
NGW Ring Wars - July 1 / 2002



  "Praise" by Sevendust played in the background of the NGW Ring Wars opening sequence which featured a montage of various New Generation Wrestling superstars such as; Too Cold Scorpio, The Sandman, Chris Kanyon, The Dudley Boyz, Taz, Brock Lesnar, Sabu, Eddy Guerrero, Vampiro, Raven, Jeff Jarrett, Chris Jericho, Rob Van Dam, 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner, 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin and more.  This is New Generation Wrestling and this is RING WARS...


  We entered the arena with Joey Styles and Paul Heyman welcoming everyone to the show.  NGW Commissioner, Shawn Michaels is in the building tonight as is the NGW World Champion, Scott Steiner.  Tonight; The Dudley Boyz face Raven and Kane in non-title action and in the Main Event, 'The Human Suplex Machine' Taz will put the NGW United States Heavyweight Title on the line in a Three Way Dance against Eddy Guerrero and 'The Whole F'n Show' Rob Van Dam.  All that and more tonight on Ring Wars...


Opening Match: Chris Kanyon v. Jason Jett.  "Immune" by Godsmack blared over the speakers as The Flock's Chris Kanyon headed out to the ring to kick things off.  Then, "Ultra Mega" by Powerman 5000 blared over the speakers as Jason Jett of Evolution made his way out to the ring.  This was a good way to start off the show with Kanyon and Jett battling it out with many innovative moves.  The ending would see Kanyon go for a superkick but Jett ducked underneath, sent Kanyon into the ropes but Kanyon came off with a clothesline.  Kanyon hit a samoan drop then headed up top and came off with a moonsault but Jett rolled out of the way!  Jett hit a standing moonsault on Kanyon for the one ... two ... THR ... NO!  Jett went out to the apron and came in with the Afterburner but Kanyon caught Jett and planted him with the Flatliner for the one ... two ... THREE!  Chris Kanyon looks real sharp taking a good win over Jason Jett!


WINNER: Chris Kanyon in 5:23.

Rating: **


["I Need A Freak" by Too $hort]


  The NGW World Champion, 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner walked out of the entrance but then paused and looked back to the entrance.  Midajah came out in a nurses outfit pushing a wheelchair.  Midajah pushed the wheelchair out then Steiner took it into the ring and grabbed a microphone...


STEINER:  "Did I hear Joey Styles right?  Shawn Michaels is in the building?  For his sake, I hope that's not true but I thrive on being prepared for anything.  No one has the dedication like Big Poppa Pump whether it's crafting the most mesmerizing physique in the world or keeping this World Championship around my waist.  Shawn Michaels, I heard you were gonna be here tonight so I came prepared.  I said I was gonna put you in a wheelchair and I wasn't kidding so because I'm such a generous man, I've bought you a wheelchair.  When I get my hands on you, this is your future. When you get the [censored] to get in the face of Big Poppa Pump, I'll break your spirit, I'll break your pride and I'll break your back.  Only this time you won't recover ... I'm gonna mess you up so bad that you'll never be able to walk again!  So why don't you come out here and come get your wheelchair?!"


["Oh! Oh! Shawn!"]


  The NGW Commissioner, 'The Heartbreak Kid' Shawn Michaels cautiously walked out onto the stage with four big security guards.  Michaels had a microphone...


MICHAELS:  "You speak the truth, Steiner.  You could put me in that wheelchair but I'm not the same Shawn Michaels that risked his livelihood just for the hell of it.  No Steiner, I'm not gonna let you break me.  I'm a smarter man then I was when I used to step in that ring..."


STEINER:  "Shut up and get the hell down here you [censored]!"


MICHAELS:  "HEY!  We don't need that crap on this show.  Get a hold of yourself, Steiner and stop pushing me before I do something I'll regret."


STEINER:  "You're not gonna come down here?  Then I'm comin' up there!"


  Steiner threw down the microphone and started up the ramp towards Michaels.  The four security guards stepped in front of Michaels.  Steiner stopped then charged at the security guards.  Steiner knocked one down and went towards Michaels but the other three tackled Steiner from behind.  Steiner was still fighting them off but one of the guards pulled out pepper spray and incapacitated Big Poppa Pump.  Steiner was then handcuffed and dragged out of the building while he shouted obscenties at Michaels...


