
NGW Ring Wars - April 1 / 2002



  "Praise" by Sevendust played in the background of the NGW Ring Wars opening sequence which featured a montage of various New Generation Wrestling superstars such as; The Sandman, Too Cold Scorpio, DDP, Chris Kanyon, The Dudley Boyz, Taz, The Acolytes, William Regal, Sabu, Vampiro, Raven, Jeff Jarrett, Rob Van Dam, Scott Steiner, 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin and more.  This is New Generation Wrestling RING WARS...


  We entered the arena with Joey Styles and Paul Heyman welcoming everyone to the show.  We've got a bunch of good matches here tonight as 'THE HUMAN HIGHLIGHT REEL' SABU faces 'THE DARK ANGEL' VAMPIRO, 'THE CHOSEN ONE' JEFF JARRETT and EDDY GUERRERO team up against 'THE HUMAN SUPLEX MACHINE' TAZ and a partner of his choice, and in our Main Event it will be 'THE WHOLE F'N SHOW' ROB VAN DAM going one-on-one with RAVEN.  Plus, Shawn Michaels will draw the teams for Lethal Lottery.  All that and much, much more!


Opening Match: The Flock v. Jung Dragons.  "Terrible Lie" by Nine Inch Nails blasted over the speakers as 'Dangerous' Devon Storm and 'Sick' Scott Vick of The Flock made their way out to the ring.  Then, "I Don't Mind" by Drain STH blared over the speakers as the Jung Dragons' Kaz Hayashi and Yang headed out to the ring.  We kicked things off with fast paced, high flying tag team action.  The ending would see Kaz slingshot in for a DDT but Scott Vick caught him with a powerslam.  Vick picked up Hayashi for the Cure but Vick countered it with a slingshot then planted Vick with an inverted bulldog!  Kaz headed up top and came off with the Senton Bomb for the one ... Devon Storm comes in but Yang cuts him off ... two ... THREE!  The Jung Dragons grab a huge win over The Flock to move up the tag team ranks.


WINNERS: Jung Dragons in 5:11.

Rating: **


["I Am Hated" by Slipknot]


  Midajah led out the NGW World Champion, 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner to the ring.  Steiner posed a bit then took a microphone...


STEINER:  "Big Poppa Pump is your hook-up ... holla if ya hear me!  All week long, the freaks have been comin' up to me and askin' me who I'm gonna face at Lord Of The Ring?  Who's gonna get a shot at the genetic freak?  It doesn't matter if its Stone Cold or RVD cause I'm the greatest physical specimen and athlete in the world today.  You can keep lineing up the challengers and I'll keep knockin' them down with the largest arms in the world!  I don't care who gets the shot but I'd like to know so I can plan out the massacre!  Who's it gonna be?  Who's got what it takes to get snapped in half by Big Poppa Pump?"


["Glass Shatters" by Disturbed]


  'Stone Cold' Steve Austin headed out of the entrance and down into the ring.  Austin had a microphone of his own...


AUSTIN:  "Scott Steiner, I would've come out here sooner but I was in the back throwing up cause you make me sick ... you're pathetic ... you're a jackass and you're gonna defend that World Championship against me at Lord Of The Ring!  You might knock Stone Cold down but I'll get right back up and whip your ass!"


["Walk" by Pantera]


  'The Whole F'n Show' Rob Van Dam walked out to the ring with a microphone...


VAN DAM:  "Stone Cold, who made you the boss around here?  If you get a shot at Scott Steiner then I should get one, too because you didn't beat me last week!"


  Shawn Michaels, NGW Commissioner, had walked out onto the stage...


MICHAELS:  "It looks like we've got a bit of controversay here.  If you want real controversay just wait until later tonight when after I announce the teams drawn in the Lethal Lottery, I drop a bombshell that will change the course of wrestling history.  But to the matter at hand and that's who gets the shot at Scott Steiner?  That's a tough decision, Stone Cold or RVD.  I really couldn't chose one so I decided that BOTH of you will get a shot at Scott Steiner in a Three Way Dance at Lord Of The Ring!"


AUSTIN:  "What?  A Three Way Dance?  What?  I'll just have to repeat my performance from March Madness and whip both your asses."


