
NGW Ring Wars - July 8 / 2002



  "Praise" by Sevendust played in the background of the NGW Ring Wars opening sequence which featured a montage of various New Generation Wrestling superstars such as; Too Cold Scorpio, The Sandman, Chris Kanyon, The Dudley Boyz, Taz, Brock Lesnar, Sabu, Eddy Guerrero, Vampiro, Raven, Jeff Jarrett, Chris Jericho, Rob Van Dam, 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner, 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin and more.  This is New Generation Wrestling and this is RING WARS...


  We entered the arena as Joey Styles and Paul Heyman informed us the NGW WORLD CHAMPION, SCOTT STEINER is not in the house.  Apparently one of the security guards that Steiner attacked last week pressed charges so Steiner is clearing up that whole mess but we expect Big Poppa Pump to be back next week.  As far as tonight we have a *HUGE* Main Event as 'STONE COLD' STEVE AUSTIN will go one-on-one with get this ... 'THE BIG RED MACHINE' KANE.  Stone Cold and Kane tonight!  Plus a whole lot more...


["Come Out And Play" by Offspring]


  To kick things off, Raven and Kane headed out of the entrance.  Raven and Kane made their way out to the ring and Raven slouched down in a corner with the microphone...


RAVEN:  "One week ago I talked about the next step and how you would all bare witness to it when it cometh and then it happened.  The next step is one I don't take alone, its one I take with Kane.  And that step is to become the World Tag Team Champions.  We beat The Dudley Boyz last week and in just a few weeks we'll take their precious title belts.  But tonight ... due to circumstances beyond my control, Kane has been put into a match with 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin.  Stone Cold represents all of you and for that fact alone, Kane will destroy him.  When Kane looks at Steve Austin, he will see all those who mocked him, who made fun of him and who tormented him.  You called him a freak but you made him a monster.  A monster that will destroy all that you love and that includes Stone Cold Steve..."


["Glass Shatters" by Disturbed]


  Before Raven could finish saying his name, 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin walked out onto the stage with an open beer in hand...


AUSTIN:  "Raven, I gotta give you your due, you've got a monster there in Kane.  Usually I come out here and talk about how I'm gonna whip a man's ass but I don't know if even Stone Cold can whip Kane's ass.  I'm scared, I'm intimidated, I'm weak in the knees, I'm trembling a little bit.  So what I've been doing is loading up on a little liquid courage.  Actually a lot of liquid courage!  [Guzzles the beer and tosses down the can]  And now that I'm done that beer ... I'm done spouting off bull****!  It doesn't matter to me how big or ugly you are, the bottom line is when you step in the ring with Stone Cold Steve Austin, there's only one thing that's for sure and that's you will get your ass whipped!"


  Kane grabbed the microphone from Raven...


KANE:  "AUSTIN!  Get down here NOW!"


AUSTIN:  "Now I've been drinking a bit and maybe I didn't hear that right, you want Stone Cold Steve Austin to come down to that ring?  [Kane nods]  Well if you wanna see Stone Cold go down to that ring and whip that big red retards ass then gimme a HELL YEAH!  (HELL YEAH!)"


  Austin dropped the microphone and charged right into the ring and started throwing punches at Kane.  Raven came from behind but Austin decked him.  Kane grabbed Austin for a Choke Slam but Austin kicked Kane low!  All of a sudden Chris Kanyon and Scott Vick jumped out of the crowd and came into the ring.  Austin turned around and caught Vick with a Stunner!  But then Kanyon drilled Austin from behind.  Kanyon and Raven hammered on Austin then fed him into Kane who planted Stone Cold with a CHOKE SLAM!  NGW officials stormed the ring but the damage was already done to Stone Cold...


Opening Match: Simon Diamond & Swinger v. Sabu & Devon Storm.  "Simon Says" by Drain STH blared over the speakers as Dawn Marie led her team of Simon Diamond & Swinger out to the ring for our first match.  Then, "Terrible Lie" by Nine Inch Nails as 'Dangerous' Devon Storm and 'The Human Highlight Reel' Sabu made their way out to the ring along with Bill Alfonso.  Sabu and Devon Storm would attempt to continue their climb up the tag team ladder here in NGW with a win over Simon Diamond & Swinger.  However, Simon and Swinger are far from push overs.  The ending would see Sabu go for a missile dropkick on Diamond but Diamond stepped back, grabbed the legs and went for a scorpion deathlock but Sabu rolled him up for two!  Sabu then caught Simon with a DDT then hit a ropeflip moonsault for the one ... two ... THR ... Swinger breaks the pin!  Devon Storm came in and took Swinger to the outside.  Storm went for a splash off the apron but Dawn Marie distracted him.  Fonzie came over and 'fought' with Dawn Marie on the floor!  Simon knockd Storm off the apron into the guardrail but walked into a leg lariat from Sabu.  Fonzie passed Sabu a chair and Sabu went for the Triple Jump Moonsault but Swinger shook the ropes making Sabu fall back onto his head!  Swinger rolled into the ring and the two hit the Problem Solver on Sabu!  Simon covers for the one ... two ... Storm tries to come in but Swinger cuts him off ... THREE!  Simon Diamond & Swinger halt the momenteum of Sabu & Devon Storm with a big win!


