
NGW Winter Wars - December 8 / 2002


Key Arena in Seattle, WA



  "American Psycho" by Treble Charger sounded in the background of a montage of footage leading up to tonight's Main Event were Rob Van Dam defends the NGW World Championship against Scott Steiner.  For eight long months, Scott Steiner held the World Championship and destroyed everyone in his path including Rob Van Dam.  Steiner's ruthless tactics put RVD on the shelf two times in the process.  On August 18th at NGW SuperClash, Rob Van Dam ended the reign of Scott Steiner and became the 2nd World Champion in NGW history.  Scott Steiner returned to NGW a month later and now with the Dangerous Alliance behind him, Big Poppa Pump looks to steal the show from the Whole F'n Show and regain the NGW World Championship.  Can Rob Van Dam overcome Scott Steiner once more or is NGW in store for another reign of terror from Big Poppa Pump?  We'll find out tonight at NGW WINTER WARS...


  We entered Key Arena as Joey Styles and Don Callis welcomed us to Winter Wars and thanked everyone for ordering the event.  Don Callis was making his NGW debut as Styles' new color commentator. Then they sent us to the ring for action...




  'DANGER! DANGER!' blared over the speakers as Paul Heyman led out 'The Chosen One' Jeff Jarrett and 'K-Dawg' Konnan of the Dangerous Alliance to the ring.  Then, "More Human Than Human (NIN Remix)" by White Zombie brought 'The Prototype' John Cena out.  "Here To Stay" by KoRn blared over the speakers as Randy Orton made his way out to the ring.  John Cena has been fighting off the D.A. for most of his time in NGW while Orton was drawn in after Jarrett put Goldust on the shelf with a Piledriver on the concrete.  Cena and Jarrett started things out.  Jarrett grabbed a side headlock but Cena shoved him off and ducked down, Jarrett kicked him in the face and grabbed another side headlock but Cena hit a side suplex and tagged in Orton.  Orton hit a dropkick on Jarrett then worked over the arm.  Orton and Cena made some quick tags, working over Jarrett.  Jarrett managed to get a tag to Konnan and the Dangerous Alliance started to turn the momenteum of the match in their favor.  The experience of Jarrett and Konnan combined with Paul Heyman shouting instructions on the outside gave them a noticeable edge over the inexperienced rookies, John Cena and Randy Orton.  The closing moments of the match would see Jarrett go for a hotshot on Cena but Cena countered it with a DDT!  Cena crawled to make a tag but Jarrett got the tag to Konnan first.  Konnan cut the tag off.  Konnan went for a Power Drop on Cena but Orton made a blind tag.  Orton went to the top ... Cena dropped down and spun around Konnan then Orton came off with the Frog Press!  Orton covers Konnan for the one ... Jarrett's in ... two ... Cena cuts off Jarrett with a forearm ... THREE!  Randy Orton scores the pinfall to take the win for his team to kick off Winter Wars!


WINNERS: John Cena & Randy Orton in 9:23.

Rating: **


  We then went to a short video package set to "Come As You Are" by Nirvana recapping the feud between Raven and Tommy Dreamer thus far in NGW.  It started with a mysterious masked man under the hood of 'X' attacking Raven two months ago at New York Knockout.  The attacks continued on Raven and The Flock until November To Remember.  'X' revealed himself to be Stevie Richards.  However, it was just a diversion for the real X, Tommy Dreamer, to attack Raven and lay him out with the Spicolli Driver.  Tommy Dreamer and Stevie Richards had come to NGW to put an end to Raven's games.  Tommy Dreamer defeated Kanyon in singles action prompting Raven to fire Kanyon from the Flock.  Dreamer and Richards were set to take on Raven and Saturn in tag team action but only Saturn showed up.  Raven picked his spot and pinned Richards with an Evenflow DDT.  The Flock assaulted Dreamer & Richards until Vampiro came from the crowd to help them out or so they thought.  Vampiro's showed his allegiance to The Flock with a Vampiro Spike to Tommy Dreamer.  Last week, Raven vowed to not make the same mistake he made five years ago, he won't let Tommy Dreamer get one pinfall on him.  Dreamer faced off with Vampiro and Vampiro won after interference from The Flock.  Again, The Flock dismantled Dreamer and Richards until KANE cleared house setting up tonight's six man tag team match...




