
NGW Blazing Glory - February 24 / 2002


The Myriad in Oklahoma City, OK



  "Sinister Urge" by Rob Zombie played in background of a video montage highlighting the events leading up to the main matches here tonight at NGW Blazing Glory.  Tonight; 'The Human Highlight Reel' Sabu has been having his problems with Raven's Flock, specifically Chris Kanyon and tonight, Sabu goes one-on-one with Kanyon.  'The Chosen One' Jeff Jarrett defends the NGW United States Heavyweight Title against 'The Human Suplex Machine' Taz.  Taz says Jarrett will be 'Just Anotha Victim' in his Path Of Rage while Jarrett says simply that he's better then Taz and he's going to stop the Path Of Rage, tonight!  The Acolytes made waves when they jumped to NGW and laid out The Sandman and Too Cold Scorpio.  Sandman and Scorpio put their World Tag Team Titles on the line against The Acolytes.  Our Main Event was supposed to be a Steel Cage Tag Team Match with the NGW World Champion, 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner and William Regal against 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin and 'The Whole F'N Show' Rob Van Dam.  But Steiner and Regal viciously assaulted Van Dam, and RVD is not cleared to wrestle.  Stone Cold said he doesn't need a tag team partner but Shawn Michaels stated that if Austin doesn't find a partner then HBK give him one.  All that and more tonight at NGW BLAZING GLORY!


  We entered The Myriad as Joey Styles and Paul Heyman welcomed us to Blazing Glory and thanked everyone for ordering the event.  They speculated on Stone Cold's partner then sent us to the ring for action...


Opening Match: The Flock v. Evan Karagias & Jamie Knoble v. Evolution.  We kicked things off with a special bonus match added to the card, a three way tag team elimination match.  "Terrible Lie (Live)" by Nine Inch Nails blared over the speakers as The Flock's 'Dangerous' Devon Storm and 'Sick' Scott Vick headed out to the ring.  "You Know Its Hard" by Crystal Method sounded over the speakers as Evan Karagias & Jamie Knoble made their way out to the ring.  Then, "Intergalactic" by Beastie Boys blasted over the speakers as Evolution, Jason Jett and Nova, headed out to the ring.  Three good young tag teams looking to rise the rankings fought it out in a hot opening match.  The first elimination would come when Knoble send Jett into the ropes but Jett came off with a handspring elbow.  Jett hit a standing moonsault for the one ... two .. Karagias breaks the pin.  Nova came in and tried to send Karagias out of the ring but Karagias ended up tossing Nova out.  Karagias dove onto Nova with a springboard plancha!  Jett was distracted and Knoble rolled him up for the one ... two ... thr ... NO! Jett kicked out!  Knoble dropkicked Jett in the head.  Knoble went for suplex but Jett dropped down, kneed Knoble and hit the Crash Landing for the one ... two ... Karagias tries to get in but Nova grabs him ... THREE! (7:40) Jason Jett pins Jamie Knoble and Evolution has eliminated Knoble & Karagias.  Scott Vick came into the ring with a springboard dropkick on Jett.  Storm dove off the apron onto Nova with a clothesline.  The Flock took over on Evolution and got the upper hand for awhile.  The closing moments of the match would see Vick go for a lariat on Nova but Nova caught him and hit a Novacaine for one ... two ... THR ... Storm breaks up the pin.  Jett came in after Storm.  Jett and Storm traded punches until Storm went to the eyes and tossed Jett out of the ring.  Storm and Vick began double teaming on Nova.  Jason Jett then came in with a double Afterburner on Storm and Vick!  Nova picked up Vick and planted him with the Kryptonite Krunch for the one ... two ... THREE!  Evolution eliminate The Flock and win this opening match in impressive fashion!


WINNERS: Evolution in 11:51

Rating: ** 3/4




  The Coach was with the NGW Commissioner, Shawn Michaels...


COACH:  "Commissioner, what's the word on whether or not 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin has found a tag team partner for tonight?"


MICHAELS:  "In true, Stone Cold fashion, Austin hasn't even asked or looked for a tag team partner.  There's no way as Commissioner I can let Steve Austin walk into that cage on his own so I've gone out and gotten him a tag team partner..."