Match #2: The Acolytes v. Sabu & Devon Storm.  "El Cu Cuy" by Coal Chamber blared over the speakers as The Acolytes headed out to the ring for tag team competition.  Then, "Little Crazy" by Fight blared over the speakers as Bill Alfonso led out 'The Human Highlight Reel' Sabu and 'Dangerous' Devon Storm to the ring.  Sabu and Storm were so pleased with their effort and success as a tag team last week that they've decided to keep teaming but this week was a true test as they went up against the rough and tough former World Tag Team Champions, Faarooq and Bradshaw.  The ending would see Devon Storm go for a brain buster on Faarooq but Faarooq blocked it, sent Storm into the ropes and caught him with a big powerslam for the one ... two ... THR ... NO!  Faarooq went for the Dominator but Storm slipped down the back and caught Faarooq with the Mind Bender!  Storm made the cover for the one ... Bradshaw comes in ... two ... Sabu cuts off Bradshaw with a leg lariat ... THREE!  Sabu and Devon Storm continue their success as a tag team with a huge win over The Acolytes!


WINNERS: Sabu and Devon Storm in 5:08.

Rating: * 1/4




  Michael Cole got some comments from 'The Whole F'n Show' Rob Van Dam about tonight's Three Way Dance for the U.S. Heavyweight Title...


VAN DAM:  "Last week Taz kicked my ass and he got his ass kicked by R-V-D.  That's what happens when you put two wrestlers of our caliber in the ring together.  But hey that's what I got into this for, to take a beating and give one right back.  Everything was going just fine until that mullet headed bastard Eddy Guerrero got involved.  What're you thiking Eddy?  Yuo had no business out there but tonight you find yourself in one match with two men that wanna kick your ass.  First I'll get my payback on Eddy Guerrero and then everybody's favorite wrestler, R-V-D, will be the next United States Heavyweight Champion.  I wasn't planning on going after the U.S. Heavyweight Title but it's all gravy when you're the Whole F'n Show!"


Match #3: Jeff Jarrett v. The Sandman.  "Cowboy" by Kid Rock blasted over the speakers as 'The Chosen One' Jeff Jarrett headed out to the ring for singles action.  Then, "Enter Sandman" by Metallica blared over the speakers as 'The Extreme Icon' The Sandman made his way out to the ring.  Last week, Jeff Jarrett goated Vampiro into a Street Fight then smashed a guitar over his injured ankle taking him out of commission.  Jarrett and Sandman mainly brawled it out here.  The ending would see Jarrett go for a piledriver but Sandman countered it with a backdrop.  Sandman sent Jarrett into the corner and charged in but Jarrett got the feet up.  Jarrett grabbed Sandman for the Stroke.  The lights flickered and Vampiro stood on the stage.  Sandman rolls up Jarrett ... ONE! TWO! THREE!  Vampiro laughed and limped to the back while Jarrett couldn't believe that he just let that match slip away because of Vampiro!


WINNER: The Sandman in 5:22.

Rating: *




  The NGW United States Heavyweight Champion, 'The Human Suplex Machine' Taz is shown with a shredded towel over his head...


TAZ:  "Alls I go by is the final outcome so last week, I beat Rob Van Dam and I'm still the United States Heavyweight Champion.  There's no such thing as a fair fight in this world but that doesn't mean Eddy Guerrero gets off.  Guerrero, you stick your nose in my business, brotha and that's something you don't do.  Let me make it clear for ya.  Tonight, RVD may be gunnin' for ya but you better be worried about getting CHOKED OUT!  I am Taz ... The U.S. Heavyweight Champion ... Beat me if you can ... SURVIVE IF I LET YOU!"