WINNERS: Simon Diamond and Swinger in 5:38.

Rating: ** 1/4




  Shawn Michaels is shown talking on his cell phone in his office when Chris Jericho entered the room...


MICHAELS:  "What'd you want?"


JERICHO:  "You are the Commissioner aren't you?"


MICHAELS:  "Yes..."


JERICHO:  "Why don't you start acting like it?  Did you see what Stone Cold Steve Austin did to me?  I was just standing around, providing some moral support from Brock Lesnar and out comes Stone Cold.  I didn't wanna have to humiliate Austin again so I was being the bigger man and I walked away!  But of course that drunken piece of Texas trailer park trash came after me, attacked Chris Jericho from behind and put my face through a popcorn machine!  Look at this face, this is the face of NGW, this face is money and you can't have Stone Cold Steve Austin messing with your money."


MICHAELS:  "Where is this all going?"


JERICHO:  "I think its high time that Chris Jericho started receiving fair treatment around here..."


MICHAELS:  "Fair treatment?  You come in here and bitch about how you're being treated when you're buddying up to Brock Lesnar?  How fair was it when Brock helped you beat Stone Cold Steve Austin?  So you don't come in here and talk about not being treated fair.  As far as I'm concerned the only thing fair was you getting your face busted up."


JERICHO:  "Not another conspiracy, not here..."


MICHAELS:  "I've had it up to HERE with people testing me and thinking they can push Shawn Michaels around.  So here's what I'm gonna do.  July 21st at Summertime Showdown, you Chris Jericho will go one-on-one with Stone Cold Steve Austin one more time and the winner, he'll get a shot at the World Championship in August at SuperClash!  Now get outta my face!"


JERICHO:  "One more thing, Shawn, if you think Scott Steiner is a pain in the ass to deal with as World Champion, just wait and see what you're in store for when Chris Jericho becomes World Champion."


  Chris Jericho patted Michaels on the shoulder, smiled and walked out...


Match #2: Too Cold Scorpio v. Brock Lesnar.  "Whoomp! There It Is" by Tag Team blared over the speakers as Too Cold Scorpio made his way out to the ring.  Scorpio looked tentative stepping into the ring and with good reason.  Then, "Head Up" by Deftones blasted over the speakers as Brock Lesnar walked out to the ring.  Chris Jericho was not with Brock Lesnar this week, not taking his chances after being assaulted last week by Stone Cold.  Lesnar jumped up onto the apron and just stared a hole through Scorpio.  Scorpio ran at Lesnar as he came in but Lesnar backdropped Scorpio clear over the top rope.  Lesnar went to the outside, picked up Scorpio and rammed his back into the ring apron then rolled him back into the ring.  Lesnar sent Scorpio into the ropes but Scorpio came off with a spinning heel kick that rocked Lesnar but Lesnar stayed on his feet.  Scorpio hit a superkick but Lesnar didn't go down.  Scorpio goes for a frankensteiner but Lesnar grabs him and SPIRAL BOMB!  Lesnar walked around Scorpio like a vulture stalking its prey.  Lesnar muscled up Scorpio and hit the Terminator for the easy one-two-three!  Brock Lesnar runs through another...


WINNER: Brock Lesnar in 0:54.

Rating: 3/4*




  The Coach got some comments from the NGW World Tag Team Champions, The Dudley Boyz...


D-VON:  "Raven and Kane, my brothers, a storm cloud is brewing over New Generation Wrestling, the gods are restless because they know what is coming at Summertime Showdown.  The lord's hand works in strange ways because you have commited sin after sin after sin.  So the lord found his way to make you pay for those sins.  In thirteen days, my friends, you must take a walk through DUDLEYVILLE!"


BUH BUH:  "One thing you are going to learn is that The Dudley Boyz aren't interested in being second-best.  The Dudley Boyz aren't interested in being 'former champions'.  So your punishment will be an execution, Dudley style.  That means someone gets a 3D and someone's ass goes through a table!"