COACH:  "Who?"


MICHAELS:  "Now what fun would that be?  You'll find out soon enough."


Match #2: Diamond Dallas Page v. Al Snow.  "Helping Hand" by StainD sounded over the speakers as 'DDP' Diamond Dallas Page headed out to the ring flashing his big fake grin.  Then, "Breathe" by Prodigy blared over the speakers as Al Snow made his way out to the ring.  DDP pinned Snow in a six man tag a few weeks ago on Ring Wars then insulted in his backhanded way leading to Snow making the challenge for this match.  Page and Snow locked up to a stale mate.  They locked up again and DDP elbowed Snow in the side of the head.  Page hit a few jabs then an armwringer on Snow.  Page stomped on Snow then sent him into the ropes, Snow ducked a clothesline but Page caught him with one coming off the other side for a one count.  DDP went for a Diamond Cutter but it was too early and Snow shoved him off.  Snow went for a superkick but DDP pulled himself out of the ring and took a breather.  Snow went right after Page and the two brawled on the outside.  Page and Snow went back and forth for several minutes in a solid match.  The closing moments of the match would see Snow go for a frankensteiner but DDP countered it with a spinning power bomb for two and half.  Page then hit a Diamond Mine piledriver for the one ... two ... THR ... NO! Snow kicked out again.  Page couldn't believe it.  Page went for the Diamond Cutter but Snow countered it with a side suplex.  Snow went up top and came off with a moonsault, it hits!  Snow covered for the one ... two ... thr ... NO!  Page got a shoulder up.  Snow scoops up Page for the Snow Plow ... DIAMOND CUTTER out of nowhere!  Page slipped out and hit the Diamond Cutter on Snow ... DDP covers for the one ... two ... THREE!  Diamond Dallas Page picks up the win showing that he can hit the Diamond Cutter at anytime!


WINNER: Diamond Dallas Page in 8:03.

Rating: * 1/2


Match #3: Chris Kanyon v. Sabu.  "Immune" by Godsmack blared over the speakers as Chris Kanyon emerged from the entrance and walked out to the ring.  Kanyon has become Raven's right-hand man of sorts in The Flock and Raven has brought out a darker side of the goofy, Kanyon.  Then, "Little Crazy" by Fight blared over the speakers as Bill Alfonso led out 'The Human Highlight Reel' Sabu to the ring.  Sabu has had his problems with Kanyon ever since he found himself in the middle of the mess between Raven and Saturn.  Sabu and Kanyon locked up and exchanged some basic wrestling counters until Kanyon got fed up and went to the eyes then took down Sabu with a sharp clothesline.  Kanyon didn't stay on Sabu, instead he gloated.  Kanyon went back to Sabu but Sabu drilled Kanyon and sent him out of the ring then hit a baseball slide dropkick!  Sabu pounded on Kanyon on the floor as Kanyon tried to get away.  Sabu smacked Kanyon's head against the announcers table then rolled him back into the ring.  Sabu came in with a slingshot legdrop on Kanyon for two.  Sabu and Kanyon went back and forth in an exciting spotfest.  The closing moments of the match would see Kanyon go for a swinging fisherman suplex but Sabu blocked it and hit a fisherman buster for two.  Sabu took Kanyon up top and went for a top-rope frankensteiner but Kanyon held on and Sabu fell down.  Kanyon came off with a flying clothesline on Sabu for two.  Kanyon picked up Sabu and went up the ropes and hit a big samoan drop!  Kanyon covers Sabu for the one ... two ... THR ... NO!  Sabu kicked out!  Kanyon went out of the ring and pulled a table out.  Kanyon took a page out of Sabu's playbook and setup the table on the outside.  Kanyon went back in the ring and tried to suplex Sabu over the top and through the table.  Sabu dropped down on the apron and slammed Kanyon's head down onto the mat.  Sabu pulled Kanyon out onto the table.  Sabu went for an asai moonsault but Kanyon moved and Sabu crashed through the table!  Kanyon slowly rolled Sabu into the ring and covered him for the one ... two ... THR ... foot on the ropes!  Kanyon went crazy, stomping away on Sabu.  Kanyon picked up Sabu for a Flatliner but Fonzie got up on the apron.  Kanyon decked Fonzie then turned around into a DDT from Sabu!  Fonzie slid a chair into Sabu, Sabu set it up and hit the Triple Jump Moonsault on Kanyon for the one ... two ... THREE!  Sabu picks up a hard fought win over Chris Kanyon!


