
NGW Ring Wars - May 13 / 2002



  "Praise" by Sevendust played in the background of the NGW Ring Wars opening sequence which featured a montage of various New Generation Wrestling superstars such as; Saturn, Too Cold Scorpio, The Sandman, Chris Kanyon, The Dudley Boyz, Taz, The Acolytes, William Regal, Sabu, Eddy Guerrero, Vampiro, Raven, Jeff Jarrett, Rob Van Dam, 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner, 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin and more.  This is New Generation Wrestling and this is RING WARS...


  We entered the arena with Joey Styles and Paul Heyman welcomed everyone to the show.  We've got a big show tonight, in a rematch from last week Chris Kanyon faces Vampiro, Cruiserweight Cup action, Raven and Devon Storm face Saturn and Sabu, Buh Buh Ray Dudley takes on Eddy Guerrero and in our Main Event it will be the NGW WORLD CHAMPION, 'BIG POPPA PUMP' SCOTT STEINER and the NGW U.S. HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION, 'THE CHOSEN ONE' JEFF JARRETT teaming up against 'STONE COLD' STEVE AUSTIN and 'THE HUMAN SUPLEX MACHINE' TAZ!  All that and much, much more here tonight on Ring Wars!


Opening Match: Chris Kanyon v. Vampiro.  "Immune" by Godsmack blared over the speakers as Chris Kanyon headed out to the ring.  Then, "Kong At The Gates" by The Misfits sounded over the speakers as 'The Dark Angel' Vampiro stalked his way out to the ring.  These two had an incredibly hard fought match last week in which Chris Kanyon edged out ahead of Vampiro with what ended up being two Flatliners in the final few minutes of the match.  So this would be a great way to kick things off this week as Kanyon and Vampiro turned it up a little more.  The ending would see Vampiro go for an uranage but Kanyon elbowed him off.  Kanyon tried the Flatliner but Vampiro shoved him off and tried a superkick but Kanyon side stepped that and connected with a thrust kick!   Kanyon picked up Vampiro and sent him into the ropes but Vampiro came off with a spinning heel kick.  Vampiro headed up top but Kanyon crotched him.  Kanyon then hit a devastating Hangman Neckbreaker off the top for the one ... two ... THR ... NO!  Kanyon picked up Vampiro and went for a swinging fisherman suplex but Vampiro blocked it, scooped up Kanyon and planted him with a Vampiro Spike!  Vampiro's neck was still bothering him from the neckbreaker so he made a lax cover for the one ... two ... THR ... NO!  KANYON GOT A SHOULDER UP!  Vampiro picked up Kanyon and sent him into the corner.  Vampiro charged in but Kanyon got the feet up.  Kanyon went up to the second rope and came off with a clothesline but Vampiro caught him an hit an uranage!  Vampiro picked up Kanyon and planted him with another Vampiro Spike for the one ... two ... THREE!  Vampiro evens the score in another hard fought match!


WINNER: Vampiro in 7:09.

Rating: ***


["I Need A Freak" by Too $hort]


  The NGW World Champion, 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner returned to Ring Wars after a week's abscene along with his favorite freak, Midajah.  Steiner headed out to the ring looking as jacked as ever and took the microphone...


STEINER:  "Before I talk about the biggest piece of white trash walkin', I wanna let you in on what Big Poppa Pump did on his vacation.  While I was down in Cancun with more freaks then a circus, all you white trash were working your boring nine to five jobs.  Every day I had three or four new freaks just waiting to get a piece of the big bad booty daddy, all you white trash were going home to your fat wives or your right hand!  That's why I'm Big Poppa Pump ... That's why I'm standing here and all of you paid your money just to be in my presence.  Now that I'm rested and relaxed, I'm ready to go back to running people over, breaking bones, and ruining careers like only the man with the largest arms in the world can!  I'm untouchable ... I'm indestructable ... I'm the man that's gonna end Steve Austin's career and I'm gonna give Stone Cold another taste of his demise tonight in the tag team match!"


["Glass Shatters" by Disturbed]


  'Stone Cold' Steve Austin headed out to the ring and took the four corners.  These two enormous superstars will collide in thirteen days at NGW Animosity, live on Pay-Per-View.


AUSTIN:  "I'm glad that you're rested ... relaxed ... recuperated ... I hope you took it easy ... put your feet up ... had some drinks ... got a lot of sleep ... and had a great time because now you're back and your ass belongs to Stone Cold Steve Austin!  Now that you're back, you're gonna break bones ... ruin careers ... run through people ... well why don't you try running through Stone Cold Steve Austin?"


