
NGW Ring Wars - September 30 / 2002



  "Praise" by Sevendust played in the background of the NGW Ring Wars opening sequence which featured a montage of various New Generation Wrestling superstars such as; Kane, Chris Kanyon, Randy Orton, The Dudley Boyz, John Cena, Taz, Brock Lesnar, Eddy Guerrero, Vampiro, Raven, Jeff Jarrett, Chris Jericho, Rob Van Dam, Booker T, Scott Steiner and more.  This is New Generation Wrestling and this is RING WARS...


  We entered the arena just thirteen days away from New York Knockout as Joey Styles and Paul Heyman welcomed everyone to the show.  Styles said we would find out tonight who will challenge Raven & Kane for the World Tag Team Titles at New York Knockout while we'll get ROB VAN DAM's response to Taz's challenge via satellite...


(1) The Flock (Saturn & Chris Kanyon) v. Jung Dragons


  "Beautiful People" by Marilyn Manson blasted over the speakers as The Flock's Saturn and Chris Kanyon headed out to the ring for this Semi-Final round match.  Then, "I Don't Mind" by Drain STH blared over the speakers as the Jung Dragons, Kaz Hayashi and Yang, made their way out to the ring.  Saturn & Kanyon advanced over Evolution while the Jung Dragons defeated Essa Rios and La Parka.  The winners will meet either Chris Jericho & Brock Lesnar or The Dudley Boyz later tonight to decide who challenges Raven & Kane for the World Tag Team Titles at New York Knockout.  The ending would see Saturn go for a brain buster but Kaz floated over and hit a reverse neckbreaker then made a tag to Yang.  Yang and Kaz hit a double DDT on Saturn!  Kanyon came in and tried a double clothesline but the Dragons ducked and hit a double dropkick sending Kanyon to the floor.  Kaz jumped out with a plancha onto Kanyon!  Yang went to send Saturn into the ropes but Saturn pulled Yang in and hit a legsweep then locked Yang in the Rings Of Saturn!  Yang tapped out to the hold!  Saturn and Kanyon advance to the finals...


WINNERS: The Flock in 5:38.

Rating: ** 3/4


["Don't Turn Your Back"]


  The Wolfpac, 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner, 'The Chosen One' Jeff Jarrett and 'K-Dawg' Konnan headed out to the ring.  Konnan took the microphone...


KONNAN:  "Yo, yo, yo, lemme speak on dis ... zip those lips tight and listen to what Big Poppa Pump's gotta say!"


STEINER:  "What went down last week was the biggest travesty I've been apart of since Rob Van Dam stole my World Championship.  This ... this new guy ... John Cena, he looked promising, he looked like he may have had a great career ahead of him but John Cena committed CAREER SUICIDE last week.  Did you not see what we did to Vampiro?  That's what's gonna happen to you, kid.  You're finished in this business.  As quick as you arrived, the quicker you will leave.  It just pains me deep down inside cause you could've been something with the Wolfpac ... Instead we're gonna take you out nice and quick while Booker T ... Booker T is gonna go through a long, slow torture until can't take no more!"


["More Human Than Human (NIN Remix)" by White Zombie]


  'The Prototype' John Cena walked out onto the stage with a microphone in hand.  Cena looked around at the crowd and got a pretty good reaction.


STEINER:  "Let me ask you something, do you understand what you've done?  Do you understand who you're dealing with?  You could have been running with the Wolfpac but instead you're just gonna be one of the bloody, broken, battered bodies that we leave in our path."


CENA:  "Yeah, I know what you're all about, Steiner.  I know what the Wolfpac is all about and it's crap.  I'm not gonna be a battered body left in your path because I'm gonna be one of the guys that puts a stop to your games.  YOU'RE THE ONES ... that don't know what you're getting into with me, John Cena."


JARRETT:  "You know what Cena, for a new guy you sure seem to be real confident, almost cocky.  I'll give you credit for even showing up here tonight but that's where it ends.  But the question is, where are we gonna end you?  I say we do it at New York Knockout, The Chosen One and Big Poppa Pump against you and Booker T.  In the world famous Madison Square Gardens, John Cena will become a footnote in wrestling history."