  "Come Out And Play" by Offspring blared over the speakers as Raven, Saturn and Vampiro all headed out to the ring for this six man tag team matchup.  Then, "Man In The Box" by Alice In Chains sounded as 'The Innovator Of Violence' Tommy Dreamer and Stevie Richards walked out of the entrance.  Dreamer and Richards paused as "Slow Chemical" by Finger Eleven blasted over the speakers and 'The Big Red Machine' Kane joined them.  Dreamer, Richards and Kane all stormed the ring.  Raven and Saturn managed to duck out but Kane caught Vampiro before he could leave.  Dreamer and Richards went to the outside and started brawling with Raven and Saturn while Kane and Vampiro started things out on the inside.  Kane hammered on Vampiro in the corner then picked him up for a running powerslam but Vampiro dropped down and hit some kicks, followed with a spinning heel kick taking down Kane.  Vampiro tagged in Saturn and the two hit a double suplex on Kane.  Saturn headed to the top but Kane caught up to him and threw Saturn off the top.  Kane then made the tag to Tommy Dreamer.  Dreamer hammered on Saturn in the corner then tied him to the tree of woe and hit a baseball slide dropkick for two.  Dreamer grabbed Saturn and made the tag to Stevie Richards.  Stevie chopped Saturn then went for a suplex but Saturn blocked it and suplexed Stevie across the top rope.  This six man continued for several minutes with fast paced action from all six men involved.  The closing moments of the match would see Raven line up Stevie and go for a running kneelift but Stevie moved and made the tag to Dreamer!  Raven rushed to tag out but Dreamer caught him before he could!  Dreamer hammered on Raven then lifted him up and TOMMY HAWK!  Dreamer covers Raven for the one ... two ... THR ... Saturn breaks up the pin!  Stevie Richards came in and slugged it out with Saturn.  Vampiro nailed Dreamer from behind and hit a sidewalk slam.  Kane stepped into the ring and started cleaning house.  Kane sent Saturn over the top.  Kane picked up Raven and threw him out!  Kane went to the outside after them.  Dreamer and Vampiro crawled to their feet, Vampiro went for a roundhouse kick but Dreamer ducked and SPICOLLI DRIVER!  Dreamer covers Vampiro but the referee won't count!  Vampiro's not the legal man!  Raven slid into the ring, spun Dreamer around and EVENFLOW DDT!  Raven covers Dreamer for the one ... two ... THREE!  That damn Raven steals the pin on Tommy Dreamer to win this six man!


WINNERS: Raven & Saturn & Vampiro in 10:09.

Rating: ** 1/2


  After the match, Kane came back in and grabbed Raven by the throat but Vampiro chopblocked Kane, allowing Raven to escape...


(3) JAMIE KNOBLE v. DEVON STORM v. REY MISTERIO JR. (c) - NGW World Cruiserweight Title.


