
NGW Ring Wars - January 28 / 2002



  "The Blood, The Sweat, The Tears" by Machine Head played in background of a series of stills recapping last night's Initial Assault where Jeff Jarrett became the first ever NGW United States Heavyweight Champion, The Sandman & Too Cold Scorpio won the NGW World Tag Team Titles.  Then in the Main Event, it came down to Scott Steiner and Steve Austin for the NGW World Championship.  William Regal nailed Austin with brass knuckles then Steiner busted him open with a lead pipe.  Steiner followed that up with a Steiner Recliner to become the first ever NGW World Champion.  How will Austin react?  Is there an alliance between Regal and Steiner?  All that and more tonight...


  "Praise" by Sevendust played in the background of the NGW Ring Wars opening sequence which featured a montage of various New Generation Wrestling superstars such as; The Sandman & Too Cold Scorpio, DDP, Chris Kanyon, The Dudley Boyz, Taz, William Regal, Sabu, Raven, Jeff Jarrett, Rob Van Dam, Scott Steiner, 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin and more.  This is New Generation Wrestling RING WARS...


    We entered the arena as Joey Styles and Paul Heyman welcomed us to NGW Ring Wars and ran down the lineup for tonight.  Nova goes one-on-one with Jamie Knoble, Danny Doring & Roadkill battle the Jung Dragons, DDP faces Sabu, Taz takes on Marc Mero, the NGW World Tag Team Champions The Sandman & Too Cold Scorpio defend against The Dudley Boyz, then in the Main Event, William Regal squares off against Rob Van Dam.  All that and much, much, more tonight on Ring Wars...


Opening Match: Jamie Knoble v. Nova.  "You Know Its Hard" by Crystal Method sounded over the speakers as Jamie Knoble headed out to the ring.  Then, "Intergalactic" by Beastie Boys blasted over the speakers as Nova made his way out to the ring.  Knoble was on the losing end of a six man tables match last night at Initial Assault while Nova didn't wrestle on the card.  Nova was well rested and fresh so he took it to Knoble.  The ending would see Nova go for a Spin Doctor on Knoble but Knoble shoved him off and hit a dropkick.  Knoble went up top and came off with a flying dropkick for two.  Knoble went for a running lariat but Nova countered it with a Novacaine for 2 1/2.  Evan Karagias ran out onto the apron but Nova turned and dropped Evan with a right hand.  Nova turned around and Knoble scooped him up, spiking Nova with the Tombstone Piledriver! Knoble covered Nova for the one ... two ... THREE!  Jamie Knoble picks up the singles win with a little assist from his tag team partner.


WINNER: Jamie Knoble in 5:04.

Rating: ** 3/4




  The Coach was standing outside in the parking garage...


COACH:  "We're out here waiting on the arrival of the NGW World Champion, Scott Steiner..."


  A set of lights was seen and as they came closer we saw that it was a black pickup truck!  It pulled up and out stepped 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin.  Austin went in the back and grabbed a flat of Budweiser.  Coach tried to get some comments...


COACH:  "Stone Cold ... Stone Cold ..."


AUSTIN:  "You don't want me to take out my frustrations on you, do you, Coach?  What?  I didn't think so.  Now get the hell out of my face cause I've got some drinking to do..."


Match #2: Danny Doring & Roadkill v. Jung Dragons.  "Super Bon Bon" by Soul Coughing blared over the speakers as 'Dastardly' Danny Doring & Roadkill made their way out to the ring.  Then, "I Don't Mind" by Drain STH sounded over the speakers as Kaz Hayashi and Jimmy Yang, the Jung Dragons, headed out to the ring.  Doring and Roadkill got a hard fought win over the Dragons on the first ever Ring Wars.  Tonight, the Dragons get a chance to even the score.  The ending would see Kaz Hayashi go for a Slingshot DDT on Roadkill but Roadkill countered it with a powerslam.  Roadkill went up for the the Amish Splash but Yang came over and crotched Roadkill up top.  Doring came in but Yang caught him with a backdrop sending Doring out of the ring.  Yang and Hayashi went up top and hit a double superplex on Roadkill.  Doring pulled Yang out of the ring and brawled with him.  Kaz then planted Roadkill with his Inverted Bulldog for the one ... two ... THREE!  The Jung Dragons even the score with Doring & Roadkill.