CENA:  "Let me think about it ... I'm in, you're damn straight I'm in.  I'm gonna give you a chance to take me out but if you can, you better not let me get back up."


["Can You Dig It? SUCKA!"]


  Out of the entrance walked Booker T.  Booker joined Cena on the stage with a microphone in hand...


BOOKER T:  "So the Booker-man is sitting back there, kickin' it and waitin' for the Wolfpac to show their faces.  Now you're out here makin' threats, makin' challenges, and throwin' around your weight, flexin' your muscle.  But this guy right here, he doesn't scared of you and you damn skippy that Booker T ain't scared of you.  Steiner, I wasn't scared when you stabbed me in the back, and I sure as hell wasn't scared when I beat you last week!  As far as this tag team match goes, well Booker T is a little uneasy.  I got a bad feeling in the pit of stomach.  I don't know who I can trust around here and that goes for you [Cena], too.  How do I know you really got my back against the Wolfpac?  How do I know you won't stab me in my back the first chance you get?"


CENA:  "I may be new around here, but I'm no liar.  I'd give you my word but I've learned quickly that doesn't much around here.  So I'm gonna do you one better."


JARRETT:  "Look, do you accept the challenge or not?"


CENA:  "Jeff Jarrett, I want you in the ring, one-on-one tonight!  No Wolfpac, no Booker T, just me and you.  The new guy against the veteran.  You wanna take me out?  You got your first shot tonight."


BOOKER T:  "I'll tell you this, I'll team up with you at New York Knockout but I'll you this.  If you stab me in the back, you won't have to worry about Booker T making threats about ending your career cause you'll already be laid out in a back alley somewhere, not knowin' what hit ya.  Now can you dig that?  SUUUCCCKKAAAAA!"


JARRETT:  "Oh isn't that just great!  John Cena, you're in over your head at New York Knockout and you're in over your head with The Chosen One tonight.  Now choke on that, slapnuts!"


  The Wolfpac's music hit ... Its set for tonight, John Cena going one-on-one with Jeff Jarrett and at NYK it will be Scott Steiner and Jeff Jarrett teaming up against Booker T and John Cena...


(2) Chris Jericho & Brock Lesnar v. The Dudley Boyz


  "Break The Walls Down" by Sevendust blared over the speakers as Chris Jericho and Brock Lesnar headed out to the ring.  Then, "Turn The Tables" by Saliva blared over the speakers as The Dudley Boyz made their way out to the ring.  Jericho and Lesnar made quick work of The Acolytes to advance while The Dudley Boyz put down Simon Diamond & Swinger.  The winners will go on to meet Saturn & Kanyon later tonight to determine who challenges Raven & Kane at New York Knockout.  The ending of the match would see Jericho go for a bulldog on Buh Buh but Buh Buh grabbed him and planted him with a Buh Buh Bomb!  Buh Buh covers for the one ... two ... THR ... Foot on the ropes!  Buh Buh made the tag to D-Von and slammed down Jericho. D-Von hit the headbutt!  Lesnar came in and leveled Buh Buh with a lariat.  D-Von came at Lesnar but Lesnar hit a spinebuster.  Jericho made a tag to Lesnar.  Saturn ran down to the ring and jumped up on the apron, trying to get in but the ref stopped him.  Kanyon slid into the ring but D-Von caught him with a back elbow and Kanyon rolled out of the ring.  Lesnar lifted up D-Von and planted him with the Terminator for the one ... two ... THREE!  Chris Jericho and Brock Lesnar will meet Saturn & Kanyon later here tonight.


WINNERS: Chris Jericho and Brock Lesnar in 5:50.

Rating: ** 1/2


  We returned backstage to see Saturn and Kanyon returning backstage to where Raven and Kane were waiting.  Raven wasn't looking to impressed...


KANYON:  "Did you see it boss?  That was great, wasn't it?"


RAVEN:  "What the hell did you two do that for?  Do you realize what you've done?"


KANYON:  "What'd you mean?  We screwed The Dudley Boyz out of getting another shot at you guys.  I thought you'd be happy."