Match #4: Allan Funk v. Brock Lesnar.  "Psycho Man" by Black Sabbath blared over the speakers as 'Angry' Allan Funk made his way out to the ring.  Then, "Head Up" by Deftones blasted over the speakers as Brock Lesnar headed out to the ring along with Chris Jericho.  Lesnar challenged Funk to come at him, Funk did and Lesnar just knocked him down with a shoulderblock.  Lesnar sent Funk into the ropes and hit a big flapjack.  "Glass Shatters" by Disturbed blasted over the speakers and 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin bolted out of the entrance and went right after Jericho.  Jericho hopped over the guardrail and ran for his life but Austin gave chase.  Funk comes from behind with a cradle but Brock kicks out with authority at one.  Lesnar decked Funk with a clothesline then picked up Funk and spinning power bomb!  Lesnar puts a hand on Funk for the one-two-three!


WINNER: Brock Lesnar in 0:58.

Rating: 1/4*


  After the match, Lesnar quickly headed out through the crowd after Austin and Jericho.  We cut to the concession area where Austin was giving chase to Jericho and Jericho slipped!  Austin stomped away on Jericho then picked him up, swore at him and threw Jericho's head right through a popcorn machine!  Jericho's busted wide open!  Austin flipped off Jericho and talked some more trash before leaving.  Brock Lesnar arrived on the scene but Austin was already gone and the damage had been done to Y2J...




  Michael Cole got some comments from Eddy Guerrero...


GUERRERO:  "Listen up vatos, everybody may be gunning for Eddy Guerrero but that's only because they're afraid of me.  That's right.  They fear my looks and my ability.  Rob Van Dam is just jealous cause he can't hit a Frog Splash like me and Taz?  I could make Taz submit any day of the week but I don't wanna embarass the guy.  He's pushin' me, Taz is pushin' me and I might just have to make Taz tap out.  Michael, what'd you see when you look at me?  I'll tell you what you see, homey.  You see a handsome man ... You see a world class wrestler and you see the next United States Heavyweight Champion!"


Match #5: Juventud Guerrera v. Kaz Hayashi.  "Size 'Em Up" by Big L blared over the speakers as 'The Juice' Juventud Guerrera made his way out to the ring.  Then, "I Don't Mind" by Drain STH blared over the speakers as Kaz Hayashi headed out to the ring.  With a great win over Taka Michinoku last week, Juventud Guerrera earned the right to meet the NGW World Cruiserweight Champion, Rey Misterio Jr. at Summertime Showdown but first he had to get through Kaz Hayashi.  Hayashi looked to put an end to Juvy's momenteum in another great Cruiserweight matchup.  The ending would see Kaz go for an inverted bulldog but Juvy slipped out and hit a german suplex for the one ... two ... THR ... NO!  Juvy sent Kaz into the ropes and went for a leg lariat but Kaz held onto the ropes then dropkicked Juvy in the face for the one ... two ... THR ... NO! NO!  Juvy got a shoulder up!  Kaz went out to the apron and came in with a Slingshot DDT on Juvy!  Kaz covers for the one ... two ... THR ... NO!  Juvy got a shoulder up again!  Juvy went for a lariat but Kaz ducked and caught Juvy with an inverted bulldog for the one ... two ... THR ... NO!  Kaz slammed down Juvy and headed up top.  Kaz comes off with the Senton Bomb ... it misses!  Juvy pulls Kaz in and plants him with the Running Power Bomb for the one ... two ... THREE!  Juvy pulls out another great win!


WINNER: Juventud Guerrera in 12:18.

Rating: **** 1/4




  We went to some comments from earlier today as Raven is shown slouched against a chain link fence with The Flock behind the fence...


RAVEN:  "Saturn, poor Saturn.  It didn't have to be this way.  If only you would have seen that a man's pride is synonymous with stupidy.  You could've been with me ... You could've been with the Flock.  But instead you tried to blaze your own path of success but you failed and you're gone.  You're out of life for good and I won't gloat.  I don't have time because the masses are demanding to know what is next for Raven?  That is a question wrapped in a mystery wrapped in an enigma.  But for those who are too unintelligent to decipher my conundrums, I'll say it so even the lowest beings on the totem pole of brain power, like a Dudley, can understand ... I will do whatever I want because I can and you will see what's next for Raven when it happens.  So it was written, so it shall come to pass.  Quote the Raven, NEVERMORE!"