STEINER:  "You ain't gonna whip my ass because I'm BIG POPPA PUMP!"


VAN DAM:  "You may be Big Poppa Pump but you're not ROB VAN DAM!"


  The three men faced off in the ring as we went to a break...


Match #2: William Regal v. Michael Modest.  "British Doom" by Jim Johnston sounded over the speakers as William Regal made his way out to the ring.  Then, "Natural One" by Folk Implosion blared over the speakers as 'The Natural One' Michael Modest made his way out to the ring.  Modest made his debut on this past RAGE with a solid win over Yang.  This would be a real stiff, technical match as Modest and Regal both like to wrestle the same rough old school style.  The ending would see Regal go for a double underhook power bomb but Modest fought it off.  Regal drilled Modest with a few knees then planted him with the double underhook power bomb for two.  Regal went for the British Neckbreaker but Modest spun out and spiked Regal with a DDT.  Modest headed up top and came off with the Bombs Away Kneedrop but Regal moved!  Modest limped to his feet allowing Regal to hit the British Neckbreaker for the one ... two ... THREE!  William Regal takes a hard fought win over Mike Modest!


WINNER: William Regal in 5:07.

Rating: **




  We cut to see The Sandman and Terri arriving to the arena.  The Coach approached them for some comments...


SANDMAN:  "Goldust, if you thought last week was something then wait'll you see what I've got planned for you tonight.  I've got a BIG surprise for you."


Match #3: Bradshaw v. Buh Buh Ray Dudley.  "El Cu Cuy" by Coal Chamber blasted over the speakers as one-half of the NGW World Tag Team Champions, Bradshaw headed out to the ring along with his tag team partner, Faarooq.  Then, "Turn The Tables" by Saliva blared over the speakers as Buh Buh Ray Dudley made his way out to the ring along with his partner, D-Von Dudley.  The Acolytes must defend the NGW World Tag Team Titles one more time against The Dudley Boyz at Lord Of The Ring.  This would be a physical brawl between Bradshaw and Buh Buh.  The ending would see Bradshaw go for a big boot but Buh Buh ducked then planted the big man with the Buh Buh Bomb for the one ... two ... THR ... Faarooq puts Bradshaw's foot on the ropes!  D-Von came around and went after Faarooq.  Faarooq rolled into the ring, D-Von went after him but the referee blocked D-Von and tried to get him out of the ring.  Faarooq used this distraction to plant Buh Buh with the Spinebuster.  Bradshaw waited until Buh Buh got up and drilled him with the Clothesline From Hell for the one ... two ... THREE!


WINNER: Bradshaw in 4:04.

Rating: * 1/4


  Afterwards, D-Von grabbed a steel chair and drilled Faarooq in the back with it.  D-Von went into the ring and caught Bradshaw with a chair shot to the head!  Buh Buh got up and yelled, 'D-VON! GET THE TABLE!'  D-Von went under the ring and brought a table into the ring.  D-Von picked up Bradshaw and sent him into the ropes ... 3D through the table!  Bradshaw won the match but The Dudley Boyz got the last laugh tonight...




  'The Human Suplex Machine' Taz is shown getting ready in his dressing room when Saturn walks in.  Saturn and Taz go face to face...


SATURN:  "I heard you're looking for a tag team partner tonight..."


TAZ:  "Does it look like I'm looking very hard?"


SATURN:  "You don't need to look cause after Jarrett and Guerrero screwed me out of the US Heavyweight Title on Rage, I'm in for tonight."


TAZ:  "You got my back?"


SATURN:  "Yeah, I've got your back tonight."


TAZ:  "Good but understand this, if you do anything to screw with me you will be just anotha victim..."


Match #4: Chris Kanyon v. Al Snow.  "Immune" by Godsmack blasted over the speakers as The Flock's Chris Kanyon headed out to the ring for our next match.  Then, "Breathe" by Prodigy blared over the speakers as Al Snow made his way out to the ring.  Chris Kanyon was looking to get back on the winning track after losing to Saturn in a six man back at March Madness while Al Snow's been in a slump of late and really needs a win.  The ending would see Snow go for a superkick but Kanyon ducked and hit a swinging fisherman suplex for two.  Kanyon sent Snow into the ropes but Snow came off with a clothesline.  Snow hit an ocean cyclone suplex on Kanyon for the one ... two ... THR ... NO!  Snow picked up Kanyon for the Snow Plow but Kanyon dropped out and hit the Flatliner for the one ... two ... THREE!  Chris Kanyon takes the win...