  'The Chosen One' Jeff Jarrett had snuck out.  Jarrett snuck up on Austin but Austin must've seen him out of the corner of his eye.  Austin turned around and drilled Jarrett with a right hand.  Austin nailed Jarrett with a few more, sending him over the top to the outside.  Big Poppa Pump then jumped Austin from behind and pounded on him with forearms and right hands.  Austin battled back but Jarrett tripped up Austin and Steiner dropped an elbow on him.  Steiner and Jarrett stomped away on Austin. 


['War Machine']


  'The Human Suplex Machine' Taz walked out with the shredded towel over his head.  Taz threw down the towel and slid into the ring.  Jarrett came at him but Taz blocked his punch and drlled Jarrett.  Jarrett went to the eyes and tried a suplex but Taz picked him up and threw Jarrett with a T-Bone Tazplex!  Steiner was still pounding away on Austin.  Taz came from behind and locked Big Poppa Pump in the Tazmission!  Taz has the World Champion in the Tazmission!  Jarrett came back and drilled Taz causing the break.  Steiner and Jarrett rolled out of the ring and backed up the ramp while Austin and Taz challenged them to come back.  Steiner and Jarrett said they'd save it for the Main Event...


Match #2: Jamie Knoble v. Kaz Hayashi - Cruiserweight Cup (Pool B).  "You Know Its Hard" by Crystal Method sounded over the speakers as Jamie Knoble headed out to the ring for Cruiserweight Cup action.  Knoble is down 0-1 after losing his first match to the newcomer Low Ki' on RAGE.  Then, "I Don't Mind" by Drain STH blasted over the speakers as Kaz Hayashi made his way out to the ring.  Hayashi opened things up big last week with an impressive win over Taka Michinoku to go up 1-0.  At one time, Jamie Knoble was a member of the Jung Dragons with Kaz so these two are very familiar with each other.  Knoble didn't want to get down in an 0-2 hole while Kaz wanted to move to 2-0.  The ending would see Knoble go for a lariat but Kaz ducked under and planted Knoble with an inverted bulldog for two!  Kaz headed up top but Knoble caught up to him.  Knoble climbed up and traded shots with Kaz.  Both men stood on the top, Knoble drilled Kaz with a jab then jumped up and hit a Super Frankensteiner!  Knoble crawled over and made the cover for the one ... two ... THR ... NO!  Knoble went back up top and came off with the Guillotine Legdrop but Kaz rolled out of the way!  Kaz then drilled Knoble in the face with a kick.  Kaz went up top again and this time came off with the Senton Bomb for the one ... two ... THREE!  Kaz Hayashi takes another strong win to move to 2-0 while Knoble drops to 0-2.


WINNER: Kaz Hayashi in 9:12.

Rating: ***




  'Dangerous' Devon Storm and Raven were shown in a dark part of the building...


STORM:  "Sabu wants a Respect match, Sabu will get a respect match.  I'm not only gonna make him cry out the words 'I respect you, Devon Storm' but I'm going to make him say 'I respect you .. Raven.'"


RAVEN:  "Saturn, as you watch the clock tick down, you flip the pages on the calendar, the day draws near.  The day of your demise.  The day of your destruction.  The day that your life changes forever draws near because it will be the day that you realize what I have known all along.  You need me and you can never defeat me.  So it was written, so it shall come to pass.  Quote the Raven, NEVERMORE!"


Match #3: Raven & Devon Storm v. Saturn & Sabu.  "Come Out And Play" by Offspring blared over the speakers as Raven and 'Dangerous' Devon Storm headed out to the ring.  Then, "Beautiful People" by Marilyn Manson blared over the speakers as Saturn and 'The Human Highlight Reel' Sabu made their way out to the ring along with Bill Alfonso.  Saturn heads into his long awaited match against Raven at Animosity where it'll be Falls Count Anywhere.  Sabu looks to beat some respect into Devon Storm at Animosity in a Respect Match.  This would be a solid tag match with a lot of brawling.  The ending would see Raven go for a bulldog on Saturn but Saturn countered it with a backdrop suplex!  Saturn headed up top and came off with a flying elbowdrop!  Saturn covered for the one ... two ... THR ... Devon Storm breaks up the pin!  Sabu came in with a springboard dropkick on Storm!  Storm rolled to the outside and Sabu came out with a somersault plancha but Storm moved!  Storm came back up on the apron but Saturn knocked him off.  Saturn turned around and Raven caught him with the Evenflow DDT!  Raven covers Saturn for the one ... two ... THREE!  Saturn took his attention away from Raven and he walked right into the Evenflow DDT and no one gets up from that.


WINNERS: Raven & Devon Storm in 5:52.

Rating: **




  The Coach got some comments from Juventud Guerrera...


