
NGW Ring Wars - August 12 / 2002



  "Praise" by Sevendust played in the background of the NGW Ring Wars opening sequence which featured a montage of various New Generation Wrestling superstars such as; Kane, Chris Kanyon, The Dudley Boyz, Taz, Brock Lesnar, Sabu, Eddy Guerrero, Vampiro, Raven, Jeff Jarrett, Kevin Nash, Chris Jericho, Rob Van Dam, 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner, 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin and more.  This is New Generation Wrestling and this is RING WARS...


  We entered the arena with Paul Heyman welcoming everyone to the show because Joey Styles was in the ring.  We'll get to that in a minute.  Heyman announced tonight's giant Main Event as it will be 'THE WHOLE F'N SHOW' ROB VAN DAM going one-on-one with 'BIG SEXY' KEVIN NASH!  Also Jeff Jarrett and Eddy Guerrero team up against Taz and Vampiro.  All that and more just six days from SuperClash but first we kick it to Joey Styles in the ring...


STYLES:  "For a couple weeks we've seen this young man score a few upset wins.  We've heard a lot about him but we haven't heard from him.  So ladies and gentlemen, would you please join me in welcoming ... RANDY ORTON!"


["Here To Stay" by KoRn]


  Randy Orton headed out to the ring in street clothes to a decent reaction from the crowd...


STYLES:  "Randy Orton, how's it feel, at the young age of 22 to not only make it the big time but already have two wins under your belt?"


ORTON:  "It feels great to be here but I wouldn't be here if I didn't belong.  You know, Joey, I've been involved in wrestling my whole life and I've always been told ... Kid, you're gonna lose most of your matches in the beginning but you've got to take those losses and use them to make yourself better.  Well, as my dad would say, that's just plain BULL****!  I didn't come here to lose, I didn't come here to make mistakes, I came here to win, I..."


["Come Out And Play" by Offspring]


  Orton was interrupted as Raven walked out of the entrance.  Raven paused, looked around then continued down to the ring.  Raven outstretched his arms to a chorus of boos and then took a microphone..


STYLES:  "Raven, just what are you doing out here?  This isn't your time, you've a match with Sabu tonight you should be preparing for."


RAVEN:  "You're going to tell me, one half of the World Tag Team Champions, how to act?  Go back and sit behind that desk before I do to you what I'd like to do to all the inhabitants of this den of iniquity.  I didn't come out here to answer your asinine questions, Joey Styles, I came out here to speak to Randy Orton.  Randy, you've probably been wondering why I put down Kanyon with the Evenflow DDT last week and gave you a second win.  I gave you another win because I feel your pain."


ORTON:  "My pain?  What the hell are you talking about?"


RAVEN:  "Allow me to elaborate.  For those who remember your father, Cowboy Bob Orton, will remember that he really never was that great.  He was a cheater and everyone knew it.  You knew it.  The kids on the playground knew it and there was no escaping it.  The neighborhood children would gather around to watch wrestling but what did they see?  They saw their heroes being cheap shotted and broken down by your father.  They hated him and that hate was transfered to you.  And now you're expected to carry on his legacy?  You're expected to follow in his footsteps?  Why?  So one day your children will go through the same pain you went through?  Randy Orton, I feel your pain.  But put aside your differences with Kanyon, come with me and I'll set you free!"


  Orton stood with his head in his hands, pondering Raven's offer and taking in everything that he just laid on him.


ORTON:  "No..."


RAVEN:  "No?  NO?  You can't refuse me.  I'm the man that understands you, and the man that feels your pain.  You'll be nothing without me.  Nothing but ashamed by your loser of a father.  What about me?  WHAT ABOUT RAVEN?"


  Orton lost it and drilled Raven with a right hand.  Raven tried to fire back but Orton took down Raven and started pounding him with rights and lefts.  All of a sudden Scott Vick, Chris Kanyon and Kane hit the ring!  Orton knocked down Vick with a lariat but was grabbed by Kanyon.  Kane went for a big boot but Orton moved and Kane hit Kanyon!  Raven nailed Orton low then Kane grabbed him by the throat and CHOKE SLAM!  That wasn't enough for Raven.  Raven barked out orders and Kanyon brought a chair into the ring.  Kane and Vick picked up Orton and fed him in to Raven, who spiked Orton with the Evenflow DDT onto the chair busting him wide open!  NGW officials flooded the ring but the damage had been done...