Match #3: Evan Karagias & Jamie Knoble v. The Dudley Boyz - Non-Title.  "You Know Its Hard" by Crystal Method sounded over the speakers as Evan Karagias and Jamie Knoble made their way out to the ring.  Then, "Turn The Tables" by Saliva blasted over the speakers as the NGW World Tag Team Champions, The Dudley Boyz headed out to the ring for this non-title matchup.  Karagias and Knoble were looking to follow in the footsteps of Raven and Kane last week and put down the champions in non-title action while Buh Buh and D-Von seemed hell bent on making up for last week and build some momenteum again.  The ending would see D-Von head to the top for a flying headbutt on Karagias but Knoble came in and crotched D-Von up top.  Buh Buh came in and disposed of Knoble.  Karagias had gone up for a superplex but Buh Buh picked Evan up off the top onto his shoulders.  D-Von came off with a Doomsday Device!  D-Von covered Karagias for the one ... two ... THR ... Knoble pulls D-Von out of the ring!  Knoble tried to send D-Von into the ring post but D-Von reversed, sending Knoble into the ring steps.  Buh Buh picked up Karagias for a Buh Buh Bomb but Karagias hit a low back kick.  D-Von came back in and sent Karagias into the ropes, Buh Buh recovered enough to hit the 3D!  D-Von makes the cover and Buh Buh takes care of Knoble for the one ... two ... THREE!  The Dudley Boyz get back on the winning track!


WINNERS: The Dudley Boyz in 6:41.

Rating: ** 1/2




  The Coach got some comments from 'The Dark Angel' Vampiro...


VAMPIRO:  "The ankle is feeling good and I'm ready to go tonight.  While I appreciate the fact that I'm in a number one contenders match for the U.S. Heavyweight Title against Kanyon tonight, I just wanna get my hands on Jeff Jarrett.  But you know what?  I'm not gonna let Jeff Jarrett stop me from going after the U.S. Heavyweight Title.  Soon enough Jeff Jarrett will be surrounded by darkness with no escape and I will make him meet his maker..."


Match #4: Chris Kanyon v. Vampiro - NGW United States Heavyweight Title Shot @ Summertime Showdown.  "Immune" by Godsmack blared over the speakers as The Flock's Chris Kanyon made his way out to the ring.  Then, "Kong At The Gates" by The Misfits sounded over the speakers as 'The Dark Angel' Vampiro stalked his way out to the ring.  The winner here will go to Summertime Showdown in thirteen days to challenge Taz for the NGW United States Heavyweight Title.  Kanyon and Vampiro are certainly no strangers and with the title shot on the line it just made things more heated.  Vampiro would have to put Jeff Jarrett in the back of his mind and concentrate on Kanyon.  The ending would see Vampiro send Kanyon into the ropes and go for a lariat but Kanyon ducked then picked up Vampiro and hit a samoan drop for two!  Kanyon went for a rocker dropper but Vampiro moved and went for the Vampiro Spike but Kanyon floated over and grabbed Vampiro for a german suplex but Vampiro elbowed Kanyon off and hit an uranage for the one ... two ... THR ... NO!  Kanyon kicked out!  Jeff Jarrett then sauntered down to ringside with his guitar.  Jarrett slid the guitar in then tried to come into the ring but the referee blocked him.  Kanyon grabbed the guitar and blasted it over Vampiro's head!  Kanyon made the cover, Jarrett left, the referee saw the shattered guitar but didn't see the shot so he had to make the count ... one ... two ... THREE!  Chris Kanyon will go to Summertime Showdown to challenge for the US Heavyweight Title and he can thank Jeff Jarrett for that opportunity.


WINNER: Chris Kanyon in 7:23.

Rating: ** 3/4


  We returned from a break and Joey Styles was standing in the ring with a microphone...


STYLES:  "Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in welcoming my guest at this time, he is THE WHOLE F'N SHOW! He is ROB VAN DAM!"


["Walk" by Pantera]


  'The Whole F'n Show' Rob Van Dam headed out to the ring for an interview with Styles...


STYLES:  "Let's get right down to business, RVD, you requested this time because you wanted to issue a challenge."


VAN DAM:  "That's right, Joey Styles, I understand when you're everybody's favorite wrestler, when you're R-V-D, that everyone wants a piece of you.  Everybody wants to grab a hold of the coattails of Rob Van Dam but that doesn't mean I'm gonna sit back and let some greasy haired punk bitch like Eddy Guerrero try and take Rob Van Dam down.  Guerrero, we've already proven you can't beat me on your own but instead of taking your ball and going home, you insist on taking cheap shots at RVD week after week.  So what I want is Eddy Guerrero at Summertime Showdown but I don't just want any normal match.  No because that's not enough of a beating for someone like Eddy Guerrero.  What I want is a 30 Minute Ironman match!"