  "A Country Boy Can Survive" by Hank Williams Jr blared over the speakers as 'The Redneck Messiah' Jamie Knoble headed out to the ring.  "Terrible Lie" by Nine Inch Nails blasted over the speakers as 'Dangerous' Devon Storm made his way out along with Daffney.  Then, "R-E-Y!" blared over the speakers as the NGW World Cruiserweight Champion, Rey Misterio Jr. headed out to the ring.  This match came about after Jamie Knoble beat Misterio last month at N2R then Storm changed a non-title match to a title defense against Misterio the next night and Misterio ended up taking the gold.  Storm deserved a rematch but Knoble also had a claim for a title shot so this Three Way Dance was made.  Jamie Knoble and Rey Misterio Jr. started things out with Devon Storm on the apron.  Knoble and Misterio went back and forth for the opening minutes until Storm managed to tag himself in with a blind tag to Knoble.  Storm was eager to get it on with Misterio.  Despite the mutual respect between the two, Storm really wants that World Cruiserweight Title back.  Knoble would soon get back in and it was all Knoble and Storm from there as Knoble went to work on the knee of Devon Storm.  Knoble was brutal and vicious in his assault of Storm's to the point that Storm was having trouble standing.  Knoble would go for the Trailer Hitch but Storm kicked Knoble off into the turnbuckle.  Storm crawled over to Misterio, looking for the tag but Misterio jumped down off the apron!  Knoble pulled Storm into the middle of the ring and got him in the Trailer Hitch!  Storm tried to fight it but had no choice but to tap out (12:11).  Devon Storm has been eliminated by Jamie Knoble and it was now down to Knoble and Misterio.  Misterio came right in, well rested, and went to work on Knoble.  Knoble nailed Misterio in the gut to cut off his offense then sent Misterio into the ropes but Misterio hit a spinning headscissors sending Knoble out to the floor.  Misterio went for an asai moonsault but Knoble dodged it!  Knoble threw Misterio into the ring steps then back into the ring.  Knoble began wearing down Misterio with his hard hitting offense.  The closing moments of the match would see Knoble go for the Trailer Hitch but Misterio rolled him up for the one ... two ... THR ... NO! NO!  Knoble went for a quick lariat but Misterio ducked.  Misterio went for an irish whip but Knoble reversed it, Misterio hit the 619!  Misterio went out to the apron and came in with the Springboard Hurricanrana but Knoble counters it with a power bomb!  Knoble covers for the one ... two ... THRENO! NO! NO!  Misterio got the shoulder up!  Knoble picked up Misterio and placed him up top.  Knoble went out to the apron and climbed up top.  Knoble hammered on Misterio then set him up and SUPER BOMB! NO!  Misterio counters with a hurricanrana!  Misterio makes the cover for the one ... two ... THREE!  Rey Misterio Jr just holds on to the World Cruiserweight Title in this Three Way Dance!


WINNER: Rey Misterio Jr. in 19:45.

Rating: **** 1/2

(Rey Misterio Jr. retained the NGW World Cruiserweight Title.)




  "Break The Walls Down" by Sevendust blared over the speakers as Chris Jericho headed out to the ring.  Then, "Head Up" by Deftones blasted over the speakers as Brock Lesnar made his way out.  Chris Jericho brought Lesnar to NGW for his own personal gain but as Lesnar started to gain success on his own, he became less concerned with helping out Jericho.  Tensions grew until Jericho snapped, blaming Lesnar for some recent losses instead of taking the blame himself.  Jericho and Lesnar locked up with Lesnar throwing Jericho down to the canvas.  Jericho swore under his breath then locked up again and again Lesnar threw him down to the mat.  Jericho said 'Screw this!' and rolled out of the ring.  Jericho is walking out of here!  Jericho is leaving!  Curt Hennig came out of the entrance and stopped Jericho.  Hennig grabbed Jericho and threw him back into the ring.  Lesnar grabbed Jericho but Jericho kicked him, bounced off the ropes and hit a flying forearm.  Lesnar went down to a knee and Jericho hit a jumping side kick sending Lesnar to the mat.  Jericho choked and stomped on Lesnar, trying to maintain control of the match.  Jericho tried to send Lesnar into the corner but Lesnar pulled him into a hard lariat.  Lesnar ran over Jericho with another clothesline then sent him into the ropes and caught Jericho in a powerslam for two.  There was no way that Jericho could match power with Brock Lesnar and he was having a tough time avoiding the power.  Jericho took several nine counts on the outside to try and walk off Lesnar's power moves and frustrate the young powerhouse.  As the match wore on, Jericho grew more and more visably frustrated with how ineffective some of his tactics were against Lesnar.  The closing moments of the match would see Jericho dive off the top with an axehandle but Lesnar caught him and hit an overhead belly-to-belly suplex for the one ... two ... THR ... NO! Jericho got the shoulder up!  Lesnar sent Jericho into the corner and charged in but Jericho moved and hit a bulldog!  Jericho went for the Lionsault but Lesnar rolled out of the way!  Lesnar lifted up Jericho for the Terminator but Jericho dropped down the back and snuck in a low blow!  Jericho then hit the Lionsault for the one ... two ... THR ... NO!  Lesnar kicks out with authority!  Jericho got the same 'F-This' look on his face and left the ring!  Hennig stood in his way, Jericho turned around and decked Hennig then continued up to the back as the referee counted out!  The fans chanted BULLSHIT! BULLSHIT!  Jericho flipped them off and went through the curtain taking the countout loss.  From the look on Brock Lesnar's face, this is not over...