Opening Match: Psicosis v. La Parka.  "Loco" by Coal Chamber blasted over the speakers as 'Nicho El Millionaro' Psicosis headed out to the ring.  Then, "The Best Way To Die" by Jet Set Satellite blared over the speakers as La Parka made his way out to the ring.  La Parka isn't exactly a Cruiserweight but his lucha style fits right in with the Cruiserweights and he's wrestled many of them in the past.  Parka's ability sometimes gets lost due to his flamboyant nature.  The ending would see Parka take Psicosis up top for a belly-to-belly superplex but Psicosis shoved him off.  Psicosis came off with a crossbody block but Parka caught him in a big powerslam.  Parka picked up Psicosis and planted him with a power bomb for the one ... two ... THR ... NO!  Psicosis got the shoulder up!  Parka was sure he had won but the referee informed him it was only two.  Parka headed up top and came off with the Twisting Bodyblock but Psicosis moved out of the way!  Psicosis then planted Parka with a falcon arrow.  Psicosis went top the top and came off with the Guillotine Legdrop for the one ... two .. THREE!  Psicosis picks up a hard fought win over La Parka.


WINNER: Psicosis in 7:05.

Rating: ***




  We cut to The Coach, who had some information regarding 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin...


COACH:  "Thanks, Scott.  While not scheduled for a match tonight, 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin was planning on being here.  Now I just got off the phone with Stone Cold and he had some transportation problems.  He's just landed and he's gonna do whatever he can to make it here before the night is done.  We're still not sure whether the World Champion, Scott Steiner plans on showing up here tonight but I'll keep you posted."




  We cut to a shot of Brock Lesnar walking through the halls with Chris Jericho.  Jericho was still sporting his hideous nose cast.


JERICHO:  "You ready, big man?  You've got Bradshaw tonight.  He's a tough guy but he's got nothing on you.  You'll destroy him.  Things are finally starting to go my way because tonight, Rob Van Dam has to face Kevin Nash and Nash is one big mean guy.  He's no you of course but he's tough.  And then the best news of all ... tommorow I get this stupid cast of my face and once again the world can embrace the beauty of Chris Jericho.  And then Sunday, that jackass RVD, oh look at me and my big ego, I'm everybody's favorite wrestler, blah, blah, blah, I can't stand him!  RVD gets more then he can handle with Chris Jericho."


Match #2: Brock Lesnar v. Bradshaw.  "Head Up" by Deftones blasted over the speakers as Brock Lesnar walked out to the ring along with Chris Jericho.  Halfway down the aisle, Jericho got upset with the fans remarks and returned to the back.  Then, "El Cu Cuy" by Coal Chamber blared over the speakers as Bradshaw made his way out to the ring.  Bradshaw slid into the ring and drilled Lesnar with a flurry of hard rights.  Bradshaw sent Lesnar into the ropes and drilled him with a big boot that knocked Lesnar in a circle but not down to the mat.  Bradshaw bounced off the ropes and went for the Clothesline From Hell but Lesnar ducked.  Lesnar picked up Bradshaw and planted him with a spinebuster.  Lesnar hammered on Bradshaw in the corner then picked him up for a running powerslam but Bradshaw dropped out and pushed Lesnar chest first into the turnbuckle.  Bradshaw then drilled Lesnar with the Clothesline From Hell and down goes Lesnar!  Bradshaw celebrated this but Lesnar just popped right back up to his feet looking more angry then ever.  Lesnar drilled Bradshaw with a running lariat of his own.  Lesnar picked up Bradshaw and planted him with the Terminator for the one ... two ... THREE!  This man cannot be stopped.


WINNER: Brock Lesnar in 1:40.

Rating: *




  The Coach got some comments from 'The Juice' Juventud Guerrera...


JUVY:  "The Juice got robbed last time against Rey Rey but not this time.  This time there will be no escaping the Juice for Rey Misterio Jr. and I will be the World Cruiserweight Champion forever!  But I don't just want to beat Rey, I want to hurt him so let's make it a Mexican Death Match!  That is if little Rey is man enough!"


  Rey Misterio Jr. walks up to Juvy...


REY:  "Let's do it, Juvy but just one question, what the hell is this Juice you're always talking about?"


JUVY:  "I got the juice, its what you don't got."


REY:  "Ok, you can your 'Juice' cause I've got the World Cruiserweight Title and its what you don't got!  And its what you won't get this Sunday!"