WINNER: Sabu in 10:20.

Rating: ** 1/2


Match #4: Simon Diamond & Swinger v. The Dudley Boyz.  "Simon Says" by Drain STH blasted over the speakers as Dawn Marie led out her team of Simon Diamond & Swinger to the ring.  Then, "Dead Cell" by Papa Roach blared over the speakers as The Dudley Boyz headed out to the ring.  Simon & Swinger cost The Dudleyz a match for the World Tag Team Titles a few weeks back by mistake.  The two teams have become embroiled in a feud ever since.  Simon & Swinger won on Ring Wars last week while The Dudleyz may still be hurting from their Tables Match with Steiner & Regal.  Buh Buh and D-Von were looking to take their aggression out on Simon & Swinger as we started out with a wild brawl between the four men.  It'd take a few moments until things got settled down into D-Von against Swinger. Swinger pounded on D-Von then sent him into the ropes but D-Von Dudley came off with a spinning elbowsmash.  D-Von grabbed Swinger in a side headlock and made the tag to Buh Buh.  Buh Buh did some trash talking while he beat down Swinger in the corner.   The Dudleyz made some quick tags and worked over Swinger for a bit until Swinger managed to make a tag to Simon Diamond.  Simon took Buh Buh to the mat and worked over him.  Simon and Swinger isolated Buh Buh in their corner and took control of the match.  This would be a decent back and forth match between the two teams.  The closing moments of the match would see Swinger go for the Swing Thing on Buh Buh but Buh Buh blocked it and went for a Buh Buh Bomb.  Swinger countered it with a back kick then a small package on Buh Buh Ray Dudley for the one ... two ... THR ... NO!  Swinger tried to send Buh Buh into the ropes but Buh Buh pulled Swinger in and planted him with a BUh Buh Bomb for the one ... two ... THR. .. Simon breaks the pin!  D-Von came in and slugged it out with D-Von.  Simon went for a lariat but D-Von ducked and hit a Reverse Neckbreaker!  Swinger tried to send D-Von into the ropes but D-Von reversed it, picked Swinger up ... Buh Buh's up and DUDLEY DEATH DROP on Swinger!  Buh Buh covers Swinger for the one ... two ... THREE!  The Dudley Boyz get back on the winning track!


WINNERS: The Dudley Boyz in 10:23.

Rating: **


  Afterwards, Dawn Marie got into the ring and slapped Buh Buh.  Buh Buh grabbed her by the hair ... 'D-VON! GET THE TABLE!'  D-Von got the table and Buh Buh would super bomb Dawn Marie through the table!  Simon and Swinger carried Dawn Marie to the back...


Match #5: Raven v. Saturn - No DQ.  "Come Out And Play" by Offspring blared over the speakers as Raven walked out to the ring on his own.  Raven had a look of distain on his face for the fans as he walked into the ring, took the microphone and slouched down in the corner...


RAVEN:  "Saturn, you've turned into a man that is just like all of these people ... irrational and blood thirsty.  All you want is to see me lieing here in a pool of my own blood.  Well what about me?  WHAT ABOUT RAvEN?  What about what I want?  Saturn, all I want is for you to trust me!  I can do more for your career then any of these imbociles.  Violence doesn't have to be the answer ... come join me, Saturn, come fight WITH me, not against me!"


  "Beautiful People" by Marilyn Manson blared over the speakers as Saturn headed out of the entrance and into the ring.  Raven crawled over to Saturn on his knees...


RAVEN:  "I'm on my knees, Saturn, I'm begging you ... be my friend!  Forget about all these fans!  You're a misfit, an outcast, just like me, just like The Flock.  You belong with us ... You are one of us!  What'd you say, Saturn?"