WINNER: Brock Lesnar via CO in 11:59.

Rating: **


  We headed backstage where The Coach got some comments from 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner...


STEINER:  "It seems like when Big Poppa Pump comes to town, all my hooches come around.  Now I want all those Seattle scumbags to realize one thing.  If you've got a woman that I want, I'm gonna take her and there's not a damn thing you can do about it.  Yeah, just like that scumbag Rob Van Dam is going to realize tonight.  He's got the World Championship, I want it, I'm gonna take it and there ain't a damn thing Rob Van Dam can do to stop me.  Nothing is finer then Scott Steiner and Big Poppa Pump is your hookup, and your next World Champion!"


(5) PSICOSIS & SUPER CRAZZY v. THE DUDLEY BOYZ (c) - NGW World Tag Team Titles.


  "Roadhouse Blues Remix" blared over the speakers as 'Nicho El Millionaro' Psicosis and 'The Insane Luchadore' Super Crazzy headed out to the ring.  Then, "Turn The Tables" by Saliva blasted over the speakers as the NGW World Tag Team Champions, The Dudley Boyz made their way out to the ring.  Psicosis and D-Von kicked things off for their respective teams.  D-Von powered Psicosis into the corner for a break but Psicosis got in a cheap shot then sent D-Von into the ropes and hit a spinning leg lariat.  Psicosis bounced off the ropes and hit a running legdrop.  Psicosis went for a second but D-Von moved and made the tag to Buh Buh Ray Dudley.  Buh Buh decked Psicosis with some rights then sent him into the ropes but Crazzy made a blind tag.  Crazzy came in with a springboard dropkick to the back of Buh Buh for two.  Crazzy shoved D-Von on the apron, diverting the ref's attention, allowing Psicosis to come in for the double team on Buh Buh.  Crazzy and Psicosis were at a definate size disadvantage against The Dudley Boyz so they would have to use every trick up their sleeve if they were going to be able to take the World Tag Team Titles away from the Dudley Boyz.  Quick tags and double team moves would be the key for Psicosis and Crazzy in this one.  The closing moments of the match would see Crazzy go for a Moonsault on D-Von but D-Von crotched Crazzy and hit a hangman's neckbreaker out of the corner for the one ... two ... Psicosis comes off the top with the Guillotine Legdrop to the back of D-Von's head!  Buh Buh Ray rushed over and chased Psicosis out of the ring.  Crazzy rolled over onto D-VOn for the one ... two ... THR ... Buh Buh just pulls Crazzy off to break up the pin!  Psicosis nailed Buh Buh in the back then tried to send him into the guardrail but Buh Buh reversed it then flapjacked Psicosis on the floor!  Crazzy pulled in D-Von for a Crazzy Bomb but D-Von countered it with a backdrop!  D-Von sent Crazzy into the ropes as Buh Buh slid back into the ring and 3D!  D-Von covers Crazzy for the one ... two ... THREE!  The Dudley Boyz fend off the challenge of Psicosis and Super Crazzy to hold on to their World Tag Team Titles.