RAVEN:  "You idiot!  You helped Chris Jericho and Brock Lesnar advance and now you're gonna have to beat them.  This is why I do the planning..."


  Raven just shook his head while it sunk into Kanyon and Saturn what mistake they had made...


(3) Jamie Knoble v. Trent Acid


  "A Country Boy Can Survive" by Hank Williams Jr sounded over the speakers as 'The Redneck Messiah' Jamie Knoble headed out to the ring.  Knoble came within an eyelash of capturing the World Cruiserweight Title last week.  Then, "Chase" by Giorgio Moroder blasted over the speakers as Trent Acid headed out to the ring to make his NGW debut.  Knoble seemed caught off guard in the early going as Acid took to the air with many high risk moves.  However, Knoble soon slowed that match down and grounded Acid, beating him down.  The ending would see Knoble send Acid into the ropes but Acid hit a spinning headscissors then went for a standing somersault senton but Knoble got the knees up.  Knoble stretched Acid with a bow and arrow submission but Acid wouldn't give in.  Knoble picked up Acid and took him up top.  Knoble climbed all the way up for a superplex but Acid shoved Knoble down to the mat.  Acid came off with a somersault legdrop for the one ... two ... THR ... NO!  Knoble kicked out!  Acid picked up Knoble for the Acid Bomb but Knoble landed on his feet and kicked Acid in the gut.  Knoble planted Acid with a hard power bomb then locked him in the Trailer Hitch!  Acid had no choice but to submit!  Jamie Knoble gets back on the winning track and climbs back towards the Cruiserweight Title.


WINNER: Jamie Knoble in 7:05.

Rating: ** 1/2


  Joey Styles brought the NGW World Champion, Rob Van Dam up live via satellite from his home in Battle Creek, Michigan.  Van Dam was shown wearing a neckbrace with the World Championship in his lap...


STYLES:  "Rob Van Dam, last week you were rudely cut off by Taz.  It's safe to say that Taz has gone off the deep end and looks to be more dangerous then ever before.  You heard what he had to say last week and the challenge he laid out, what is your response?"


VAN DAM:  "You know, Joey, I hate this and I hate Taz for doing this to me.  When you're Rob Van Dam, you eat, sleep and breath being the Whole F'n Show but right now I can't given get to the show.  I've got four weeks of therapy left to rehab my neck and get full use of my limbs.  Four weeks.  In two weeks, I have to defend the World Championship or be stripped of it due to inactivity.  Shawn Michaels presented me with a choice.  Put my career on the line to defend my gold, a decision he made and it ended his career.  Or I swallow my pride and hand over the World Championship without risking a career ending injury.  The choice was real simple, Taz, I'm coming to MSG and I'm not coming to hand over the World Championship, I'm coming to hand you the ass kicking that you deserve.  Gimme the damn waiver, cause everybody's favorite wrestler, R-V-D, will sign whatever it takes to get back in the ring and take Taz out."


HEYMAN:  "ARE YOU CRAZY?  Have you lost your mind, Rob?  Is it really worth it?  Just hand over the title, take the extra two weeks then come back to get revenge on Taz."


VAN DAM:  "Crazy?  Maybe.  Insane?  I'm not sure.  Is it worth it?  Probably not.  There's only two things that I'm sure of.  The first thing is I'm defending this World Championship against Taz at New York Knockout and the second thing I'm sure of is that I'm ROB VAN DAM!"


STYLES:  "Thank you for your time, RVD and we'll see you at New York Knockout..."