  Raven stuck out his hand for a handshake but instead of shaking his hand, Saturn drilled Raven right in the forehead with a right hand.  Saturn picked up Raven and threw him with a T-Bone suplex!  Saturn picked up the microphone...


SATURN:  "YOU'RE PATHETIC!  You're a liar, a weasal, and a piece of SHIT!  There's no way in hell that I'd ever want anything to do with you again!"


  The referee rang the bell and the match was officially on.  Raven backed away from Saturn into the corner.  Saturn walked in after him but Raven drilled him in the gut then took down Saturn with a short lariat.  Raven mounted Saturn and began hammering away on him with rights and lefts then started choking Saturn.  Raven took off his leather jacket and began whipping Saturn with it until the referee grabbed it from him and threw it out of the ring.  Raven choked Saturn against the ropes then bounced off the other side and went to jump on Saturn but Saturn moved.  Saturn sent Raven to the outside and went out.  Saturn was now in control, beating the stuffing out of Raven on the outside.  This match would be purely a brawl between Raven and Saturn with Saturn beating on Raven and Raven taking cheap shots to try and recover from his beating.  The closing moments of the match would see Raven hit a piledriver on Saturn for 2 1/2.  Raven went to the outside and brought a steel chair into the ring.  Raven set it up and hit a drop toehold on the chair for the one ... two ... THR ... NO! Saturn kicked out!  Raven picked up Saturn for the Evenflow DDT but Saturn threw him with a northern lights suplex.  Saturn went up top and came off with a flying elbowdrop for the one ... two ... THR ... NO! Raven kicks out!  Saturn turned Raven over into the Rings Of Saturn!  Raven screamed in pain and struggled for the ropes.  Scott Vick hit the ring and stomped on Saturn.  Vick bounced off the ropes but Saturn caught him with a superkick!  Raven drilled Saturn low then spiked him with the Evenflow DDT!  Raven covers for the one ... two ... THREE!  Raven has stolen a win over Saturn!


WINNER: Raven in 12:05.

Rating: *** 1/4


Match #6: The Sandman & Too Cold Scorpio (c) v. The Acolytes - NGW World Tag Team Titles.  "Enter Sandman" by Metallica sounded over the speakers as the NGW World Tag Team Champions, 'The Extreme Icon' The Sandman and Too Cold Scorpio made their way out to the ring.  Since it was Pay-Per-View, Sandman took his sweet time coming out.  He lit up a smoke and shared a few beers with the fans.  Then, "El Cu Cuy" by Coal Chamber blasted over the speakers as the challengers, Faarooq and Bradshaw, The Acolytes headed out to the ring.  The Acolytes made waves jumping over to NGW and setting their sights on Sandman & Scorpio's World Tag Team Titles.  Scorpio and Faarooq started things out for their respective teams.  Faarooq overpowered Scorpio in the lockup but Scorpio shoved Faarooq off into the ropes and hit a hiptoss then a roundhouse kick on Faarooq.  Scorpio was off to a good start against Faarooq.  Scorpio hit some quick jabs but Faarooq fired back.  Faarooq hammered Scorpio and sent him into the corner.  Faarooq charged in but Scorpio flipped over him and rolled him up for an early two count.  Scorpio made the tag to The Sandman.  Sandman did the only thing he knows how, brawl.  Sandman slugged it out with Faarooq which would prove to be a mistake as Faarooq sent Sandman into the ropes and snapped him over with a powerslam for two.  Faarooq made a tag to Bradshaw.  The big Texan came in and unloaded on The Sandman in the corner.  Bradshaw hit a fallaway slam for two.  Bradshaw sent Sandman into the ropes and ducked down.  Sandman kicked Bradshaw in the face then came back with some punches.  Bradshaw swung wildly but Sandman ducked and hit a White Russian Legsweep for two.  Sandman made a tag to Scorpio, who came off the top with a flying dropkick.  Sandman and Scorpio would have to make quick tags to wear down their more powerful opponents.  The closing moments of the match would see Sandman and Faarooq going at it.  Faarooq sent Sandman into the ropes and went for a Spinebuster but Sandman countered it with a DDT!  Sandman headed up top and came off with the Flying Legdrop but Faarooq rolled out of the way.  Faarooq made a tag to Bradshaw.  Bradshaw ran across the ring and knocked Scorpio off the apron and into the guardrail hard.  Sandman surprised Bradshaw with a DDT then a gold haze came over the arena...