JUVENTUD:  "The Juice is on the loose in New Generation Wrestling and I'm going straight to the top!  The Juice is gonna be the Cruiserweight Champion cause all these other Cruiserweights may be for now but the Juice is forever, baby.  They can't hurt the Juice, they can only feel it!"


Match #4: Juventud Guerrera v. Essa Rios - Cruiserweight Cup (Pool A).  "Size 'Em Up" by Big L blared over the speakers as 'The Juice' Juventud Guerrera headed out to the ring making his Ring Wars debut.  Juvy kicked things off with a big win over Mike Modest on RAGE.  Then, "Papi Chulo" by Funkdoobiest blared over the speakers as Essa Rios made his way out to the ring.  These two teamed up a few years ago in a different place and were very successful for a short period of time before things fell apart.  Some great, crazy lucha libre action here between Juvy and Essa.  The ending would see Juvy go for a dragon suplex but Essa countered with a go-behind and a release german suplex but Juvy landed on his feet.  Juvy ran in and caught Essa with a spinning leg lariat.  Juvy picked up Essa and planted him with a DDT for the one ... two .... thr ... NO!  Juvy planted Essa with a fisherman buster then headed up top.  Juvy came off with the 450 Splash but Essa rolled out of the way!  Essa grabbed Juvy's arm and hit a springboard armdrag, scooped up Juvy and planted him with a front roll slam ... Essa went quickly up top and came off with the Moonsault!  Juvy gets the knees up!  Juvy grabbed Essa and planted him with the Running Power Bomb for the one ... two ... THREE!  Juventud Guerrera picks up the win over Essa Rios to move to 2-0 in Pool A.


WINNER: Juventud Guerrera in 10:06.

Rating: ***


  We then headed to a video promo set to "Ride Of Your Life" by Nuerotica for NGW's next Pay-Per-View offering ... NGW ANIMOSITY ... The event comes to you on May 26th, live from the All-State Arena in Chicago, IL on Pay-Per-View!


Match #5: Eddy Guerrero v. Buh Buh Ray Dudley.  "Siempre Peligroso" by Cypress Hill blared over the speakers as Eddy Guerrero made his way out to the ring.  Then, "Turn The Tables" by Saliva blasted over the speakers as one-half of the World Tag Team Champions, Buh Buh Ray Dudley headed out for singles competition.  Guerrero gets a one-on-one match against the man he claims stole the Frog Splash from him, Rob Van Dam, at Animosity while Buh Buh and D-Von will defend their titles against Simon Diamond & Swinger.  Guerrero kept the pace quick to keep the big man off base in this one.  The ending would see Guerrero go for a brain buster but Buh Buh blocked it and hit a belly to belly suplex.  Buh Buh went up to the second rope and came off with a senton but Eddy rolled out of the way.  Eddy used a spinning boot scrape on Buh Buh's face, picked him up and sent him into the ropes and hit a dropkick for two.  Guerrero drilled Buh Buh with some chops but Buh Buh fired back.  Eddy went to the eyes and staggered Buh Buh with a few european uppercuts, sent him into the ropes and went for a frankensteiner but Buh Buh countered it with a power bomb.  Simon Diamond and Swinger bolted out.  Simon jumped up on the apron but the referee saw him.  Swinger rolled into the ring and caught Buh Buh with the Swing Thing!  Guerrero pulled himself to the top and came off with the Frog Splash for the one ... two ... THREE!  Eddy Guerrero picks up a big win over Buh Buh Ray Dudley!


WINNER: Eddy Guerrero in 5:03.

Rating: * 3/4


  After the match, Simon and Swinger came in and started to stomp away on Buh Buh.  D-Von rushed out for the save but Eddy drilled him from behind and Simon & Swinger went to work on him.  Wait! ROB VAN DAM bolted out with a chair!  Van Dam tossed it to Swinger and drilled him with a Van Daminator!  Simon came at RVD but RVD did the splits, hitting a chin crusher!  Guerrero decked Van Dam from behind but D-Von was up and hit a Reverse Neckbreaker on Eddy!  The Dudleyz went out after Simon and Swinger.  Rob Van Dam shook off the beating, saw Eddy down and lept up to the top rope ... FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH!  Van Dam came down on Eddy with the Five Star Frog Splash!  Van Dam pointed to himself over Guerrero as we went to our final break...