Match #3: Juventud Guerrera v. Essa Rios.  "Size 'Em Up" by Big L blared over the speakers as 'The Juice' Juventud Guerrera headed out to the ring.  Then, "Papi Chulo" by Funkdoobiest blared over the speakers as Essa Rios made his way out to the ring.  We just found out that when Juventud Guerrera challenges Rey Misterio Jr. for the World Cruiserweight Title this Sunday at SuperClash it will be a Mexican Death Match.  Essa Rios has put together a few good wins in recent weeks and was looking to upset The Juice.  The ending would see Rios send Juvy into the ropes and go for a backdrop but Juvy countered it in mid-air with a dropkick.  Juvy went for the Running Powerbomb but Rios countered it with a hurricanrana for the one ... two ... THR ... NO!  Rios tried to send Juvy into the ropes but Juvy pulled Rios in and hit a Blockbuster Suplex for two.  Juvy headed up top but Rios would springboard off the ropes and catch Juvy with an armdrag!  Rios went up for a Moonsault Press but Juvy came over and picked up Rios off the top and hit the Running Power Bomb for the one ... two ... THREE!  Juventud Guerrera pulls out the win over Essa Rios heading into his Mexican Death Match with Rey Misterio Jr.


WINNER: Juventud Guerrera in 11:37.

Rating: *** 1/2




  We cut out to the garage to see two limousines pulling up to the arena.  Out of the first limo stepped five scantily clad women.  Then out of the second limo stepped two more women, followed by Midajah and then the NGW World Champion, 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner.  Steiner headed into the building with his women proclaiming,


  "We are gonna have a party tonight!"


Match #4: Raven v. Sabu.  "Come Out And Play" by Offspring blared over the speakers as one-half of the NGW World Tag Team Champions, Raven headed out to the ring.  Then, "Little Crazy" by Fight blared over the speakers as Bill Alfonso led 'The Human Highlight Reel' Sabu out to the ring.  We saw Raven at the top of the program where he attempted to mentally break down Randy Orton and get him to join The Flock but Orton refused and The Flock left Orton a bloody mess.  Raven and Kane will defend the World Tag Team Titles against Sabu and Devon Storm this Sunday at SuperClash.  The ending would see Raven go for a short arm clothesline but Sabu ducked and hit a fisherman buster for two.  Sabu got a chair from Fonzie and went for the Triple Jump Moonsault but Raven countered it with a drop toehold sending Sabu's face down into the chair.  Raven covered Sabu for the one ... two ... THR ... NO!  Sabu kicked out!  We were quickly sent backstage to see Devon Storm standing over a downed Kane with a chair in hand.  Storm was then jumped by Scott Vick and Chris Kanyon as NGW officials tried to break it all up.  Meanwhile in the ring, Raven picked up the chair but Fonzie came in and grabbed it away.  The referee tried to force Fonzie out of the ring.  All of a sudden Randy Orton came out of the crowd, his forehead bandaged up.  Orton to the top ... Raven turns around and High Crossbody!  Orton quickly gets out of the ring before the referee can see.  Sabu takes the chair and Triple Jump Moonsault!  Sabu covers Raven for the one ... two ... THREE!  Sabu scores a big win over Raven and Randy Orton gets a measure of revenge for earlier in the night!


WINNER: Sabu in 6:02.

Rating: **




  The Coach was standing by with Jeff Jarrett, Vampiro and the NGW Commissioner, Shawn Michaels...


MICHAELS:  "With all the crap that's been going on around here, maybe you forgot that I'm the Commissioner and I make the matches around here.  Jeff Jarrett, you sure like to use that guitar and Vampiro, you wanna give it right back to ol' slappy over here.  So this Sunday at SuperClash, the two of you are gonna go at it in a Guitar On A Pole match!"


JARRETT:  "Fine, slapnuts, cause the Chosen One is gonna take this freak to school."


VAMPIRO:  "Keep running your mouth, Jarrett, just show up this Sunday and try and back up those words."


