered a misfit and a freak.  So is management to blame for pitting the two monsters of this company at odds?  Maybe they figure one of you is bound to get hurt, one of you will be put out of wrestling.  But I won't give them what they want.  Kane will never step foot in the same ring as Brock Lesnar.  It will not happen.  Quote the..."


  Kane grabbed the microphone from Raven...


KANE:  "You listen to me, Raven, you don't tell me what to do!  I want Brock Lesnar one on one and I will get him."


  Raven takes the microphone back from Kane...


RAVEN:  "Shut up, Kane, you let me to the planning, you let me show you the way because on your own, you don't have what it takes to survive.  I'm the only one that understands your pain.  As I was saying Kane will never step foot in the ring with Brock Lesnar."


  Kane grabbed Raven by the throat and spoke into the microphone...




RAVEN:  "This is how you treat me?  After all that I've done for you.  What about me?  WHAT ABOUT RAVEN?"


  Kane lifted Raven up for a Choke Slam but The Flock jumped Kane before he could slam Raven.  Raven encouraged The Flock to keep beating on Kane.  Kane tried to fight back but Raven drilled Kane low then spiked him with an Evenflow DDT.  Saturn and Kanyon held Kane as Raven grabbed the microphone...


RAVEN:  "Kane, your insubordination has cost you the only people that understand you.  You're on your own now Kane and when you fail, you will never be accepted back into the Flock.  So it was written, so it shall come to pass.  Quote the Raven, NEVERMORE!"


  The Flock beat on Kane some more then Raven called them off and they left the ring.  Kane has just been cut out of The Flock!


(5) Sonny Siaki v. Scott Steiner


  We returned from the break with newcomer, Sonny Siaki already in the ring and being introduced.  Then, "I Need A Freak" by Too $hort blared over the speakers as Trish Stratus led 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner out to the ring.  Trish looked over Siaki, who was in great condition and got him to flex but then shook her head and moved back over to Steiner as Steiner posed.  Steiner threw Siaki down to the mat and posed some more.  Steiner just dominated the youngster.  Steiner would go for a Steinerline but Siaki ducked and hit a dropkick then went for a frankensteiner but Steiner flattened Siaki with a power bomb.  Steiner dropped a couple elbows and covered but pulled up Siaki.  Steiner dropped Siaki with a military press slam then locked him in the Steiner Recliner!  Siaki quickly tapped out to end the slaughter.


WINNER: Scott Steiner in 2:02.

Rating: DUD


  We headed backstage where Randy Orton was lacing up his boots for his match with Taz when Goldust entered the room with a baseball hat, padding to make a 'beer gut', a whistle and clipboard.


ORTON:  "What're you doing, man?"


GOLDUST:  "You speak only when spoken to, rookie.  You hear me?  Tonight I want you to go out there and follow my gameplan or else you're gonna find yourself nothing more then a glorified water boy.  Mmmmmmm water boys.  Anyways, here's the plan, rookie.  The best defense is a good offense.  You're gonna hit Taz high, hit him hard and hit him often."


ORTON:  "(shaking his head) I got it covered, don't worry about me."


  Orton patted Goldust on the shoulder and walked out of the room...


GOLDUST:  "Just remember, kid, it's not whether you win or lose ... Its whether you can stop Taz from breaking your neck."


  Goldust looked worried...


(6) Taz v. Randy Orton - Non-Title


  "WAR MACHINE" blasted over the speakers as the NGW United States Heavyweight Champion, 'The Human Suplex Machine' Taz walked out to the ring for non-title action.  Taz was looking as volatile as ever coming up short last night against Rob Van Dam.  Then, "Here To Stay" by KoRn blasted over the speakers as Randy Orton headed out to the ring.  Orton didn't look nervous at all.  Orton looked up with Taz and Taz slammed his head backwards into the mat.  Taz mounted Orton and viciously clubbed the sides of his head.  The ref pulled Taz off but Taz shoved him aside and went back after Orton.  Taz dumped Orton with a T-Bone Tazplex then started smacking him around.  Taz went for a Hardway Tazplex but Orton elbowed him off, sent Taz into the ropes and hit a dropkick.  Taz stumbled out of the ring and Orton came out with a plancha but Taz moved!  Taz hit a Concrete Crack on the floor then rolled Orton back into the ring.  Taz looked to be enjoying himself, just tearing apart the youngster.  Orton got a few flashes of offense but was looking glassy eyed from all the suplexes.  The ending would see Taz hit a Head & Arm Tazplex then stalk Orton for the Tazmission!  Taz shook his head, grabbed Orton and Hardway Tazplex!  Taz covered Orton but pulled him up at two.  Taz laughed then picked up Orton and placed him on the top rope.  Taz headed up for a Super Head & Arm Tazplex!  Orton blocks it, shoves Taz down to the mat!  FROG PRESS!  Orton hit it!  ONE! TWO! THREE! OH MY GOD!  Orton just pinned Taz!


WINNER: Randy Orton in 5:10.

Rating: * 3/4


  After the match, Taz sat up almost in a state of shock then drilled Orton in the back of the head with a clothesline!  Taz locked Orton in the Tazmission, choking Orton out violently.  Taz threw the referee around then went out of the ring.  Taz went under the ring and pulled out a table.  Taz brought the table into the ring and set it up.  "I'M GONNA BREAK HIS ****ING NECK!" Taz yelled.  Taz grabbed Orton in the Tazmission and looked around but Goldust ran down and pulled Orton away from Taz.  Goldust held up Orton and took him to the back as Taz shook his head in the ring, steaming.  Things are not going well for The Human Suplex Machine...