WINNERS: Jung Dragons in 5:10.

Rating: * 3/4




  Lillian Garcia got some comments from William Regal about the Main Event tonight against Rob Van Dam and his role in Scott Steiner becoming NGW World Champion...


REGAL:  "How dare you question my integrity?  You filthy disgusting wench.  William Regal is a man of class, honor and dignity.  I was simply out there last night to make sure that the right man won and the right man did walk out the World Champion.  Scott Steiner, sees all you people for what you are, trash.  You're trash just like Rob Van Dam.  RVD, you're real popular with all that trash and I'm positive they'd love to see you beat me right here tonight but not on my watch, sunshine!  You will not bismerch the good name of William Regal, and you will fall like all the rest!"


Match #3: Diamond Dallas Page v. Sabu.  "Helping Hand" by StainD brought a groggy Diamond Dallas Page out to the ring.  DDP looked out of it after the head dropping, choke out, beating at the hands of Taz less then 24 hours ago.  Then, "Little Crazy" by Fight blasted over the speakers as 'The Human Highlight Reel' Sabu made his way out to the ring along with Bill Alfonso.  Sabu defeated Saturn in a hard fought battle last night so he wasn't at 100 % either.  The ending would see Sabu go for a huracanrana but Page countered it with a liger bomb for two.  Page hit some punches then went for a spinning clothesline but Sabu ducked and hit a dropkick to the knee.  Sabu went for a fisherman buster but DDP dropped out, spun Sabu around and went for a Diamond Cutter but Sabu shoved DDP off into the ropes and caught him with a DDT.  Alfonso passed Sabu a chair and Sabu hit the Triple Jump Moonsault on DDP for the one ... two ... THREE! Sabu takes a good win over DDP.  Two losses in two nights, not a good thing for Mr Page.


WINNER: Sabu in 6:54.

Rating: **


["Come Out And Play" by Offspring]


  The enigmatic and mysterious Raven walked out of the entrance along with Chris Kanyon, Devon Storm and Scott Vick.  Raven walked into the ring with his 'flock' and slouched down in the corner with a microphone...


RAVEN:  "The minions ... the masses ... the public have been waiting on the edge of their seats whether it be here in the arena or at home on their dust filled sofas to hear what I have to say.  To find out the reason that these three men stand in the ring with me.  It all goes back to when I was a child, when my mother told me what to do, when to do it and where to do it.  I'm an adult now and when New Generation Wrestling signed me to a six figure per year contract, they knew what they were getting into.  Or did they?  Maybe they wanted me to come out here and wrestle like everyone else.  Just be a part of Stone Cold Steve Austin show.  Settle into a spot like everyone else, fall into line but like our beloved World Champion, Scott Steiner, I refuse to follow your rules.  I refuse to follow the trends of society, I refuse to be sucked in by the worthless adoration of the people.  I will do what I want, to who I want and when I want.  I will wrestle when I feel like it and I will make my own rules.  You can hate me, you can spit at me, you can throw garbage at me, I don't care, you mean nothing to me.  That brings me to what Joey Styles has dubbed my 'Flock'.  Well as they say, Joey Styles, birds of a feather flock together.  These three men have been shunned and abused for too long by you people and by wrestling promoters.  I ask you ... Who bettah than Kanyon?  Nobody.  Who's more Dangerous then Devon Storm?  Nobody.  Who's sicker then Scott Vick?  NOBODY!  And who is forced to give them an opportunity?  NGW.  Or else they will never hear the end of it..."


["Beautiful People" by Marilyn Manson]


  Saturn walked out of the entrance with a microphone in hand...


SATURN:  "Raven!  When you put your hands on me and you tried to lure me back into your Flock, you made the biggest mistake of your career!"