WINNERS: The Dudley Boyz in 14:21.

Rating: ** 1/4

(The Dudley Boyz retained the NGW World Tag Team Titles.)


  We headed backstage where Terri got some comments from 'Latino Heat' Eddy Guerrero...


GUERRERO:  "Look mamacita, I can see the twinkle in your eye, mami, you're feeling my latino heat.  But my latino heat just isn't my charisma and my charm that makes all the ladies lust after Eddy Guerrero.  No, no, no, my Latino Heat is the fuego profundamente adentro de mí!  It's the fire deep inside of me that allows me to be the best wrestler in the world, mami.  It's that fire that's gonna burn Booker T down to the mat, homey.  Look into my eyes, Booker, look into my eyes, ese, and you will take you and make you regret the day you EVER got involved with the Dangerous Alliance.  La ALIANZA PELIGROSA SERÁ EL EXTREMO DE USTED!"




  "Bringin' The Heat" blared over the speakers as 'Latino Heat' Eddy Guerrero sauntered out to the ring representing the Dangerous Alliance.  Then, "Can You Dig It? SUCKA!" blared over the speakers as Booker T headed out to the ring.  Booker T has been fighting the Dangerous Alliance for months and even chased Guerrero out of the cage last month at N2R but this match came about when Booker had a shot at Rob Van Dam.  Guerrero interfered, hitting the Frog Splash on Booker because Scott Steiner wanted the belt to stay with RVD.  Booker and Guerrero circled each other then locked up.  Booker hit a right hand, sent Guerrero into the ropes and knocked him down with a clothesline.  Booker twisted the arm and hit a roundhouse kick for one.  Booker pounded and chopped on Eddy but Eddy fired back, Booker kneed him and went for the Axe Kick but Eddy side stepped it and dropkicked Booker in the knee.  Guerrero stomped away on the knee and went to pick up Booker but Booker small packaged Eddy for a quick two count.  Guerrero responded with a dropkick to the head.  Guerrero sent Booker into the ropes and knocked him down with a back elbow.  Eddy pounded on Booker's lower back and his leg, trying to pick apart Booker T.  Booker started firing back but Eddy kicked the knee.  Eddy sent Booker into the ropes but Booker came off with a spinning forearm shot!  Booker went for a Harlem Sidekick but Guerrero ducked and hit a belly-to-back suplex.  Guerrero headed up to the second rope and hit a jumping neck snap for two.  Guerrero would attempt to slow down Booker T and just wear him out, focusing on the back and the leg of Booker.  Guerrero just picked apart Booker T in impressive fashion, cutting off Booker's attempts to rally with his high impact offense.  The closing moments of the match would see Booker go for a slam but Guerrero floated over and nailed Booker in the lower back then kicked him in the gut.  Guerrero bounced off the ropes and went for a sunset flip but Booker caught him and hit a 110th Street Slam!  Booker looked around to the crowd and SPINAROONI!  Guerrero staggered to his feet and NECKWRECKER! NO!  Guerrero elbowed out and brain buster!  Guerrero to the top and FROG SPLASH!  It connects!  Guerrero covers for the..








                              ...THRENO! NO! NO! ONLY TWO!  Booker somehow got the shoulder up!  Guerrero was livid and shouted at the referee!  Guerrero picked up Booker and went for the Gory Special but Booker fought out and NECKWRECKER!  Booker covers for the...








                              ...THREE!  NO! ONLY TWO!  Guerrero kicked out and now Booker can't believe it!  Booker T picks up Guerrero and he's going for another Neckwrecker! No!  Guerrero rolls up Booker in mid-move...








                              ...THR ... NO! NO! NO!  Booker kicked out!  Both men got up and Guerrero caught Booker with a quick leg lariat!  Eddy Guerrero stomps on the mat, signalling to the crowd that it's over.  Guerrero to the top ... FROG SPLASH!  MISSES!   Booker hits an Axe Kick on Guerrero!  Booker doesn't cover ... Booker T to the top and HOUSTON HANGOVER!  Right on the money!  Booker covers for the...