(4) Low Ki v. Rey Misterio Jr. - Number One Contenders Match


  "Boom" by Soulfly blasted over the speakers as Low Ki headed out to the ring for our next matchup.  Then, "Ashes To Ashes" by Madd One blared over the speakers as Rey Misterio Jr. headed out to the ring.  Last week these two were involved in a three way dance with Super Crazzy which ended in a no contest after Super Crazzy and Psicosis attacked both men.  The winner of this one on one match will go onto New York Knockout to challenge Devon Storm for the World Cruiserweight Title.  Low Ki attempted to neutralize Misterio's high flying offense with hard strikes and submissions.  The ending would see Misterio hit a doctor bomb on Low Ki for two.  Misterio then hit a hurricanrana for the one ... two ... THR ... NO!  Misterio slammed down Low Ki and went for an asai moonsault but Low Ki rolled out of the way.  Misterio landed on his feet and sent Low Ki into the ropes but Low Ki came off with a springboard twisting roundhouse kick!  Low Ki grabbed Misterio and put him on top but Misterio drilled Low Ki with rights then hit a spinning frankensteiner for the one ... two ... THR ... NO!  Misterio went for a power bomb but Low Ki dropped out and went for the Ki Krusher but Misterio blocked it and hit a snap suplex.  Misterio headed out to the apron but saw Super Crazzy running out.  Misterio shouted at Crazzy.  Low Ki grabbed Misterio in the Dragon Clutch and dragged him over the top and into the ring.  Misterio slipped out but Low Ki kicked him and hit the Ki Krusher for the one ... two ... THREE!  Low Ki scores perhaps the biggest win of his young career but he'll have a chance to top that at New York Knockout against the World Cruiserweight Champion, Devon Storm.


WINNER: Low Ki' in 11:02.

Rating: **** 1/4


  We headed backstage where The Coach got some comments from Chris Jericho and Brock Lesnar before their tournament final match with Saturn and Chris Kanyon...


JERICHO:  "It looks to me like Raven can't even control his own Flock.  Saturn and Kanyon actually thought they made a difference out there.  The Dudley Boyz were going down regardless because what stands before you is the most awesome force ever assembled in wrestling.  You have the man that Superman would temble in hear and run away from with his stupid red cape between his legs from, Brock Lesnar.  And then you have moi.  The larger than life, living legend of wrestling, the man who transcends this industry and looks down upon all who inhabit it.  You can just call me Chris Jericho and you can just call us the World Tag Team Champions."


(5) The Flock (Saturn & Chris Kanyon) v. Chris Jericho & Brock Lesnar


  "Beautiful People" by Marilyn Manson blasted over the speakers as The Flock's Saturn and Chris Kanyon headed out to the ring.  Then, "Break The Walls Down" by Sevendust blared over the speakers as Chris Jericho and Brock Lesnar made their way out to the ring.  The winners of this match will go onto New York Knockout to meet Raven and Kane for the World Tag Team Titles.  Saturn and Kanyon were in hot water with Raven after their involvement in the Jericho/Lesnar-Dudleyz match while Jericho was also pissed that Saturn and Kanyon got involved in his match.  Raven's whole plan of trying to dodge Jericho and Lesnar was falling apart.  The ending of this match would see Kanyon go for the Flatliner on Jericho but Jericho elbowed out and hit the Breakdown!  Jericho covered for the one ... two ... THR ... Saturn breaks up the pin!  Lesnar came in after Saturn but Saturn ducked out of the ring.  Raven ran around the ring and got up on the apron, distracting the referee.  Lesnar walked over to Raven and the referee was trying to maintain order and send Raven to back.  Kane hit the ring and stepped over the top rope.  Kane grabbed Jericho and hurled him into the corner.  Kanyon got to his feet and Kane grabbed by the throat.  Saturn came in, wondering what Kane was doing and Kane grabbed him by the throat!  DOUBLE CHOKE SLAM!  Kane pointed at Lesnar then left the ring and walked to the back.  Raven chased after him, out of his mind at what Kane had done.  Jericho locked Kanyon in the Walls Of Jericho and Kanyon tapped out.  Chris Jericho and Brock Lesnar will meet Raven and Kane at the PPV.


WINNERS: Brock Lesnar and Chris Jericho in 6:28.

Rating: * 3/4


  We cut backstage to see a shot of 'The Chosen One' Jeff Jarrett walking out of the Wolfpac's dressing room.  We then went to a shot of John Cena walking through the halls.  Our Main Event is next...