  We cut backstage to a shot of the NGW World Champion, 'The Whole F'n Show' Rob Van Dam finishing his stretching then putting his belt over his shoulder and leaving his dressing room.  Rob Van Dam defends against Eddy Guerrero ... NEXT!


(Main Event) Eddy Guerrero v. Rob Van Dam (c) - NGW World Championship


  "Siempre Peligroso" by Cypress Hill blared over the speakers as the challenger, now representing the Wolfpac, Eddy Guerrero headed out to the ring along with Trish Stratus.  The Wolfpac may be banned but Trish is a certified manager and allowed to be there.  Then, "Walk" by Pantera blasted over the speakers as the NGW World Champion, 'The Whole F'n Show' Rob Van Dam made his way out to the ring.  Styles and Heyman discussed what condition Rob Van Dam is in, considering he's not medically cleared from his neck injury and Taz inflicted a lot of damage on RVD's neck last night.  We'd soon find out as Guerrero went right for the neck of Van Dam.  RVD was showing the signs of the pain and couldn't shake it off.  With the World Championship on the line, Guerrero was gonna do everything he could to that neck of Rob Van Dam.  These two have had incredible battles in the past including the Ironman Match where RVD narrowly came out on top but Guerrero beat RVD several times.  The closing moments of this match would see Eddy lock Van Dam in a Gory Special, putting all the pressure on Van Dam's neck but RVD wouldn't give in.  Guerrero spun Van Dam around and dropped him with a neckbreaker for the one ... two ... THR ... NO!  Guerrero decked Van Dam with a clothesline and headed out to the apron.  Guerrero came in with a somersault senton for the one ... two ... THR ... NO!  Van Dam kicked out!  Guerrero twisted the arm then ran up the ropes, jumped off with a hurricanrana!  Guerrero makes the cover for the one ... two ... THRENO! NO! NO!  RVD kicked out!  Guerrero taunted the crowd then grabbed Van Dam for a Brain Buster! Van Dam floats over and goes for a german suplex! No!  Guerrero elbows him off and hits the Brain Buster!  Eddy covers for the ...










                              ....THREE! NO! NO! ONLY TWO! VAN DAM got his foot on the ropes!  Guerrero was so close he could taste it!  Guerrero headed tot he top for the Frog Splash but Van Dam is up and crotchs Guerrero!  Van Dam is going up for a superplex but Guerrero shoved him off.  Van Dam came back in, Guerrero kicked him in the face and came off with a super sunset flip for the one ... two ... THRENO! NO! Guerrero was livid now!  Guerrero hit soem punches, RVD fires back, goes for a kick, Eddy catches the leg but RVD hits a spinning mule kick!  Van Dam goes for a split legged moonsault but Guerrero gets the knees up!  Guerrero hits a neckbreaker on Van Dam but doesn't cover.  Guerrero to the top and FROG SPLASH! IT MISSES!  Rob Van Dam slams down Eddy and spring to the top!  FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH! Guerrero rolls out of the way!  Guerrero signals to Trish.  Trish grabs a chair and slides it into the ring then gets up on the apron to distract the referee!  Guerrero picks up the chair ... RVD springs to his feet and VAN DAMINATOR!  Rob Van Dam to the top and FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH!  He hits it!  RVD struggles over to make the cover...










                              ....THREE!  Rob Van Dam has retained the NGW World Championship but just barely! 


WINNER: Rob Van Dam in 13:30.

Rating: *** 3/4

(Rob Van Dam retained the NGW World Championship.)


  After the match, Rob Van Dam had little time to enjoy his win as Konnan, Jeff Jarrett and Scott Steiner hit the ring!  Konnan takes out Van Dam with a rolling clothesline!  Jarrett's going for a Piledriver but here comes John Cena!  Cena levels Jarrett with a clothesline!  Cena catches Konnan with a spinebuster but Steiner hits a full nelson bomb!  Steiner and Jarrett hold Cena ... Guerrero to the top and FROG SPLASH on Cena!  Steiner rolled Van Dam over and put him in the Steiner Recliner!  Guerrero hit the ropes and seated dropkick to Van Dam's face!  The Wolfpac is in control!



NGW News & Notes-:



-NGW became aware in the past week that Trish Stratus had been working without a contract in WPW for about a month after her deal expired.  The offer was made, she jumped at it and is now under contract with NGW.


-NGW RAGE taping results for Saturday, October 19th, 2002:


Essa Rios and La Parka defeated The Jung Dragons when Rios pinned Kaz Hayashi with the Moonsault in 8:34.

Rating: ***


 -Prior to the match, Goldust came out mocking Konnan and doing a rap of his own.  Konnan came out pissed off and Goldust asked him, "Will ya feel me, dog?"  Konnan wasn't down with that and jumped Goldust to start the match.


Goldust pinned Konnan with the Curtain Call in 5:06.

Rating: * 1/4

 -Vampiro paid Konnan back for the assault on Ring Wars leading to Goldust taking a big win.


 -Backstage; John Cena talked about the incredible roll he's been on since joining NGW.  Cena hoped that Kanyon enjoyed the feeling of getting beat by a "rookie" because he's gonna go through it again tonight.


John Cena pinned Chris Kanyon with the Proto-Bomb in 6:33.

Rating: ** 3/4

 -The masked man, known simply as 'X', made his presence known again and continued to mess with The Flock as he cost Kanyon the match against John Cena.


-NGW has November To Remember on November 10th, 2002 from the Mellon Arena in Pittsburgh, PA.  The tentative line-up includes;


Matches TBA...