Match #5: Jeff Jarrett & Eddy Guerrero v. Taz & Vampiro.  "Cowboy" by Kid Rock blared over the speakers as 'The Chosen One' Jeff Jarrett headed out to the ring first.  "Siempre Peligroso" by Cypress Hill sounded over the speakers as Eddy Guerrero made his way out.  Then, "Kong At The Gates" by The Misfits sounded over the speakers as 'The Dark Angel' Vampiro walked down to the ring.  "WAR MACHINE" blasted over the speakers as the NGW United States Heavyweight Champion, 'The Human Suplex Machine' Taz made his way out.  Taz defends the U.S. Heavyweight Title against Eddy Guerrero this Sunday at SuperClash.  Jeff Jarrett and Vampiro will settle their score in a Guitar On A Pole match.  The ending of this tag team match would see Jarrett hammering on Taz in the corner with rights.  Taz grabbed Jarrett and walked out with him but Jarrett dropped down and raked the eyes of Taz.  Jarrett headed up top and came off with a flying axehandle but Taz caught Jarrett and dumped him with a Head & Arm Tazplex.  Taz made the tag out to Vampiro.  Vampiro planted Jarrett with an uranage for the one ... two ... THR ... Guerrero breaks up the pin!  Taz came in after Guerrero and the two brawled to the outside.  Taz treid to send Guerrero into the ringpost but Guerrero reversed it.  Guerrero then slid the guitar in to Jarrett.  Jarrett picked it up and went to swing but the referee grabbed it away.  Jarrett yelled at the referee then turned around, Vampiro scoops up Jarrett and Vampiro Spike!  Vampiro makes the cover for the one ... two ... Taz ties up Jarrett ... THREE!  Vampiro pulls out a big pinfall over The Chosen One heading into SuperClash.


WINNERS: Taz and Vampiro in 7:05.

Rating: **




  We cut to a shot of Kevin Nash walking through the back looking very angry and then we saw Rob Van Dam exit his dressing room with his usual cocky smirk present.  Big Sexy versus The Whole F'N Show is NEXT!


Main Event: Kevin Nash v. Rob Van Dam.  'Wolfpac Theme' sounded over the speakers as 'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash walked out to the ring for our Main Event.  Nash is heading into a big time grudge match against Booker T at SuperClash.  Then, "Walk" by Pantera blasted over the speakers as 'The Whole F'N Show' Rob Van Dam headed out to the ring.  RVD also has a big grudge match this Sunday against Chris Jericho.  But here and now it would be the first ever meeting between Kevin Nash and Rob Van Dam.  Nash and RVD locked up with Nash throwing RVD into the corner then connecting with forearms, elbows and knees.  Nash sent RVD across and came in with a lariat then threw RVD down to the mat and covered for two.  Nash drilled RVD with  afew more forearms then sent him into the corner.  Nash charged in but RVD got the feet up.  Van Dam hit some forearms then bounced off the ropes but Nash caught him in a sidewalk slam for two.  Nash went for a big boot but Van Dam ducked and Nash got caught up in the ropes.  Van Dam hit a jumping side kick sending Nash tumbling down to the floor.  Nash got up but Van Dam caught him with a baseball slide dropkick then a moonsault off the apron to Nash on the floor!  RVD rolled Nash in and hit a ropeflip moonsault for two.  Van Dam had to keep the pace quick and keep big Nash off his feet.  The closing moments of the match would see Nash go for a snake eyes but Van Dam dropped out then caught Nash with a big spin kick!  Van Dam then hit the Rolling Thunder for the one ... two ... THR ... NO!  Van Dam hit some kicks to the legs then tried to send Nash into the ropes but Nash reversed it and hit a big boot!  Nash picked up RVD and planted him with a choke slam for the one ... two ... THR ... NO!  NO! Van Dam got the shoulder up and Nash was livid.  Nash grabbed Van Dam and went for the Jacknife Power Bomb but Van Dam fell down the back, bounced off the ropes and hit a spinning heel kick!  Van Dam to the top but Chris Jericho is coming out!  BOOKER T!  Booker cuts off Jericho! Van Dam hits the Five Star Frog Splash but the ref is distracted by Booker and Jericho!  Van Dam has it won but the ref is distracted!  Van Dam got up but Nash comes from behind and low blow!  Nash sets up Van Dam and Jacknife Power Bomb!  Nash makes the cover for the one ... two ... THR ... Booker T pulls the referee out and drills him with a right hand for the DQ.


WINNER: Kevin Nash via DQ in 11:30.

Rating: * 3/4


  Afterwards, Nash was livid at Booker T.  Nash stepped over the top and went after Booker but Booker was ready.  Booker and Nash traded shots on the outside as referee's came out to break them up.  Chris Jericho slipped into the ring, put one foot on RVD and flexed yelling, "C'MON BABY!"  Jericho laughed and taunted the crowd for making fun of his nose cast.  Van Dam springs up to his feet.  Jericho turns around and spin kick!  No!  Jericho just ducks and bails out to the floor!  Jericho backed off before Van Dam could do anymore damage!  Rob Van Dam will get a piece of Y2J in six days at SuperClash!