 '24 Karat Pictures Presents ... A Shattered Dreams Production ... GOLDUST!'


GOLDUST:  "Here's lookin' at you, kid - Humphrey Bogart, Casablanca, 1942.  One man's life as he knows it is about to come to an end ... his dreams are about to be shattered ... Oh, you will NEVER forget the name of GOLDUST!"


  Out of the entrance walked Goldust in his big robe.  With Goldust was a middle aged woman and young kid.  Joey Styles quickly recognized them as Lori and Tyler Fullington, The Sandman's ex-wife and son!  Goldust had an arm over each of their shoulder's.  Sandman was in disbelief in the ring.  Goldust turned and walked away as the lights came back up.  Sandman turned around into a Clothesline From Hell by Bradshaw!  Bradshaw covers The Sandman for the one ... two ... THREE!  We've got new World Tag Team Champions!  The Acolytes are the new World Tag Team Champions! But what the hell was Goldust doing with Sandman's family?  This sick, twisted and demented man has been talking about The Sandman all this time?


WINNERS: The Acolytes in 11:54.

Rating: 3/4*

(The Acolytes won the NGW World Tag Team Titles.)


  We then headed to a video promo set to "Seize The Day" by Default for NGW's next Pay-Per-View offering ... NGW MARCH MADNESS ... The event comes to you on March 24th, live from the First Union Center in Philadelphia, PA on Pay-Per-View!


Match #7: Jeff Jarrett (c) v. Taz - NGW United States Heavyweight Title.  "Cowboy" by Kid Rock blasted over the speakers as the reigning and defending NGW United States Heavyweight Champion, 'The Chosen One' Jeff Jarrett headed out to the ring, guitar in hand.  Then, "War Machine" blared over the speakers as the challenger, 'The Human Suplex Machine' Taz walked out to the ring, shredded towel over his head.  Taz has been damn near unstoppable in NGW, running through all the competition and choking them all out.  Can the Chosen One stop the Path Of Rage or will Taz make Jarrett 'Just Anotha Victim' en route to becoming the US Champ?  We would find out.  Jarrett started out trash talking Taz which was a mistake as Taz opened up on Jarrett to start the match.  Taz sent Jarrett into the ropes and went for a lariat but Jarrett ducked, grabbed the ropes and pulled himself to the outside.  Jarrett decided to slow things down then head back into the ring and try again.  This time Jarrett went to the eyes of Taz then smashed his head against the turnbuckle.  Jarrett punched chopped Taz in the corner.  Taz got fired up and fired back on Jarrett.  Taz sent Jarrett into the ropes and hit the lariat this time.  Taz picked up Jarrett and hit a Wheelbarrow Tazplex for two.  Jarrett rolled out of the ring again but this time Taz went out after the US Champ.  Taz smashed Jarrett's head against the ringsteps then went for a belly-to-belly Tazplex on the floor but Jarrett blocked it and threw Taz into the guardrail then back into the ring.  In a smart move, Jarrett started to work over Taz's arm and wear it down in an effort to prevent Taz's suplexes.  The closing moments of the match would see Jarrett working over Taz's arm on the outside.  Jarrett smashed it against the ringpost then rolled Taz inside.  Jarrett headed up top and came off with a flying axehandle but Taz caught him and threw him with a Head & Arm Tazplex.  Taz then went for a lariat but hurt his arm.  Jarrett got up and went for an armwringer but Taz countered it into the Tazmission!  Taz has the Tazmission locked in on Jarrett!  Jarrett backs Taz up and the referee gets sandwiched in the corner!  Low blow back kick by Jarrett breaks the Tazmission!  Jarrett takes down Taz with a single arm DDT.  Jarrett then grabbed his guitar, waited on Taz to get up and broke it over his head!  Then for added measure, Jarrett picked up Taz and STROKE!  Jarrett covers Taz ... The referee crawls over and counts the one ... two ... THREE!  Jeff Jarrett has retained his NGW United States Heavyweight Title over Taz but look at how much it took to do it!