STYLES:  "You and Eddy Guerrero in a thirty minute Ironman match?"


VAN DAM:  "That's right because that means all the fans are guranteed thirty minutes of R-V-D and so is Eddy Guerrero."


["Siempre Peligroso" by Cypress Hill]


  Eddy Guerrero walked out onto the stage with a microphone...


GUERRERO:  "You a little loco, esae?  A little too chonged, vato?  You really want Eddy Guerrero in a 30 minute Ironman match?  You must be CRAZY, homey!  You can't handle Eddy Guerrero for five minutes, let alone thirty but if that's what you want, that's what you'll get.  I've been making fools outta vatos better then you since I was fifteen, man.  And too bad for you homey that you're gonna be schooled, tooled and made a fool by Eddy Guerrero for thirty straight minutes!  I'm gonna blow the lid of RVD, I'm gonna expose you Rob Van Dam.  Expose you for the fraud that you are.  You're not even in my league, vato, not even close!"


  Guerrero dropped the microphone and walked to the back as Van Dam just shook his head.  Rob Van Dam versus Eddy Guerrero at Summertime Showdown in a 30 Minute Ironman Match!


Match #5: Juventud Guerrera & Psicosis & Low Ki' v. Rey Misterio Jr. & Taka Michinoku & Essa Rios.  "Size 'Em Up" by Big L blared over the speakers as Juventud Guerrera, Psicosis and Low Ki' all headed out to the ring for six man Cruiserweight action.  Then, "Ashes To Ashes" by Madd One blared over the speakers as the NGW World Cruiserweight Champion Rey Misterio Jr., Taka Michinoku and Essa Rios made their way out to the ring.  Juventud Guerrera and Rey Misterio Jr. will battle it out for the title at Summertime Showdown but tonight they were on opposite sides of a six man match.  These six great Cruiserweights tore the house down with an incredible action packed match that left the crowd exhausted.  The ending would see Misterio go for a doctor bomb on Juvy but Juvy dropped out with a DDT for two!  Juvy took Misterio to the top and went up for a super fisherman buster but Misterio shoved Juvy down to the mat.  Juvy got to his feet and Rey came off with a flying headscissors!  Misterio covered for the one ... two ... Psicosis breaks up the count!  Taka Michinoku came in after Psicosis which brought in Low Ki then Essa Rios as it erupted into a pier six brawl.  Essa Rios took Low Ki to the outside and hit an asai moonsault!  Psicosis then came out with a ropeflip moonsault to the outside!  Michinoku then jumped onto the pile with a running springboard plancha!  Misterio looked to slingshot out but faked the guys on the outside and landed on the apron then came inside with a Springboard Hurricanrana on Juvy!  Juvy rolls through and holds the cover on Rey for the one! two! THREE!  Juventud Guerrera pins the World Cruiserweight Champion with a quick reversal!  If that happens at Summertime Showdown, Da Juice will be Da Champ!


WINNERS: Juventud Guerrera, Psicosis and Low Ki' in 15:20.

Rating: ****




  An angry 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin was shown lacing up his boots when he was approached by The Coach for an update...


AUSTIN:  "You want an update? WHAT?  YOU WANT AN UPDATE?  How am I feeling?  Is that what you wanna know?  SAY SOMETHING!"


COACH:  "Ye.."


AUSTIN:  "SHUT UP!  Here's your update - Somebody is gonna get their ass whipped tonight and that's the bottom line 'cause STONE COLD said so!"


Match #6: Taz (c) v. The Sandman - NGW United States Heavyweight Title.  "WAR MACHINE" blasted over the speakers as the NGW United States Heavyweight Champion, 'The Human Suplex Machine' Taz walked out to the ring.  Then, "Enter Sandman" by Metallica blared over the speakers as 'The Extreme Icon' The Sandman made his way out for a title shot.  If Taz can get by Sandman here he will defend against Kanyon at Summertime Showdown.  The ending of this one came real quick as Sandman caught Taz with a DDT then headed up top but Taz popped right up and went up to greet Sandman!  Taz dumped Sandman with a Head & Arm Super Tazplex!  Sandman staggered to his feet and Taz locked Sandman in the Tazmission!  Sandman quickly submitted to the hold and Taz retained the U.S. Heavyweight Title!  Taz is absolutly dominant as he takes apart The Extreme Icon.