WINNER: Chris Kanyon in 5:12.

Rating: **


["Shattered Dreams"]


  The arena turned golden as Goldust walked out to the ring his full rope.  Goldust looked none too pleased after what happened last week.  Goldust walked into the ring and took a microphone...


GOLDUST:  "Sandman, Sandman, my precious Sandman, last week you took a chance.  I'm proud of you, you're starting to play this game but Sandman, no one plays this game better then me.  You can't win.  You wanted to know what brings out Goldust and where is Dustin Rhodes?  You see, Sandman, Dustin wasn't smart enough ... he wasn't sharp enough.  Dustin needs me, he needs Goldust to be successful.  Dustin fell for Terri but Goldust recognized her for the useless tramp that she is.  Dustin fights with his fists ... Goldust fights with his mind.  You're weak, Sandman, you're too weak and it showed when I beat you in Philadelphia.  When it is all said and done, when the final curtain is drawn and the final chapter is written on you and you sit alone in some run down bar, trying to scrape together enough change for one last beer before you pass out in a puddle of your own vomit, you will never forget the name of ..."


["American Dream"]


  The crowd went nuts as 'The American Dream' Dusty Rhodes stepped out of the entrance.  Dusty walked out into the ring much to the shock of Goldust...


DUSTY:  "Dustin, I know you in there somewhere so let daddy talk to ya for a minute.  Lemme break it down for ya, if ya weeeeeeeel.  I seen you do this before, I seen you come out here as Goldust and maybe, it does make you successful but it ain't you.  Listen to me, listen to me, behbe.  This ain't the route you wanna take.  You always end up regrettin' this and you don't wanna be regrettin'!  Put a stop to this, please, you already gone too far by gettin' in Sandman's bidness with his wifey and son.  Rightowrong about Sandman, rightowrong, rightowrong Dustin this has got to stop and it's gotta stop tonight!"


GOLDUST:  "Shut your damn mouth, old man, you don't know anything about me or Dustin."


DUSTY:  "Why you gotta be talkin' like that?  Have you lost your mind?  Come on now, we'll get you some help, everythin' will be all right!"


GOLDUST:  "No it won't, it'll never be alright.  This is all your fault, you created me, you created Goldust.  Dustin was always in your shadow, he was always just the son of The American Dream but not Goldust ... Goldust is his own man making his own legacy.  People will always remember that Dustin Rhodes is Dusty's son but they will never forget the name of ... GOLDUST!"


  Goldust then drilled Dusty in the head with the microphone.  Goldust hammered on Dusty and Dusty went to the eyes then drilled Goldust with a Bionic Elbow!  Dusty tried to pick up Goldust but Goldust drilled him low then planted him with the Curtain Call!  The Sandman bolted out into the ring but Goldust quickly fled...


Match #5: Sabu v. Vampiro.  "Little Crazy" by Fight blasted over the speakers as Bill Alfonso led out 'The Human Highlight Reel' Sabu to the ring.  Then, "Kong At The Gates" by The Misfits blared over the speakers as 'The Dark Angel' Vampiro headed out to the ring.  Vampiro challenged Sabu to this match after last week when Sabu tried to get some revenge against Raven with a chair but Raven ended up getting the chair and using it to beat Vampiro.  The ending would see Vampiro go for a power bomb but Sabu countered it with a DDT.  Sabu got a chair from Fonzie and went for the Triple Jump Moonsault but Vampiro got the knees up!  Vampiro picked up Sabu and planted him with an uranage for the one ... two ... THR ... NO! Sabu got a shoulder up!  Vampiro went for the Vampiro Spike but Sabu floated over and shoved Vampiro through the ropes and out of the ring.  Sabu headed out of the ring and hit a DDT on the floor.  Sabu rolled Vampiro onto the announcer's table.  Sabu headed into the ring and bounced off the ropes, jumped off the chair then sprung off the top rope with a somersault plancha onto Vampiro, driving him through the announcers table!  Oh my god!  The referee had no choice but to start the count.  Neither man could get up resulting in a double countout!