Main Event: Steve Austin & Taz v. Scott Steiner & Jeff Jarrett.  "Glass Shatters" by Disturbed blared over the speakers as 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin headed out to the ring first.  "War Machine" blared over the speakers as 'The Human Suplex Machine' Taz made their way out to the ring.  Then, "I Need A Freak" by Too $hort blared over the speakers as the NGW World Champion, 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner and the NGW United States Heavyweight Champion, 'The Chosen One' Jeff Jarrett headed out to the ring with Midajah.  These two men are heading into big title defenses at Animosity.  Jarrett must defend his U.S. Heavyweight Title against Taz in a Submission match while Scott Steiner defends the World Championship against Stone Cold.  Austin wanted to start things off against Steiner but got Jarrett instead.  On purpose or not, Scott Steiner managed to avoid getting in the ring with Stone Cold for the majority of this match.  Jarrett and Steiner were a more cohesive unit as both Austin and Taz prefer to do things on their own.  The closing moments of this match would see Taz go for a belly to belly tazplex but Jarrett raked the eyes to break it.  Jarrett went for a short lariat but Taz ducked and locked Jarrett in the Tazmission!  Jarrett backed Taz up into the corner breaking the hold.  Jarrett stunned Taz with a few punches then went for the Stroke but Taz elbowed up and dumped Jarrett with a Hardway Tazplex!  Taz made the cover for the one ... two ... THR ... Steiner breaks the count!  Austin came in and tagged Steiner with a right hand but then was forced out.  Steiner and Jarrett dragged Taz to their corner and double teamed him while the referee was pre-occupied with Austin.  Jarrett made the tag out to Steiner and Steiner stomped away on Taz in the corner.  Steiner turned around and flipped off Stone Cold.  Steiner turned his attention back to Taz and Taz drilled him with a kick and fought his way out of the corner with some punches.  Steiner sent Taz into the ropes and went for a Steinerline but Taz ducked, bounced off the ropes again and drilled Steiner with a big clothesline of his own.  Austin wanted the tag and he got it!  Austin unloaded on Steiner with right hands, Steiner goes to the gut, sends Austin into the ropes but Thesz Press!  Austin picked up Steiner and threw him to the outside then went out after him.  Taz ran over and pulled Jarrett into the ring and beat on him.  Taz went to send Jarrett into the ropes but Jarrett reversed it and sent Taz into the referee!  Jarrett now threw Taz out to the floor and went after him.  Austin rolled Steiner but saw the referee was down.  Midajah went under the ring and pulled out a lead pipe.  She passed it to Steiner.  Austin came back over to pick up Steiner and BAM!  Steiner drilled Austin in the head with the pipe busting him wide open and knocking him out!  Steiner covered Austin ... the referee made the count for the one ... two ... THREE!  Steiner steals a pinfall over Stone Cold with a lead pipe to the skull!


WINNERS: Scott Steiner & Jeff Jarrett in 11:40.

Rating: ** 3/4


  We ended the show with a shot of Steiner holding the World Championship over a bloody Stone Cold.  Is this a preview of things to come for Stone Cold at Animosity?



NGW News & Notes-:



-NGW RAGE taping results for Saturday, May 18th, 2002:


[Cruiserweight Cup - Pool A]:

Michael Modest pinned Chris Candido with the Reality Check in 6:12.

Rating: ** 1/2


[Cruiserweight Cup - Pool B]:

Psicosis pinned Low Ki' with the Guillotine Legdrop in 10:26.

Rating: *** 1/4


Goldust and Allan Funk defeated The Sandman and Too Cold Scorpio when Goldust pinned Scorpio with the Curtain Call in 6:08.

Rating: *


Cruiserweight Cup - Pool A


 1. Juventud Guerrera                 10 ( 2: 0: 0)

 2. Rey Misterio Jr.                   5 ( 1: 0: 0)

    Michael Modest                     5 ( 1: 1: 0)

 4. Essa Rios                          0 ( 0: 1: 0)

    Chris Candido                      0 ( 0: 2: 0)


Cruiserweight Cup - Pool B


 1. Kaz Hayashi                       10 ( 2: 0: 0)

 2. Psicosis                           5 ( 1: 0: 0)

    Low Ki'                            5 ( 1: 1: 0)

 4. Taka Michinoku                     0 ( 0: 1: 0)

    Jamie Knoble                       0 ( 0: 2: 0)


-NGW has Animosity on May 26th, 2002 from the All-State Arena in Chicago, IL.  The tentative line-up includes;


NGW World Championship Match-:

Scott Steiner (c) v. Steve Austin


NGW World Tag Team Titles Match-:

The Dudley Boyz (c) v. Simon Diamond & Swinger


NGW United States Heavyweight Title Submission Match-:

Jeff Jarrett (c) v. Taz


Rob Van Dam v. Eddy Guerrero



Raven v. Saturn


Final Curtain Match-:

Goldust v. The Sandman


Chris Kanyon v. Vampiro


Respect Match:

Devon Storm v. Sabu