WINNER: Jeff Jarrett in 15:08.

Rating: ***

(Jeff Jarrett retained the NGW United States Heavyweight Title.)


Main Event: Scott Steiner & William Regal v. Steve Austin & ??? - Steel Cage Match.  "I Am Hated" by SlipKnot blasted over the speakers as the NGW World Champion, 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner headed out to the ring first along with Midajah.  "British Doom" by Jim Johnston sounded over the speakers as his partner in crime, William Regal made his way out and into the steel cage.  Then, "Hell Yeah" by Disturbed blasted over the speakers as 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin headed out of the entrance and went right into the ring and started hammering on Steiner.  Regal jumped Austin from behind.  Midajah nailed the outside referee with a low blow then grabbed the padlock from him and locked the cage!  Stone Cold is trapped inside the cage with Steiner and Regal.  Steiner and Regal took it to Austin for a few moments until the lights went out!  "Kong At The Gates" by The Misfits sounded over the speakers and after several moments the lights returned and standing inside the cage was ... VAMPIRO!  Vampiro is here in NGW!  Oh my god!  Scott Steiner and William Regal looked stunned then Vampiro went at both of them.  Austin got up and pounded on Steiner while Vampiro beat on Regal in the other corner.  Vampiro is Stone Cold's partner!  Austin and Vampiro looked at each other then whipped Steiner and Regal into each other.  The referee got some sort of order getting Steiner and Austin into their corners and settling this down into what its supposed to be, a tag team match inside a steel cage.  After the initial shock of Vampiro's arrival wore off, Scott Steiner and William Regal slowed the match down and did a magnificant job of wearing down either Austin or Vampiro in their corner, using the cage to their advantage.  Around the ten minute mark of the match, Steiner picked up Austin on his shoulder and rammed Austin's head into the cage busting him wide open.  Austin fought his hardest for the rest of the match but was losing a lot of blood which took a lot out of him.  Vampiro kept Steiner and Regal on their toes with his high impact offense added to the fact that Steiner no Regal had prepared for Vampiro.  Austin and Vampiro worked okay as a team but had nowhere near the continuity of Steiner and Regal.  The closing moments of the match would see a bloody Stone Cold trading punches with Big Poppa Pump.  Steiner sent Austin into the ropes and went for a Steinerline but Austin ducked, kicked Steiner and went for a Stunner!  Steiner ducks and shoves Austin face first into the cage and plants him with a full nelson bomb!  Steiner rolls Austin over and traps him in the Steiner Recliner!  Austin can't hold out much longer in this hold!  Vampiro came in with a thrust kick to Steiner, scooped up the World Champion and VAMPIRO SPIKE!  William Regal is in, he goes into his tights for the brass knucks.  Vampiro kicks Regal and pulls the knucks off his hand and throws them out of the ring!  However, Regal catches Vampiro with the British Neckbreaker!  Austin is up and starts hammering on Regal ... WAIT A MINUTE!  ROB VAN DAM JUST JUMPED OVER THE GUARDRAIL!  Van Dam's pulls off his shirt showing his ribs are heavily taped, he's a mess.  Van Dam is climbing up the cage ... RVD's on top of the cage and OH MY GOD!  FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH from the top of the cage onto Steiner!  RVD is hurt and hurt bad!  Wait ... STUNNER on REGAL!  Austin covers Regal for the one ... two ... THREE!  Steve Austin and Vampiro have won this Steel Cage match and Rob Van Dam practically killed himself to get some retribution against Scott Steiner!


WINNERS: Steve Austin & Vampiro in 24:18.

Rating: ***


  Afterwards, the cage was opened and EMTs went to attend to Van Dam, who must've re-injured those ribs with that Five Star Frog Splash off the top of the cage.  Steve Austin got a few beers then climbed to the top of the cage and downed them as the show ended...