                              ...THREE! THREE!  Booker T takes an incredibly hard fought win over Eddy Guerrero in a great match with the rarely used Houston Hangover!  What a match and what a win for Booker T!


WINNER: Booker T in 22:13.

Rating: ****


(7) KEN SHAMROCK v. TAZ (c) - NGW United States Heavyweight Title.


  "I Will Be Heard" by Hatebreed blared over the speakers as 'The World's Most Dangerous Man' Ken Shamrock headed out to the ring.  Then, "War Machine" blasted over the speakers as the NGW United States Heavyweight Champion, 'The Human Suplex Machine' Taz walked out to the ring.  Shamrock and Taz circled each other, throwing a few shadow punches.  They locked up and Shamrock went behind but Taz elbowed him.  Taz went behind and hit a release german suplex!  Shamrock rolled out of the ring, holding the back of his neck.  Taz yelled at him to come back in and Shamrock did.  They locked up and Shamrock used a heel trip into a cross kneebreaker on Taz.  Taz struggled and managed to get the ropes.  Shamrock hammered on Taz as he got up, backing Taz into the corner.  Shamrock laid into Taz with a few kicks then pulled him out for a suplex but Taz blocked it and hit a suplex of his own.  Taz sent Shamrock into the ropes but Shamrock came off with a leg lariat.  Shamrock went for the Ankle Lock Submission but Taz rolled out.  Shamrock went for a clothesline, Taz ducked and went for the Tazmission but Shamrock quickly elbowed him off.  Shamrock hammered on Taz but Taz kneed him and dumped Shamrock out to the floor.  Taz went out after Shamrock and the two brawled back and forth on the floor with the referee giving them some leeway.  The match wore on with a mixture of brawling, counter submissions on the mat and suplexes.  The closing moments of the match would see Taz hit a Head & Arm Tazplex on Shamrock for the one ... two ... THR ... NO!  Taz picked up Shamrock and went for a second Head & Arm Tazplex but Shamrock blocked it and hit a belly-to-belly suplex for the one ... two ... THR ... NO! NO!  Taz got the shoulder up!  Shamrock sent Taz into the ropes and went for a frankensteiner but Taz countered it into a power bomb.  Taz didn't cover, instead he waited on Shamrock to get up.  As Shamrock got to his feet Taz went for the Tazmission!  Shamrock countered with a go-behind and went for a german suplex but Taz elbowed him off, went behind for a german suplex off his own but Shamrock body scissored Taz, rolling him forward into the pin for the one ... two ... THREE!  New champion!  Taz couldn't believe it!  Ken Shamrock is the new U.S. Heavyweight Champion!


WINNER: Ken Shamrock in 13:17.

Rating: * 3/4

(Ken Shamrock won the NGW United States Heavyweight Title.)


(Main Event) SCOTT STEINER v. ROB VAN DAM (c) - NGW World Championship.