RAVEN:  "Saturn ... I understand what you're going through because I too had to overcome people trying to make me into something I'm not.  To put this in term's that even you can understand, lets just pretend life is like a game of cards.  You and I have been dealt the same deck of cards, Saturn.  We're not playing with regular cards like everyone else, our cards are like explosives.  As we built a friendship and a trust, we turned over more and more cards until one day when something happened and all the cards were swept off the table and it blew up in our face.  Saturn, lets put the cards back in place, lets join together again and show just how great we can be."


SATURN:  "SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!  I'm sick of your rambling nonsense!  There's only one thing I want from you Raven and that's you in the ring!"


RAVEN:  "You're making a big mistake, Saturn!  Face it, your career has gone nowhere been into the toilet after you walked away from me.  You're nothing without me!  You want me in the ring?  You don't deserve to wrestle me but you can wrestle ... Kanyon here tonight.  And when you realize how much you need me, I'll be waiting.  So it was written, so it shall come to pass.  Quote the Raven, NEVERMORE!"


Match #4: Marc Mero v. Taz.  "Superstar" by Saliva blared over the speakers as 'Marvelous' Marc Mero made his way out to the ring on his own.  Then, "War Machine Survive Mix" blasted over the speakers as 'The Human Suplex Machine' Taz headed out to the ring.  Mero shadow boxed then wanted to trade punches with Taz.  Taz stepped forward and Mero sucker punched him but Taz just held his jaw and shook his head.  Mero went for another left hook but Taz ducked and hit a T-Bone Tazplex!  Mero stumbled to his feet and Taz grabbed him in the Tazmission!  Mero quickly tapped out!  Taz threw Mero down and walked out of the ring.  Taz has destroyed Marc Mero...


WINNER: Taz in 0:14.

Rating: *




  The Coach was still out in the parking lot, a white limousine was pulling up...


COACH:  "This must be the World Champion, Scott Steiner..."


  The limo pulled up and the Coach opened the door then had a strange look on his face as out of the limousine stepped ... Shawn Michaels.


COACH:  "Shawn Michaels?  Shawn Michaels ... What're you doing here?"


MICHAELS:  "That's a tough question, Coach ... You'll just have to wait and see like everyone else.  I'll make my reason for being here known once the World Champion arrives..."


  Shawn Michaels walked into the building leaving Coach and everyone else stunned...


Match #5: The Dudley Boyz v. The Sandman & Too Cold Scorpio (c) - NGW World Tag Team Titles.  "Dead Cell" by Papa Roach blared over the speakers as The Dudley Boyz made their way out to the ring for this big tag team matchup.  The Dudleyz won a six person tables match last night.  Then, "Enter Sandman" by Metallica hit as the NGW World Tag Team Champions, 'The Extreme Icon' The Sandman and Too Cold Scorpio headed out to the ring.  Sandman and Scorpio got past Maximum Force last night to become the first ever NGW World Tag Team Champions but just one night later they've got to put the belts on the line against one of the best tag teams in all of wrestling, The Dudley Boyz.  This match broke down into a wild brawl in no time.  The ending would see Sandman go for a Heinekanrana on Buh Buh Ray Dudley buy Buh Buh countered it with a huge super bomb!  Buh Buh covered Sandman for the one ... two ... THR ... Scorpio breaks the pin!  D-Von came in and caught Scorpio with a reverse neckbreaker then kicked him out of the ring.  The Sandman staggered to his feet and The Dudley Boyz lined him up for the 3D but Dawn Marie and Maximum Force had come out.  Buh Buh Ray got distracted, and Sandman caught D-Von with a DDT for the one ... two ... THREE!  The Sandman and Too Cold Scorpio hang onto the World Tag Team Titles.


WINNERS: The Sandman and Too Cold Scorpio in 5:58.

Rating: 1/2*

(The Sandman and Too Cold Scorpio retained the NGW World Tag Team Titles.)


  After the match, Simon Diamond and Swinger shoved past Buh Buh Ray Dudley and jumped The Sandman!  Maximum Force didn't intend to cost The Dudleyz the match, they wanted to get at the World Tag Team Champions.  Buh Buh Ray came over and planted Swinger with a Buh Buh Bomb.  The Sandman then hit a White Russian Legsweep on Simon Diamond!  Sandman & Scorpio and The Dudley Boyz had a brief staredown and agreed to meet again somewhere down the line...