WINNER: Double Countout in 6:45.

Rating: ** 3/4




  We cut to a shot of Shawn Michaels and some other NGW officials wrapping up the random drawing for the Lethal Lottery...


Match #6: Jeff Jarrett & Eddy Guerrero v. Taz & Saturn.  "Cowboy" by Kid Rock blared over the speakers as the NGW United States Heavyweight Champion, 'The Chosen One' Jeff Jarrett and Eddy Guerrero headed out to the ring.  Then, "War Machine" blared over the speakers as 'The Human Suplex Machine' Taz made his way out to the ring.  "Beautiful People" by Marilyn Manson blasted over the speakers as Saturn headed out.  Taz challenged Jarrett or Guerrero last week, Jarrett responded by telling Taz to get a tag team match this week, and earlier tonight Saturn offered himself up as a tag team partner to Taz.  The ending would see Taz go for a vertical suplex but Jarrett shoved him off and hit a dropkick.  Jarrett went for a sleeperhold but Taz countered with a go-behind and locked Jarrett in the Tazmission!  Eddy Guerrero came in but Saturn also came in.  Saturn went for a superkick but Guerrero moved and Saturn hit Taz in the back of the head.  Jarrett ran up the corner and flipped over, pinning Taz's shoulders to the mat for the one ... two ... THREE!  Jarrett grabs a pinfall over Taz!


WINNERS: Jeff Jarrett and Eddy Guerrero in 7:05.

Rating: ** 1/4


  Afterwards, Taz wasn't happy with Saturn but the two stopped short of coming to blows...


["Oh! Oh! Shawn!"]


  The NGW Commissioner, 'The Heartbreak Kid' Shawn Michaels headed out to the ring.  Michaels promised earlier that he would announce the teams drawn in the Lethal Lottery and drop a bombshell that would change the course of wrestling history.


MICHAELS:  "Before we get to our Main Event of Raven against Rob Van Dam, I've got some business to take care.  First things first, the Lethal Lottery was held just a few moments ago and it was very interesting to say the least.  So here are the five matches determined by the Lethal Lottery and remember the winners of these matches meet in BattleBowl later that night to crown the first ever Lord Of The Ring.  Raven will team with Taz against William Regal and Al Snow.  Chris Candido teams with Evolution's Jason Jett against Eddy Guerrero and Diamond Dallas Page.  Here's an interesting one ... Goldust will team with Too Cold Scorpio against The Sandman and Nova.  Simon Diamond and Swinger got the luckiest draw as they will team up together but it'll be against Chris Kanyon and the US Heavyweight Champion, Jeff Jarrett, and finally Saturn must team with Devon Storm of The Flock against Sabu and Vampiro!  It will be very interesting to see if any of these teams can co-exist enough to make it to BattleBowl.  And now its time for me to drop the bombshell ... We here at New Generation Wrestling have tried to do our own thing in this industry and get the fans to come out and see NGW based on what we do and not get into some war with World Professional Wrestling.  We want to show people that NGW is the show you wanna watch, is the promotion you wanna follow and it's the place where all the wrestlers want to compete.  With that being said, I'll go ahead and let the cat out of the bag, so to speak.  New Generation Wrestling is in serious negotiations to bring in a man that's been a great World Heavyweight Champion for them.  He's one of the greatest wrestlers in the world and I'm doing everything in my power to bring him to NGW.  I can't say his name because that could ruin the deal but this man's contract is about to run out and I will bring him to New Generation Wrestling.  I can't talk about this every week because its going to be weeks until he'd be able to appear in NGW due to a no compete clause in his current contract.  But sometimes for the best things in life, you've gotta wait and I promise you he will be worth the wait.  Thank you."