(Main Event) Jeff Jarrett v. 'The Prototype' John Cena


  We returned to the arena and it was time for our Main Event of the evening.  "Don't Turn Your Back" blared over the speakers as 'The Chosen One' Jeff Jarrett headed out to the ring.  Then, "More Human Than Human (NIN Remix)" by White Zombie blared over the speakers as 'The Prototype' John Cena walked out to the ring.  This was just Jarrett and Cena going at it because the Wolfpac and Booker T all agreed to stay out of it.  Jeff Jarrett and Scott Steiner will meet John Cena and Booker T at New York Knockout where the Wolfpac has promised to put a quick end to Cena's short career.  However, Cena wasn't going down without a fight and what a great fight he put in here against the veteran Jeff Jarrett.  Jarrett had a few mental lapses, getting over confident which allowed Cena to go on the offensive.  However, for the most part, Jarrett was in control of the match.  The closing moments of the match would see Jarrett stun Cena with an uppercut then bounce off the ropes but Cena caught him with a powerslam for the one ... two ... NO!  Cena sent Jarrett into the corner and came in with an avalanche then a bulldog for the one ... two ... THR ... NO!  Cena tried to send Jarrett into the ropes but Jarrett pulled him in and hit a hotshot for the one ... two ... THR ... NO!  Jarrett hit some chops on Cena then climbed up in the corner with punches.  Jarrett taunted the crowd but Cena grabbed him and walked out with him but Jarrett went to the eyes.  Jarrett went for a single arm DDT but Cena picked him up and hit a spinebuster for the one ... two ... THR ... NO! NO! Jarrett kicked out!  Cena sent Jarrett into the corner and came in again with an avalanche but Jarrett moved!  Jarrett went for a Piledriver but Cena countered it with a hotshot!  Jarrett hit the corner and Cena caught him with the Proto-Bomb!  Cena covers ... one ... two ... THREE!  Really?  Yes!  Cena beat Jarrett!  John Cena was in almost disbelief but he's beaten Jeff Jarrett straight up!


WINNER: John Cena in 10:01.

Rating: ** 3/4


  After the match, Konnan slid into the ring and decked Cena with a clothesline.  Konnan stomped away on Cena.  Scott Steiner hit the ring and joined in on the assault!  Here comes BOOKER T!  Booker hit the ring, Jarrett went for a punch but Booker ducked and clotheslined him out of the ring.  Konnan came at him but Booker kicked him and AXE KICK!  STEINERLINE!  Steiner beheaded Booker with a Steinerline!  Steiner grabs Booker and power bombs him hard to the mat!  Steiner rolled Booker over and locked him in the Steiner Recliner.  Konnan came in and dropkicked Booker in the face.  Jarrett came back in and worked over Cena some more.  John Cena defeated Jeff Jarrett but the Wolfpac has left complete devastation in the ring...



NGW News & Notes-:



-Some roster moves to report theis week.  The Acolytes and Chris Candido have been released by New Generation Wrestling.  James Maritado and Trent Acid have been signed to the Cruiserweight Division.


-NGW RAGE taping results for Saturday, October 5th, 2002:


Taka Michinoku pinned Super Crazzy with the Michinoku Driver in 9:38.

Rating: ***

 -Rey Misterio Jr. got a measure of revenge against Super Crazzy, distracting him and allowing Taka Michinoku to take a big win.  After the match, Misterio challenged Crazzy to a match at New York Knockout and Crazzy accepted.


Randy Orton, Goldust and La Parka defeated Raven, Kane, and Scott Vick when Goldust pinned Vick with the Curtain Call in 5:07.

Rating: 3/4*


Devon Storm pinned James Maritado with the Mind Bender in 10:11.

Rating: ***

(Devon Storm retained the NGW World Cruiserweight Title.)


-NGW has New York Knockout on October 13th, 2002 from Madison Square Garden in New York, NY.  The tentative line-up includes;


NGW World Championship Match-:

Rob Van Dam (c) v. Taz


Scott Steiner & Jeff Jarrett v. Booker T & John Cena


NGW World Tag Team Titles Match-:

Raven & Kane (c) v. Chris Jericho & Brock Lesnar


NGW World Cruiserweight Title Match-:

Devon Storm (c) v. Low Ki'


Rey Misterio Jr. v. Super Crazzy


More Matches TBA...