  "I Need A Freak" by Too $hort blared over the speakers as Paul Heyman accompanied the leader of the Dangerous Alliance, 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner along with his head freak, Trish Stratus, to the ring.  Steiner finds himself in the unfamiliar role as the challenger.  Then, "Walk" by Pantera blasted over the speakers as the reigning and defending NGW World Champion, 'The Whole F'n Show' Rob Van Dam headed out to the ring.  Steiner and RVD went face to face in a staredown then locked up.  Steiner backed Van Dam into the corner then broke and did some posing.  Steiner went for a right but RVD ducked and landed some forearms, went for a whip, Steiner reversed it into a fireman's carry.  Steiner resumed his posing, taunting Van Dam.  RVD went to lock up but Steiner kicked him then laid into RVD with some forearms and rights.  Steiner sent Van Dam into the corner and charged but Van Dam flipped over him, rolled underneath a clothesline then hit a drop toe hold.  Steiner got up and RVD connected with a spin kick sending Steiner through the ropes to the floor where Trish tried to comfort him and Heyman tried to calm him down.  RVD pointed to himself to a huge reaction from the crowd.  Van Dam did some shadow kickboxing, now taunting Steiner.  Steiner came in and went for a lockup but Van Dam faked out and hit a legsweep.  RVD kicked the legs of Steiner as he tried to get up.  Van Dam grabbed a side headlock but Steiner just picked up RVD and tossed him off.  Steiner stunned RVD with a hard right then went for a big Steinerline but RVD ducked and hit a savate kick sending Steiner to the floor.  Van Dam followed out with a plancha but Steiner caught him!  Steiner tried to ram RVD into the post but RVD dropped out and shoved Steiner into the post.  Van Dam then hit an asai moonsault onto Steiner!  RVD rolled in to break the count and came back out after Steiner.  Heyman distracted Van Dam but RVD backed him off. Steiner grabbed RVD and drove him back first into the ring apron then rolled him into the ring.  Steiner hit a belly-to-belly suplex then a backdrop suplex on RVD for two.  Steiner began now to really take control over the match and just methodically dismantle Rob Van Dam like Big Poppa Pump can.  Even though Steiner was the one challenging for the title, all his opponents seem like underdogs against him.  The closing moments of the match would see Steiner pick up RVD for a slam but RVD dropped out.  Steiner went for a kick but RVD caught it and hit a step over heel kick!  Van Dam connected with some forearms, tried to send Steiner into the corner but Steiner reversed it and charged in but RVD got the foot up!  RVD lept up to the second rope and came off with a crossbody but Steiner caught him and threw RVD over the top to the floor.  Steiner went out and started ramming Van Dam into the ring apron then rolled him back in.  Steiner sat on RVD and STEINER RECLINER!  Van Dam is screaming in pain.  Van Dam is reaching, he manages to trip up Steiner to break the hold.  Steiner tries it again but Van Dam slips out.  Steiner drilled RVD with a right then sent hmi into the corner but RVD reverses and drives his shoulder to the gut a few times.  Van Dam backflips and comes in but Steiner goes for a Steinerline, RVD ducks and springs off the second rope with a kick to the jaw!  Van Dam off the ropes and ROLLING THUNDER!  Van Dam covers for the one ... two ... THR ... NO! NO! NO! Steiner got the shoulder up!  Van Dam heads to the top for the Five Star Frog Splash but Steiner crotches him!  Steiner goes up and SUPER SAMOAN DROP!  Steiner covers for the one ... two ... THR ... NO! NO! RVD gets the shoulder up!  Steiner picks up Van Dam and POWER BOMB! NO! Van Dam counters out with a DDT!  Van Dam to the top and FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH!  It connects!  Van Dam crawls over for the cover ...










                              ...THR ... Heyman puts Steiner's foot on the ropes!  The count is broken!  Heyman turned to the crowd smiling.  Van Dam bounces off the ropes and baseball slide dropkick to the back of Heyman's head!  Van Dam back into the ring but Steiner grabs him and full nelson bomb!  Steiner sits down with the STEINER RECLINER in the middle of the ring!  Van Dam is writhing in pain!  He won't quit!  Van Dam will not give up!  He's fading!  Van Dam is fading ... The referee checks his hand ...



      IT FALLS ONCE...





                  IT FALLS TWICE...





                                    IT FALLS AGAIN!  That's it!  It's over!  We have a *NEW* World Champion and his name is Scott Steiner!  Big Poppa Pump is the NGW World Champion for a second time!


WINNER: Scott Steiner in 18:56.

Rating: ***

(Scott Steiner won the NGW World Championship.)


  Afterwards, Scott Steiner grabbed the World Championship and held it high in the air as the rest of the Dangerous Alliance came out to celebrate.  What does Scott Steiner have in store for NGW in his second reign of terror as World Champion?