Main Event: Raven v. Rob Van Dam.  "Come Out And Play" by Offspring blared over the speakers as Raven made his way out to the ring for our Main Event matchup of the evening.  Then, "Walk" by Pantera blasted over the speakers as 'The Whole F'N Show' Rob Van Dam headed out to the ring.  Raven's coming off a win over Sabu at March Madness then one over Vampiro the night night.  We found out earlier tonight that Rob Van Dam will compete in a Three Way Dance at Lord Of The Ring with Stone Cold Steve Austin and the NGW World Champion, Scott Steiner.  Van Dam and Raven locked up with Van Dam legsweeping Raven then going for a corkscrew legdrop but Raven rolled out of the way.  Raven snap mared Van Dam then went for a dropkick but RVD moved out of the way.  Van Dam and Raven squared off then went back to a lockup.  Raven went to the eyes then threw Van Dam in the corner and hammered away on him with rights and lefts.  Raven pulled Van Dam out and went for a clothesline but Van Dam ducked and hit a side kick for two.  RVD went up top and came off with a flying kick sending Raven out of the ring.  Van Dam leaned over the ropes, looking for a plancha but Raven pulled him out of the ring and threw Van Dam into the guardrail.  Raven kneed Van Dam a few times then drove his back into the ring apron.  Raven rolled RVD back into the ring and took control.  Raven and Rob Van Dam went back and forth in a good brawl.  The closing moments of the match would see Raven go for a russian legsweep but Van Dam blocked it and hit a jawbreaker on Raven.  Van Dam followed that up with a Rolling Thunder for the one ... two ... THR ... NO!  Raven got a shoulder up.  Van Dam slammed Raven down and went for a Split Legged Moonsault but Raven got the knees up!  Raven cradled up Van Dam with two feet on the ropes for the one ... two ... THR ... NO! NO! NO! Van Dam got a shoulder up at the last second!  Raven took down Van Dam with a short arm clothesline.  Raven signalled for the Evenflow DDT and picked up Van Dam.  Raven went to kick Van Dam but Van Dam caught the leg, stepped over and drilled Raven with a spin kick!  Van Dam hurried to the top rope and came off the Five Star Frog Splash!  It hits!  Van Dam covers for the one ... two ... THREE!  Rob Van Dam pulls out a tough, tough win over Raven!


WINNER: Rob Van Dam in 11:46.

Rating: ***


  After the match, 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner hit the ring and jumped Van Dam from behind.  Steiner threw Van Dam with a T-Bone Suplex.  Steiner went out of the ring and grabbed a chair away from the time keeper and came back in ... wait ... 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin ran down into the ring!  Steiner wound up to hit Van Dam but Austin spun him around and STUNNER!  Austin picked up the chair and talked trash to Steiner.  Van Dam sprung up and as Austin turned around RVD drilled him with a Van Daminator!  Rob Van Dam then looked to see Scott Steiner down and jumped up to the top rope ... Five Star Frog Splash on Steiner!  The show ended with 'The Whole F'N Show' standing tall over Steiner and Austin...



NGW News & Notes-:



-NGW RAGE taping results for Saturday, April 6th, 2002:


Chris Candido pinned Allan Funk with the Blond Bombshell in 5:58.

Rating: ** 1/2


Evolution defeated Evan Karagias and Jamie Knoble when Nova pinned Karagias with the Kryptonite Krunch in 6:12.

Rating: ** 3/4


Diamond Dallas Page pinned Scotty Riggs with the Diamond Cutter in 5:37.

Rating: 3/4*


Simon Diamond and Swinger defeated The Sandman and Too Cold Scorpio when Diamond pinned Sandman with the Simonizer in 6:05.

Rating: *

 -Goldust interfered to cost The Sandman the match.



-NGW has Lord Of The Ring on April 21st, 2002 from the Nassau Coliseum in Uniondale, Long Island.  The tentative line-up includes;


NGW World Championship Three Way Dance-:

Scott Steiner (c) v. Steve Austin v. Rob Van Dam


NGW World Tag Team Titles Match-:

The Acolytes (c) v. The Dudley Boyz


The Lethal Lottery-:


Raven & Taz v. William Regal & Al Snow

Eddy Guerrero & Diamond Dallas Page v. Chris Candido & Jason Jett

Goldust & Too Cold Scorpio v. The Sandman & Nova

Jeff Jarrett & Chris Kanyon v. Simon Diamond & Swinger

Saturn & Devon Storm v. Sabu & Vampiro


Plus BattleBowl...