  We cut to a shot of Scott Steiner and his girls leaving his locker room. It must be party time.  We headed to our final break...


["I Need A Freak" by Too $hort]


  We returned as Midajah led the seven other scantily clad women out of the entrance.  Midajah held the World Championship over her head.  Then, the World Champion, 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner emerged from the entrance.  Steiner headed into the ring with all his women.  Steiner flexed for a bit then took the microphone...


STEINER:  "I've always talked about what its like to be Big Poppa Pump and party like the World Champion and now all of you trailer park trash can see how the big bad booty daddy gets his freak on.  There has only been one World Champion in the history of NGW and you're looking at him!  I've got the largest arms in the world and ain't nobody in this company or in the world can beat me!  Normally when you're this good, when you're this great, it might get lonely on the top but I've got all my freaks to keep me warm at night.  Now a lot of people think that this Sunday will be Stone Cold Steve Austin's time.  That he'll finally beat Big Poppa Pump but I'm here tonight to prove to you that he doesn't have a chance.  So what I've done is make a video showcasing the past eight months that Big Poppa Pump has been the one and only World Champion.  Roll it..."


  We went to a video package showing clips of most of Scott Steiner's wins over the past eight months highlighted by his Pay-Per-View title defenses.  It started with Stone Cold Steve Austin at Initial Assault.  Rob Van Dam at March Madness.  Steve Austin and Rob Van Dam at Lord Of The Ring.  Stone Cold at Animosity.  Taz, Eddy Guerrero and Vampiro at Hostile City Showdown then it jumped past what happened at Summertime Showdown to Steiner retaining over Kevin Nash the next night on Ring Wars...


STEINER:  "Anybody who is anybody has gotten a shot at the largest arms in the world but they've all gone down for the count.  They've all gone down at the hands of the greatest athlete on the planet.  They've all gone down to Scott Steiner!  Stone Cold Steve Austin, you're just another piece of trailer park trash that I've beaten before but this Sunday, I'm gonna snap that neck right off your shoulders and Austin 3:16 will be dead and buried!  Now hit my music and let's party!"


["Glass Shatters" by Disturbed]


  It wasn't Steiner's music that sounded, it was the glass shattering.  'Stone Cold' Steve Austin drove through the entrance in a big Miller Lite beer truck!  Austin drove down the aisle to the roar of the crowd.  Austin put the truck in park, went around to the side and grabbed the hose.  Austin proceeded to hose down Steiner and all the women with beer!  Steiner was livid as Austin sprayed him down!  Austin had a microphone..


AUSTIN:  "Scott Steiner, the time for talking is over cause this Sunday at SuperClash, THE S***'S ON! and that's the bottom line ... 'CAUSE STONE COLD SAID SO!"


  Austin grabbed the hose and knocked down Steiner again with big blast of beer.  Austin charged into the ring and took down Steiner with a flurry of punches!  Steiner was blinded with beer in his eyes and Austin drilled him with a Stunner!  Austin grabbed the World Championship belt and headed out of the ring.  Austin grabbed a case of beer and climbed on top of the truck.  Austin cracked a few cold ones open and toasted the World Championship, flipping off Steiner as the show came to a close!



NGW News & Notes-:



-NGW RAGE taping results for Saturday, August 17th, 2002:


Simon Diamond and Swinger defeated The Jung Dragons when Diamond pinned Yang with the Simonizer in 5:38.

Rating: * 1/4


Jamie Knoble pinned Low Ki' with the Tombstone Piledriver in 7:09.

Rating: ***


The Dudley Boyz defeated Evolution when Buh Buh pinned Jett with the

Dudley Death Drop in 6:54.

Rating: 3/4*



-NGW has SuperClash on August 18th, 2002 from the Compaq Center in Houston, TX.  The tentative line-up includes;


NGW World Championship Match-:

Scott Steiner (c) v. Steve Austin


Rob Van Dam v. Chris Jericho


Kevin Nash v. Booker T


NGW World Tag Team Titles Match-:

Raven & Kane (c) v. Sabu & Devon Storm


NGW United States Heavyweight Title Match-:

Taz (c) v. Eddy Guerrero


Guitar On A Pole Match-:

Jeff Jarrett v. Vampiro


NGW World Cruiserweight Title Mexican Death Match-:

Rey Misterio Jr. (c) v. Juventud Guerrera


Chris Kanyon v. Randy Orton