Match #6: Raven & Kane v. The Dudley Boyz - Non-Title.  "Come Out And Play" by Offspring blared over the speakers as Raven and Kane headed out to the ring for tag team action.  To his credit, Raven defeated Saturn without the help of Kane or the Flock last week to send Saturn packing from New Generation Wrestling.  Then, "Turn The Tables" by Saliva blasted over the speakers as the NGW World Tag Team Champions, The Dudley Boyz made their way out to the ring for this non-title match.  Due to the fact Raven and Kane haven't teamed up that much they weren't considered eligible for a shot at the titles but they proved to be a very formidable force against the World Tag Team Champions.  The ending would see Raven go for a russian legsweep on D-Von Dudley buy D-Von slipped out and hit a Reverse Neckbreaker for the one ... two ... THR ... Kane breaks the pin!  Buh Buh came in and with D-Von's help sent Kane to the outside with a double clothesline.  Raven staggered to his feet and the crowd chanted '3D! 3D!'  D-Von sent Raven into the ropes but Kane pulled Buh Buh out of the ring and threw him into the guardrail.  D-Von didn't know Buh Buh was gone and lifted up Raven but Raven grabbed D-Von in a front chancery and spiked him with the Evenflow DDT for the one ... two ... THREE!  Raven and Kane have defeated the World Tag Team Champions!  Like them or not, Raven and Kane have scored a major win!


WINNERS: Raven and Kane in 6:53.

Rating: * 1/2


Main Event: Taz (c) v. Eddy Guerrero v. Rob Van Dam - NGW United States Heavyweight Title Three Way Dance.  "WAR MACHINE" blasted over the speakers as the reigning and defending NGW United States Heavyweight Champion, 'The Human Suplex Machine' Taz walked out to the ring for this Three Way Dance Main Event.  "Siempre Peligroso" by Cypress Hill blared over the speakers as Eddy Guerrero headed out to the ring.  Then, "Walk" by Pantera blasted over the speakers as 'The Whole F'N Show' Rob Van Dam made his way out to the ring.  These three men's paths have crossed over the last few weeks leading up to this match.  Taz and Guerrero have had an issue since Guerrero debuted.  Eddy and RVD have had an ongoing issue over the past couple months.  Taz got the elimination on Guerrero at the main event of Hostile City Showdown then last week when Taz and Rob Van Dam were fighting it out for the U.S. Heavyweight Title, Guerrero got involved.  It looked as if Guerrero was targeting Taz with his Frog Splash but he got Van Dam instead which led to Taz getting the win over Van Dam.  The first elimination would come when Taz hit a High Cradle Tazplex on Guerrero and made the cover but Van Dam broke up the three count with a rolling thunder on Taz!  Van Dam kicked Taz out of the ring and went up top but Guerrero shoved the referee into the ropes.  Van Dam got crotched and fell down to the mat.  Van Dam got up and questioned the referee.  Guerrero came from behind and rolled up RVD with a handfull of tights for the one! two! THREE! (14:08)  He got him!  Van Dam couldn't believe it!  The referee forced Van Dam out of the ring.  Guerrero taunted RVD and pointed to himself ... Wait, Taz is back in the ring and TAZMISSION on Guerrero!  Tazmission!  Guerrero's out!  Taz retains the NGW United States Heavyweight Title!


WINNER: Taz in 14:49.

Rating: ***


  The show came to a close with Taz standing victorious in the ring.  We'll see you next week...



NGW News & Notes-:



-NGW RAGE taping results for Saturday, July 6th, 2002:


Taka Michinoku pinned Chris Candido with the Michinoku Driver in 7:56.

Rating: ** 1/4


Evan Karagias, Jamie Knoble and Essa Rios defeated Psicosis, Simon Diamond and Swinger when Knoble pinned Psicosis with the Tombstone Piledriver in 8:55.

Rating: **


Rey Misterio Jr. pinned Michael Modest with the Springboard Hurricanrana in 10:31.

Rating: *** 3/4

(Rey Misterio Jr. retained the NGW World Cruiserweight Title.)


-NGW has Summertime Showdown on July 21st, 2002 from the Ocean Center in Daytona Beach, FL.  The tentative line-up includes;


NGW World Cruiserweight Title Match-:

Rey Misterio Jr. (c) v. Juventud Guerrera


More Matches TBA...