  The Coach got some comments from Rob Van Dam...


RVD:  "Last night, Scott Steiner, any way you break it down I had you beat and you know it.  More importantly all the fans know it.  But you knocked me out with a steel chair and that's cool.  That's cool with me but I just hope when I get a title shot at you and when I do beat you, and I will, that you're cool with that.  As far as that British snob William Regal goes?  You're right, all these people want to see their favorite wrestler ... R-V-D ... beat your ass tonight.  You say it won't I happen ... I say I will."


  We cut to the parking garage to see a black limousine pull up and out stepped Midajah then the NGW World Champion, Scott Steiner.  BIG POPPA PUMP IS IN THE BUILDING!


Match #6: Chris Kanyon v. Saturn.  "Immune" by Godsmack blared over the speakers as Chris Kanyon headed out to the ring.  We saw Kanyon last night and earlier tonight as a member of Raven's 'Flock'.  Raven backed out of a challenge from Saturn and instead sent Kanyon to do his dirty work.  Then, "Beautiful People" by Marilyn Manson blasted over the speakers as Saturn headed out to the ring looking disturbed and pissed off.  Saturn took his frustrations out on Kanyon but his anger got the best of him at times, allowing Kanyon to take control.  The ending would see Kanyon hit a swinging fisherman suplex on Saturn for two.  Kanyon went for another one but Saturn blocked it and hit a swinging fisherman suplex of his own for two.  Saturn went for the Death Valley Driver but Kanyon dropped out and hit an inverted DDT.  Kanyon went up top and came off with a flying legdrop but Saturn rolled out of the way.  Saturn tossed Kanyon with a release northern lights.  Saturn signalled for the Death Valley Driver then picked up Kanyon and spiked him with the DVD!  Saturn covered Kanyon for the one ... Raven runs out ... two ... Raven pulls the referee out and knocks him out.


WINNER: Saturn via DQ in 5:43.

Rating: *


  Then, Saturn was livid and ran out of the ring after Raven.  Raven ran around the ring then inside.  Saturn came in and Kanyon dodged in front of him.  Kanyon and Raven began to double team Saturn until SABU hit the ring with a chair and cleaned house on Raven and Kanyon!  Sabu has come to the aid of the man he fought just 24 hours ago!  Sabu extended his hand to Saturn and Saturn shook it.  The two threatened Raven and Kanyon as they backed away...




  We cut to a shot of Stone Cold's locker room, the door was open and it was full of empty beer cans but no Austin...


Main Event: William Regal v. Rob Van Dam.  It was then time for our Main Event match of the evening as "British Doom" by Jim Johnston blared over the speakers and William Regal headed out to the ring.  The fans hated Regal even more now after he helped screw Stone Cold out of the World Championship last night.  Then, "Walk" by Pantera blasted over the speakers as 'The Whole F'N Show' Rob Van Dam made his way out to the ring.  Regal looked at Van Dam with distain and as RVD did his thumbs pose, Regal jumped him from behind to start the match.  Regal hammered van Dam with forearms but Van Dam countered with a legsweep on Regal.  RVD went for a roundhouse kick but Regal ducked it and hit a release german suplex for two.  Regal stomped away on Van Dam then drilled him with a kneelift for two.  Regal pounded down RVD with forearms in the corner but Van Dam fought back.  Van Dam threw Regal into the corner and hit some punches then backflipped and speared Regal in the corner.  Van Dam followed that up with a ropeflip moonsault for two.  Regal and Van Dam went back and forth in a clash of styles.  Regal would try and slow RVD and keep him on the mat with his wide array of submissions.  The closing moments of the match would see Regal go for a double underhook power bomb but Van Dam countered it with a frankensteiner then hit a rolling thunder for the one ... two ... THR ... NO! Regal kicked out.  Van Dam slammed down Regal and headed up top for the Five Star Frog Splash but Regal rolled out of the way!  Regal went into his tights and got the brass knuckles.  Regal lined up Van Dam but Van Dam ducked and Regal hit the referee in the shoulder.  Van Dam kicked Regal then grabbed the knux from him.  Regal stumbled to his feet and RVD drilled him with the knux.  Van Dam went up top and came off with the Five Star Frog Splash!  The referee crawled over to count the one ... two ... THREE!  Rob Van Dam uses Regal's brass knuckles against him to take the win!