WINNER: Taz in 1:38.

Rating: *

(Taz retained the NGW United States Heavyweight Title.)


  We then headed to a video promo set to "Summertime" by Sublime for NGW's next Pay-Per-View offering ... NGW SUMMERTIME SHOWDOWN ... The event comes to you on July 21st, live from the Ocean Center in Daytona Beach, FL on Pay-Per-View!  30 MINUTE IRONMAN MATCH - "THE WHOLE F'N SHOW' ROB VAN DAM - EDDY GUERRERO!  "STONE COLD" STEVE AUSTIN - CHRIS JERICHO - THE REMATCH! 


Main Event: Steve Austin v. Kane.  It was then time for our huge main event match of the evening here on Ring Wars.  "Glass Shatters" by Disturbed blasted over the speakers as "Stone Cold" Steve Austin headed out to the ring.  Austin took to the four corners then paced around the ring eager to get his hands on The Big Red Machine.  Then, "Slow Chemical" by Finger Eleven blared over the speakers as 'The Big Red Machine' Kane walked out to the ring.  Raven has brought this monster to NGW and this is certainly his biggest match to date.  As the lights came up, Austin exploded on Kane with a flurry of punches to start the match.  Austin tried to punch the big man down but Kane drilled him with a knee then threw Austin into the corner.  Kane went for an elbow but Austin slipped out and went back to work on Kane.  Austin would have to keep the pace quick if he wanted to have success against Kane.  Austin faired well in the early going but soon Kane's power took over and limited Austin to short small bursts of offense.  Both these men have big matches coming up at Summertime Showdown, Austin with a rematch against Chris Jericho and Kane challenging The Dudley Boyz for the World Tag Team Titles along with Raven but Kane made it personal at the top of the show when he laid out Austin after an ambush from The Flock.  The closing moments of this match would see Kane pick up Austin for a running powerslam but Austin slipped out and rolled up Kane with an inside cradle for the one ... two ... THR ... NO! NO!  Austin went for the Stunner but Kane shoved him off into the ropes and goes for a big boot but Austin ducks underneath and STUNNER on KANE!  But Chris Jericho slid into the ring before Austin could cover but Austin catches Jericho with a Stunner!  Austin flips off Jericho ... BROCK LESNAR is coming out!  Lesnar jumps on the apron, Kane spins Austin around and grabs him for a Choke Slam but Lesnar comes in and drills Austin from behind!  Lesnar picks up Austin and Terminator!  The referee calls for the bell DQ'ing Kane!


WINNER: Steve Austin via DQ in 12:30.

Rating: *** 3/4


  Afterwards, Kane was pissed at Brock Lesnar for causing him to get DQ'ed when Kane might have put Austin away with a Choke Slam.  These two monsters went face to face but Raven quickly came in, Jericho got up and the two called off their respective monsters.  Raven and Kane left the ring and backed up the ramp while Jericho took some shots at Austin.  All of a sudden The Dudley Boyz came out and drilled Raven and Kane from behind!  They knocked Raven down then Kane went for a double clothesline but Buh Buh and D-Von ducked then hit a double suplex in the aisleway!  Chaos was breaking out all over the place as Jericho and Lesnar were still dismantling Austin!  It's chaotic and next week the World Champion, 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner will be back! 



NGW News & Notes-:



-NGW officials are working to cut negative forces out of the locker room so after the show it was announced that New Generation Wrestling has released James Fullington (The Sandman) and Charles Skaggs (Too Cold Scorpio).  No further details as regards to the nature of their conduct that led to the termination were released.


-NGW RAGE taping results for Saturday, July 13th, 2002:


Allan Funk pinned Scotty Riggs with the Revenge Bomb in 5:48.

Rating: 3/4*


Kaz Hayashi pinned Michael Modest with the Senton Bomb in 9:03.

Rating: ***


Eddy Guerrero & The Acolytes defeated Rob Van Dam & Evolution when Bradshaw pinned Nova with the Clothesline From Hell in 8:22.

Rating: **



-NGW has Summertime Showdown on July 21st, 2002 from the Ocean Center in Daytona Beach, FL.  The tentative line-up includes;


Number One Contenders Match-:

Steve Austin v. Chris Jericho


30 Minute Ironman Match-:

Rob Van Dam v. Eddy Guerrero


NGW World Tag Team Titles Match-:

The Dudley Boyz (c) v. Raven & Kane


NGW United States Heavyweight Title Match-:

Taz (c) v. Chris Kanyon


NGW World Cruiserweight Title Match-:

Rey Misterio Jr. (c) v. Juventud Guerrera


More Matches TBA...