WINNER: Rob Van Dam in 11:59.

Rating: *** 3/4




  We cut to a shot of Scott Steiner heading out towards the ring.  The World Champion is NEXT...


  We then returned to the ring from our final break...


["I Am Hated" by SlipKnot]


  The first ever NGW World Champion, 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner headed out to the ring along with Midajah.  Steiner posed a bit then took a microphone...


STEINER:  "Big Poppa Pump is the World Champion ... HOLLA IF YA HEAR ME!  Where my freaks at?  Where my freaks at?  I don't see many freaks here tonight, all I see is trailer park trash!  All I see is a bunch of ugly guys who can't satisfy their ladies like the Big Bad Booty Daddy could.  And a lot of you broads need to lose a few pounds before you could ever get a piece of the World Champ!  Last night, not only did I desimate Rob Van Dam, I destroyed 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin all on my own!  RVD and Stone Cold didn't even have a chance when they met the largest arms in the world!  I am the greatest wrestler ever ... I am the greatest athelete in the world ... I am everything all you trailer park trash dream you could be but you can't because there is only one Big Poppa Pump.  Nobody in this promotion ... nobody in the world can take this World Championship from me so bow down to the largest arms in the world, bow down to the genetic freak, bow down to the Big Bad Booty Daddy, bow down to Big Poppa Pump cause there's nothing finer then Scott Steiner!"


["Hell Yeah" by Disturbed]


  Scott Steiner's ranting was brought to an abrupt hault when the glass shattered.  'Stone Cold' Steve Austin walked out of the entrance towards the ring, visibly drunk and pissed off.  Austin pulled off his short, threw it down, walked right into the ring and unloaded on Steiner with right hands!  Steiner managed to come back with some punches of his own as these two slugged it out.  William Regal quickly ran down into the ring and jumped on Austin.  Steiner and Regal double teamed the Rattlesnake, assaulting him.  Wait a minute ... Rob Van Dam hit the ring, pulling Regal away and brawling with him.  After a few more moments of brawling, a swarm of NGW officials flooded the ring to seperate the four men.  Austin and RVD kept trying to get loose but everyone stopped when they heard...


["Oh ... Oh ... Shawn!"]


  'The Heartbreak Kid' Shawn Michaels stepped out of the entrance with a microphone in hand...


MICHAELS:  "Somebody call the party police because HBK is back in town!  You're all asking yourselves, what the hell is Shawn Michaels doing in New Generation Wrestling?  Am I making a comeback?  Am I returning to the ring?  The answer to that is ... no.  So what am I doing here?  Well you see its real simple ... For most of my career, I rebelled against authority, I didn't want anyone telling me what to do, I spit in the face of those in power but oh, how the tables have turned because now I find myself in a position of power as the Commissioner of New Generation Wrestling.  If you're expecting me to be the typical power hungary commissioner who abuses his power and holds wrestlers down ... don't.  When I accepted this job, I accepted only because I saw New Generation Wrestling as the place to be.  This is going to be the greatest wrestling promotion in this country and the world.  All I want to do is make sure that the fans get the matches they want.  That brings me to you four in the ring ... You can't seem to keep your hands off each other so next week, live on Ring Wars, it will be William Regal teaming with the NGW World Champion Big Poppa Pump against 'The Whole F'N Show' Rob Van Dam and ... 'STONE COLD' STEVE AUSTIN!"


  HBK's music hit as Michaels left.  Shawn Michaels is the NGW Commissioner and next week a huge tag team Main Event with Scott Steiner and William Regal against Steve Austin and Rob Van Dam!



NGW News & Notes-:



-Marc Mero and Rena Mero were let go last night after Initial Assault due to a dispute with management.


-NGW has Blazing Glory on February 24th, 2002 from The Myriad in Oklahoma City, OK.  The tentative line-up includes;


No matches have been announced...